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Daley wants to decriminalize pot


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CHICAGO -- Mayor Richard Daley, a former prosecutor, runs the nation's third-largest city with a pragmatic, law-and-order style.


He wears his hair short, and you'll never catch him in a Grateful Dead T-shirt. So when he starts complaining about the colossal waste of time and money involved in prosecuting small-time marijuana cases, people take notice.


"This is absolutely a big deal," said Andy Ko, director of the Drug Policy Reform Project for the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington state. "You've got a mayor in a major American city ... coming out in favor of a smart and fair and just drug policy."


What Daley did was to say late last month that a police sergeant was on to something when he suggested that it might be better to impose fines between $250 and $1,000 for possession of small amounts of marijuana rather than prosecute the cases.

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1. It is revenue for the state.


2. Non-violent drug offenders with a personal amount are harming nobody. I fail to see how putting them in prison for drug offenses helps to cure them from wanting to do drugs -- if anything it makes them do more drugs.


3. It frees up space in prisons. Due to mandatory minimum sentencing laws, non-violent drug offenders are forced to stay their entire sentences while prisons all over are being forced to parole violent offenders (rape, murder, robbery etc).


4. It frees up police resources. Instead of going after people with personal amounts (In 2002: out of the 697,082 drug arrests for marijuana...613,986 were for simple possession) http://www.drugwarfacts.com/marijuan.htm Police can focus on violent criminals and not waste their time with a person who wants to laugh a lot and eat some snacks.


5. Taxpayers annually spend between $7.5 billion and $10 billion arresting and prosecuting individuals for marijuana violations. Almost 90 percent of these arrests are for marijuana possession only.


6. In 1977, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter: "Penalties against drug use should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against the possession of marijuana in private for personal use."


7. There is no evidence that any prohibition laws actually cuts the amount of people smoking marijuana and there is no evidence that decriminalization leads to greater consumption of marijuana in areas where it is decriminalized (see studies done from the 1980s all the way up to 2000)


Good to see that Mayor Daley is thinking good and doing this finally. :headbang

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It does make more sense to only fine those who have small amounts. It costs way to much to prosecute these individuals. It should just be like a drinking ticket in college. although the fine should be atleast $1,000.

The fine should be at least $1000...wow. What the hell are you talking about?


Look at your avatar...you have all of these beer decorations everywhere. How many people does alcohol kill or seriously injure ever year in one way or another? I suppose that it's less harmful than weed, yeah?


I'm glad that I didn't grow up around people like you...sheesh.

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The fine should be at least $1000...wow.  What the hell are you talking about?


Look at your avatar...you have all of these beer decorations everywhere.  How many people does alcohol kill or seriously injure ever year in one way or another?  I suppose that it's less harmful than weed, yeah?


I'm glad that I didn't grow up around people like you...sheesh.

Beer dosen't kill people, people kill people. What i am mearly trying to say is that the cost of prosecuting someone for small possesion is not worth it.


As to your personal attack on me, I have never smoked weed nor done any drug other than alcohol. I have a 3.5 at illinois state, i'm on the schools mock trial team, and i am known as the kid who will always be there if your in need. So when you say that you're happy you didn't grow up with people like me, it makes me feel good i did't grow up with people like you, who would make a judgement on a person based on a few lines in a post.


If you don't agree with me thats fine, just lay off the personal crap

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Beer dosen't kill people, people kill people.

I dont know about that, Beer kills people in Drunk Driving Accidents and can cause liver disease which can kill you, You could also die from Alchohol Poisoning...


I dont smoke pot either and I dont remember much about what it does to you but im sure it does something to shorten your life..

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Beer dosen't kill people, people kill people. What i am mearly trying to say is that the cost of prosecuting someone for small possesion is not worth it.


As to your personal attack on me, I have never smoked weed nor done any drug other than alcohol. I have a 3.5 at illinois state, i'm on the schools mock trial team, and i am known as the kid who will always be there if your in need. So when you say that you're happy you didn't grow up with people like me, it makes me feel good i did't grow up with people like you, who would make a judgement on a person based on a few lines in a post.


If you don't agree with me thats fine, just lay off the personal crap

So, you think that alcohol is less dangerous than weed?


That is the point here, and you chose to avoid that question.


And why did you avoid it?


You avatar with all the beer decorations and your "minimum $1000 fine for weed possession" comment is a red flag for me...you got issues, bro.

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So, you think that alcohol is less dangerous than weed?


That is the point here, and you chose to avoid that question.


And why did you avoid it? 


You avatar with all the beer decorations and your "minimum $1000 fine for weed possession" comment is a red flag for me...you got issues, bro.

No beer in the wrong hands is clearly more dangerous than weed. I'd never dispute that.


But we need a punishment for weed that does not crowd our legal system.


so let me get at what you're trying to say. Do you think we should just continue to throw people in jail for minor possession? And where in our crowded jail system do you think we will have a place for these people.



And could you please explain my problems to me, cause i got no clue what you're talking about, but since you know more about me than i do, please enlighten me.

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No beer in the wrong hands is clearly more dangerous than weed. I'd never dispute that.


But we need a punishment for weed that does not crowd our legal system.


so let me get at what you're trying to say. Do you think we should just continue to throw people in jail for minor possession? And where in our crowded jail system do you think we will have a place for these people.



And could you please explain my problems to me, cause i got no clue what you're talking about, but since you know more about me than i do, please enlighten me.

All that I have on you is this argument, and if we were face to face right now in a social setting and you said some s*** like "minimum fine of $1000 for weed" while you sipped your beer, I would honeslty dismiss you as a moron and walk away. I'm just being honest. :huh


Marijuana is a pussy drug...you build up a tolerance for it almost immediately. After you smoke it a few times, you might catch a nice buzz, but it's nothing to write home about.


I agree that there should be a fine seeing as though it is illegal. For a nickel bag, it should be maybe $25. For a dime bag, maybe $30 to $40. For 1/8 ounce, maybe $75. These are reasonable fines.


And besides, who would that $1000 fine hurt the most? You got it -- those "annoying" poor folks. That's who you want to fine, eh?

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I think a better solution is to legalize, tax, and regulate. The whole gateway drug thing comes from the availability. Instead of going to your local liquor store for pot, you go to your local dealer. The liquor store owner has nothing but legal products and no access to harder drugs. Take away access to harder drugs and the gateway effect disappears.

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I think a better solution is to legalize, tax, and regulate. The whole gateway drug thing comes from the availability. Instead of going to your local liquor store for pot, you go to your local dealer. The liquor store owner has nothing but legal products and no access to harder drugs. Take away access to harder drugs and the gateway effect disappears.

I don't agree with your idea, but it is decent.


My question is how would you regulate the weed that is sold. You would have to extablish regulations, Their would have to be farms built and regulated.


What are your thoughts on this?

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So, you think that alcohol is less dangerous than weed?


That is the point here, and you chose to avoid that question.


And why did you avoid it? 


You avatar with all the beer decorations and your "minimum $1000 fine for weed possession" comment is a red flag for me...you got issues, bro.

Alcohol is way more dangerous than weed. So are cigarettes!

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I don't agree with your idea, but it is decent.


My question is how would you regulate the weed that is sold. You would have to extablish regulations, Their would have to be farms built and regulated.


What are your thoughts on this?

That's the thing, though. Even an online search would provide you with precise directions on how to grow semi-potent weed. Anyone can do it. I don't know if you can regulate the sale of it.

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That's the thing, though.  Even an online search would provide you with precise directions on how to grow semi-potent weed.  Anyone can do it.  I don't know if you can regulate the sale of it.

An on-line search can also get you the directions to building a nuclear bomb... Doesn't mean we shouldn't not regulate them.

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An on-line search can also get you the directions to building a nuclear bomb... Doesn't mean we shouldn't not regulate them.

Yeah, but you know what I'm saying. If marijuana were legalized, everyone and their mother would be growing it in their basements, garages, and cubby holes. One plant could supply an ounce or two...that could last you three months or even more.


And look what they have done with cigarettes...$5.85 for a pack at Cook County gas stations? I don't even want to know what they're going for in New York City -- probably damn near $7 per pack by now. They would absolutely tax the s*** out of weed.

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