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Lifestyle of Nuke_Cleveland


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Nuke, I am trying to form a mental picture of where you are posting from, time zone difference, what's going on around you. So what's the situation for Nuke?

Time now is 12:25 AM Monday Morning 14 hours ahead of CST but I keep my laptop clock on Central time so when I want to call or Instant message people I know when to find them.



Location: Army installation in the Seoul suburb of Uijeongbu S. Korea



Time till I'm done here and get re-assigned: 59 days and counting.



S. Korea. A land that where built up urban areas never seem to end. Chalk that up to this being just another overcrowded Asian country. The climate here is almost identical to that of Chicago save for the fact that it rains for about a month straight in the summer during monsoon season. I never picked up a lick of Korean and dont really care to either.


We spend a lot of time here out doing training and when we're back here there's nothing to do but drink in s***ty "lets overcharge the s*** out of these soldiers for watered down drinks" bars where waitresses from the Phillipenes, Russia and S. Korea try desperately to sucker some soldier into marrying her so she can get a free trip to America ( sadly some dumbass guys fall for it ).


What do I do? I wont go near any of those seedy man-trap bars, thats for sure. I read, a lot, and play xbox with some of the other guys here & spend entire weekends watching movies sometimes. I cant wait to get out of here. Funniest thing is that all the other guys I know that were in Iraq would rather be there than here. At least there we had a real mission to accomplish and our commanders didnt fill us up with stupid, anally retentive rules to follow.



That's about it in a nutshell.

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Last I heard he was in North Korea.

Missed it by one country. Remember we like

South Vietnam

South Korea

South Side

Easy formula for a Sox fan to remember.


Nuke, living on base? Private room? Community computer or your own? Always taking meals in the mess hall? I guess I'm asking is this more like M*A*S*H or the guys I know stationed stateside?

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Missed it by one country. Remember we like

South Vietnam

South Korea

South Side

Easy formula for a Sox fan to remember.


Nuke, living on base? Private room? Community computer or your own? Always taking meals in the mess hall? I guess I'm asking is this more like M*A*S*H or the guys I know stationed stateside?

My building is almost exactly like a college dorm. I live with another Sergeant in a pretty reasonably sized room. There's a large laundry room downstairs, & 3 other TV rooms although I have my own TV that gets like 5 english speaking channels Including Fox News ( YES!! ) ( I could get more but I dont want to pay for it ). I brought my own laptop and pay 40 bucks a month to some contractor here ( No its not a subsidiary of Halliburton :lol: ) for cable internet.


I live on the base here, I could eat in the mess hall for nothing but it sucks so most of the time I either buy my own stuff ( theres a grocery store here ), eat at the food court ( popeyes chicken, a pizza place and a sub sandwich place ) or go to the Generals Mess which is a really kick ass restaurant that Id stack up against at least half the restaruants in Chicago and only costs 2 & a quarter a meal. What they serve depends on what day it is, a specialty thing.


This is a sharp contrast to life on a stateside base. For a sergeant like me I would get money to rent my own apartment & buy my own food. Amounts vary and its based on your zip code.

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What do the married guys do? Any bring their American wives? How about the guys who  bought locally?

Nearly all married soldiers dont get to bring their wives over here. Its that whole "we're technically still at war" thing. People who are dumb enough to marry a local move off post into their own apartment and live with their better half. It sucks for the married guys though cause thats a whole year away from their wife unless they take vacation time while they're here.

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Nearly all married soldiers dont get to bring their wives over here.  Its that whole "we're technically still at war" thing.  People who are dumb enough to marry a local move off post into their own apartment and live with their better half.  It sucks for the married guys though cause thats a whole year away from their wife unless they take vacation time while they're here.

Does the military make any allowances for married guys and where they are stationed? At what point do you have even a little control over where you are stationed? By rank, by seniority, never?

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Does the military make any allowances for married guys and where they are stationed? At what point do you have even a little control over where you are stationed? By rank, by seniority, never?

You do get a little say in where you go but its based on where the Army needs people in your job and rank. The best thing to do is to get a hold of your branch manager and talk to him and see whats available otherwise they just pick for you.

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You do get a little say in where you go but its based on where the Army needs people in your job and rank.  The best thing to do is to get a hold of your branch manager and talk to him and see whats available otherwise they just pick for you.

I have a few of my Scouts who are seriously considering military careers. They are in ROTC, studying to get into one of the academies, building as strong of a resume as they can. And a few who are figuring to just enlist and go that route. So they are not as interested in school, besides just passing. I explain that even enlisting could get to be competitive and the Army doesn't want a screwed up kid with bad grades who doesn't know the value of work and education.


It helps me to guide them when I know a little more about real world issues. The recruiters have gotten much much better sinice my days in the 70s when they could lie and mislead without much reprisal. They were also under more pressure to get kids.


I am just glad that they view it as an honorable career that has presitge. Again, far different than in the immediate post war 70s.

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I have a few of my Scouts who are seriously considering military careers. They are in ROTC, studying to get into one of the academies, building as strong of a resume as they can. And a few who are figuring to just enlist and go that route. So they are not as interested in school, besides just passing. I explain that even enlisting could get to be competitive and the Army doesn't want a screwed up kid with bad grades who doesn't know the value of work and education.


It helps me to guide them when I know a little more about real world issues. The recruiters have gotten much much better sinice my days in the 70s when they could lie and mislead without much reprisal. They were also under more pressure to get kids.


I am just glad that they view it as an honorable career that has presitge. Again, far different than in the immediate post war 70s.

I go back an fourth about doing ROTC in college. It could help pay for a lot of my tuition, but I really have no desire for a military career.

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