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Woman's Obit Endorses Candidate


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Woman's obituary endorses Kerry


Associated Press

Oct. 1, 2004 03:40 PM


MADISON, Wis. - At first, it reads like a typical obituary -- "she was a mother, homemaker and grandmother."


But then, a Wisconsin newspaper tribute takes a turn and urges people to vote for John Kerry.


Jane Buffett's husband says that's exactly how she would have wanted it. The 64-year-old woman died this past Saturday of a form of bone cancer.




The obituary that ran Monday does include a remembrance of Buffett's life. But at the end, it says she was outraged by President Bush's policies. The tribute ends by asking people in the swing state to honor her wishes by voting for John Kerry.


Already, people are reacting in anger. One anonymous caller told the woman's husband that he hopes Bush wins and that Buffett burns in Hell.


Her husband says he's not surprised by that kind of venom. But, he says, since his wife no longer can vote he was determined to make sure her voice was heard.

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I think that's kind of tacky. I have some experience with the funeral industry and that's something that isn't normally done. In a story about the deceased, but not in the obit. However, I DO understand that widower's last comment about her voice still being heard.

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