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BBC /sky reporter is a joke


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anyone else watch the battle at umm qasr on live tv (thanks to sky tv out of britian)last night??..the british reporting is a joke...this reporter is saying about 120 republican gaurd soldiers have the US marines "pinned down"..that they are going to need a "whole battalion" to ovetake this position..


this is the hilarious part...marines are in a position of cover along side a road while two tanks are surveying the area to give a report back and take out any enemy positions...these marines are not under fire..they are drinking water and eating mre's..a marine lt. and sgt are walking right by the camera in the middle of the road...the reporter who is reporting they are pinned down is sitting on top of a small wall with his legs crossed while drinking a perrier...if they were "pinned down" by opposing forces this guy would be s***ting in his pants..


today on bbc tv..they are still reporting that the marines faced heavy resistence at umm qasr..the iraqis put up a great fight (that part i agree with) and the american marines there learned this will be no cakewalk..if i didnt see the battle for myself i would have thought from that description it was a huge fire fight...did they have the iraqi propaganda machine write that for them???btw..this "fierce battle" finally ended when we called in an air strike...game over


the facts on this (from my eyes..guess you can take that for what its worth too:)) was this was a small pocket of resistance that was lying low when we secured the city..because we moved so fast towards baghdad there is no way we can secure any of these southern towns 100%..its good military strategy by iraq to let the US go through then try and mess up our supply lines and fight us from the rear..because no way can they take us on from the front...


but WE had the 120 iraqis or so pinned down..they were using small arms to fire on a tank..thats suicide...all of this unit was either captured or killed...no casualties to coalition forces...


to be fair..those iraqi soldiers fought bravely..they were willing to take on american tanks with small arms and put up enough resistence to force an air strike...but never once did the US marines even remotely come close to losing control of the situation..we could have ended that threat immedialtely with an air strike but we tried to convince them to surrender first...after 4 hours did we only then call in for an air strike...i cant confirm this but the building where they were located were encircled by american tanks doing recon before they pulled out for the airstrike..im hoping they reported back that they didnt see any civilians in the area before the air attack...atleast thats what it looked like..recon and surpress any small arms fire...


if the BBC thinks thats strong resisentence i would hate to see what they would call a real fire fight....it will get alot worse as we head to baghdad...unless we can convince these republican gaurd units to surrender....love to see the spin when we get to baghdad

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yeah they were bad. but as the general said a real knowledgeable reporter would know what to say

i guess that comes from having to talk over the war for 4 straight hours ..after awhile you just run out of things to say i guess...but the bbc had about 10 hours to review the tape and write their story..and they still talked about the marines being pinned down and in a fierce firefight..


i guess if you call small arms versus a tank fierce???

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yeah they were bad. but as the general said a real knowledgeable reporter would know what to say

i guess that comes from having to talk over the war for 4 straight hours ..after awhile you just run out of things to say i guess...but the bbc had about 10 hours to review the tape and write their story..and they still talked about the marines being pinned down and in a fierce firefight..


i guess if you call small arms versus a tank fierce???

Maybe fierce in the Iraqis eyes, but it sure aint too fierce in our Marines eyes... :lol:

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