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What Bush said

Rex Kickass

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Bush claimed 100,000 Iraqi security forces trained at the debate.

Last Monday, the Pentagon said that only 53,000 of these 100,000 had received any training. Only 8,169 have received full training.


Bush told Kerry that diplomacy would not have persuaded Saddam to disarm.

No stockpiles of forbidden weapons have been found in Iraq.


Bush said last night that 10 million Afghanistani voters are registered. Most sources agree that there aren't even 10 million eligible voters in Afghanistan.


Bush claimed that direct negotiations with North Korea would drive China away from playing a role in the talks. China has asked the US to talk to North Korea directly in repeated instances.


Bush claims that the "A.Q. Khan Network" was brought to justice. Khan has admitted to providing nuclear technology and advice to rogue states. Khan has been pardoned by our ally in Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf and not a single person in the "network" has been prosecuted.


Bush said he increased spending on Nuclear Proliferation by 35 percent. In Bush's first budget, Bush proposed a 13% cut in Nuclear Proliferation.


Finally, George Bush, our Commander in Chief, on the hard work of fighting for our country.

I see on the TV screens how hard it is.

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I'm waiting for another country to give us $1 to rebuild a school in Kentucky or provide a peace keeping force in Chicago so an elderly lady can take a walk in her neighborhood.


How popular would this war and rebuilding be if we all received a bill for $1000 to help rebuild Iraq? All that oil money and they need our tax dollars to rebuild their infrastructure? What a beautiful deel we send in a $250,000 bomb to destroy and building, using a $15,000,000 airplane. Then we pay to rebuild the building.

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Let's just cancel the election now then. :rolly


If Bush loses PA, OH and FL - he's done. If he loses two of the three, it's very difficult for him to win.


You're right, I'm biased. I hold the President of the United States up to a higher standard. I didn't realize that was a bad thing. So Kerry said that we were spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a project that we've only spent 35 million dollars on. We've only set aside 500 million dollars for the project so I guess that makes him a liar. The degree to which the President has bent the truth in the debate exceeds that of his opponent.

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You are such a class individual.

And you should be prohibited from ever speaking on politics due to your uninformed and completely ignorant nature.


Don't even try to insult me because I hold some amount of intelligence when it comes to politics. A blind and deaf man could have seen that Bush was handily defeated during the first debate, but since you're so keen on wearing your Republican blinders, you're too dumb to realize such.


Keep being spoonfed, aboz, it suits you quite well.

Edited by Cerbaho-WG
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This was more a test of how well either candidate could memorize a long list of facts and recite them later. I doubt when Bush has to make a decision everyone around him tells him to do his own research or hey I told you that six months ago, do I have to repeat myself all the time?


Aboz correct. Bush is done, he should tell him supporters to stay home and not even be bothered to vote.

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And you should be prohibited from ever speaking on politics due to your uninformed and completely ignorant nature.


Don't even try to insult me because I hold some amount of intelligence when it comes to politics. A blind and deaf man could have seen that Bush was handily defeated during the first debate, but since you're so keen on wearing your Republican blinders, you're too dumb to realize such.


Keep being spoonfed, aboz, it suits you quite well.

You're hilarious, you're going to try and talk to a political science grad about politics. Just because I don't support the French looking John Kerry, don't take it personal, bud. If you'd like a political debate, name the time and place.


The funny thing is that nothing was said to you specifically about anything in this thread, yet you turn it into a personal attack against me. Instead of publicly embarassing you, I'll take the high road and not respond to your comments. In fact, they don't deserve a breath.

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And you should be prohibited from ever speaking on politics due to your uninformed and completely ignorant nature.


Don't even try to insult me because I hold some amount of intelligence when it comes to politics. A blind and deaf man could have seen that Bush was handily defeated during the first debate, but since you're so keen on wearing your Republican blinders, you're too dumb to realize such.


Keep being spoonfed, aboz, it suits you quite well.

This is exactly what we are trying to prevent from going on. We don't want to see people personally attacked for their beliefs. I am suspended cerb for a little while.

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I was watching a show last night on Presidential Debates. Very interesting how they have evolved. One of the clips was interesting. It showed George W. Bush talking about humility in foreign policy and in his administration they would not be in the business of regime making.


Wow, 9/11 sure changed that.

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Personally, I think 9/11 accelerated that. The Pentagon was drafting up Iraq war/occupation plans in March of 2001. Bush didn't exactly have a humble foreign policy before 9/11. He walked away from the honest broker role in the Israel/Palestine situation, he made a difficult situation more so in North Korea, and started calling for the creation of a Ballistic missile shield. That's not humility. Hubris might be closer to the right word, actually.

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