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Who influences your choice?


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I would say usually the candidates influence my decision. :) Sorry, snarky comment.

Even that is interesting, for many people it's more what someone says about the candidate.


Nice to see you logging in, how's school? Get settled in ok?

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Yeah, school is going well. It's a lot more work than I was anticipating. 16 credit hours of class, two research projects running and teaching a few lab sections. Blech. But the people are pretty nice. Been here for over 2 months now. Crazy. Thanks for asking Tex. I hope you are doing well also.


As per the question, yeah, for me it's usually the stance of people on issues and also how willing they are to engage in a real discussion with their opponents without degrading to childishness. Needless to say I am less than thrilled with the presidential choices. :)

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Who influences your voting? Not what, but who.


Parents, children, uncles, celebrities, talk show hosts, friends, relatives?

I'm the most fiercely independent person that you'd ever want or maybe not want to know. I've paid a heavy price in my career, my bank account and my health. I'm a voracious reader and I've had a number of jobs that put me in contact with the whole gamut of people. I make up my own damn mind. Always have and always will.

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I make up my old mind also, but enjoy listening to a wide range of point of views. One of my current favorites is the past county Republican Chairperson for Hidalgo County. Excellent, no hyperbole, insights.

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I'm like most people here, I make my own decisions based on issues and candidates stance and what not. I also admit that party does have an affect especially when I don't know a lot about the candidate's stance, but I usually try to find as much information as possible. I admit that my party choice is partly influenced by family (parents, brothers, cousins, uncles, aunts...I have a huge family so I've had a lot of people influencing me). So indirectly some of my choices are influenced by family. However now that I'm so political, the tables have turned, and I actually influence a lot of people. Especially my friends who are not very political but know that they better vote or else I'll be after them. :)


Speaking of which, I hope all students away at school apply for an absentee ballot!! If you need help figuring out how to do this, you can ask me and I'll point you in the right direction!

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Nobody.  Outside influences only serve to re-inforce or question my own personal opinions.

Doesn't your work culture also contribute?


How many liberals are in your unit? How many stay liberals more than a few months? It doesn't take long for most servicemen to vote GOP. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just pointing out industry leanings.

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Doesn't your work culture also contribute?


How many liberals are in your unit? How many stay liberals more than a few months? It doesn't take long for most servicemen to vote GOP. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just pointing out industry leanings.

Its certainly an influence but I was always a Republican.

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Its certainly an influence but I was always a Republican.

I wonder which happens first. Mostly conservatives are attracted to the military or flip flop once they get there. Based on the racial mix, my guess is they switch once they enlist. I'm certain some of it is self interest. Higher wages, cooler weapons, better support.

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I wonder which happens first. Mostly conservatives are attracted to the military or flip flop once they get there. Based on the racial mix, my guess is they switch once they enlist. I'm certain some of it is self interest. Higher wages, cooler weapons, better support.

Republicans generally are more favorable towards the military so I can see why the troops tend to gravitate toward their side.

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Republicans generally are more favorable towards the military so I can see why the troops tend to gravitate toward their side.

And the left get's hollywood ;)


I was talking to my friend who is the ex-County Chairman of the Republican party and I had to admit there are more embarassing members of the Dem Party then the GOP. I crinch at some of the far left as much as I crinch at the far right.

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And the left get's hollywood  ;)


I was talking to my friend who is the ex-County Chairman of the Republican party and I had to admit there are more embarassing members of the Dem Party then the GOP. I crinch at some of the far left as much as I crinch at the far right.

There are dangerous people on the fringes of both sides. Some of the stuff from the most extreme right wing scares me just as much as anything on the radical left.

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There are dangerous people on the fringes of both sides.  Some of the stuff from the most extreme right wing scares me just as much as anything on the radical left.

And they are the most fun to point a camera at. Some wacko with ideas from outer space makes funny tv.

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Wanting to get a sick, ego maniacly, power hungry murderer out of office.

I want Colin Powell or John McCain to be president so bad...

You know I don't think this is a particularly good or effective President in office now, but I will never I should say NEVER understand the pathological and rather mindless hatred directed by many to George W Bush. I really think that some would vote for Osama Bin Laden before they would Bush, and prostate themselves in honor and devotion to him in the process. It's mindless, it's sickening and it serves no purpose. You don't like the President you've got Kerry, Nader, Badnarik, Peroutka and others to chose from. I don't believe there is any such thing as a wasted vote. Bush is not the anti Christ. If Kerry gets in, Koffi Annan won't be sleeping in the White House. Before I get old and die I would hope to see sanity, dignity and intelligence restored in the political arena.


If anyone cares the best book on American political science I've ever read is Why Americans Hate Politics by the liberal pundit EJ Dionne. I'm not a liberal and can no longer read most of Dionnes columns but his book far surpasses anything I've ever read on politics in America. Of special interest is the history, and his especially good portrayal of modern American Conservatism. Most people hardly begin to understand the many fractures and fissures within the Conservative movement. If folks would read more substantive material, then there would be less and less of these scurillous charges and counter charges that typifies the political climate today.

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You know I don't think this is a particularly good or effective President in office now, but I will never I should say NEVER understand the pathological and rather mindless hatred directed by many to George W Bush. I really think that some would vote for Osama Bin Laden before they would Bush, and prostate themselves in honor and devotion to him in the process. It's mindless, it's sickening and it serves no purpose. You don't like the President you've got Kerry, Nader, Badnarik, Peroutka and others to chose from. I don't believe there is any such thing as a wasted vote. Bush is not the anti Christ. If Kerry gets in, Koffi Annan won't be sleeping in the White House. Before I get old and die I would hope to see sanity, dignity and intelligence restored in the political arena.


If anyone cares the best book on American political science I've ever read is Why Americans Hate Politics by the liberal pundit EJ Dionne.  I'm not a liberal and can no longer read most of Dionnes columns but his book far surpasses anything I've ever read on politics in America. Of special interest is the history, and his especially good portrayal of modern American Conservatism. Most people hardly begin to understand the many fractures and fissures within the Conservative movement. If folks would read more substantive material, then there would be less and less of these scurillous charges and counter charges that typifies the political climate today.

Excellent points. I blame much of this on the Pepsi vs. Coke campaigning that both parties have resorted to. America is not as divided as the parties make it out to be. IN fact, like a bell curve, most American's overlap in their political beliefs. However our parties have turned it into a divide in some people's minds. Kind of like hard core baseball fans are divided in Chicago between the two teams. We have far more in common with Cub fans than in say NASCAR fans who do not like baseball.

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