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Middle East Ideas for Doub

Mr. Showtime

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Originally posted by doubleM23
Originally posted by bjmarte
Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

which brings us back to what happened in the 9/11 attacks..... because of their( the arab) STUPID f***ED UP BELIEFS the arab nation took a stand against us headed by their leader in terrorism bin laden.....bj we should have knocked off all the germans who burned up the jews and we should have blown the s*** out of japan, more so than just hiroshima....when you dont stand up and defend yourself from the bullies of the world then it makes them think its ok for them to continue to do the things they do......pick up a f***in gun, stand a post in saudi or somewhere there abouts, and then come back here and tell me that you still believe we shouldnt take these f***ing assholes out .............if you havent lived it then you wont completely understand it........bj go on and call me hitler....if it makes you feel better....but the true hitler re born is in the arab blood and its gunning for us.......i would rather stomp it out before it gets me, than live in a fantasy world thinking everyone sings love songs and wears flowers in their hair... if you get my drift.......


I catch your drift and I don't completely disagree with you. I'm not under any illusions about how much the arab world loves us. And I'm not one who normally takes a moderate stance on issues but in this case I fall somewhere between you and doub. Big target, go figure.


Who doesn't fall in between my stance and HSC's? I think the only two stances left are rewarding the Arab nation and just obliterating the whole world.


Well, I'm not going to go out their and say that hitler is boiling in th arabs blood. Most Arabs are peaceful and Islam is a peaceful religion. Sure it has its flaws, but so does every religion I know of. Of course the biggest flaw is they use it as to how they run the government and things like that don't work.


My flaws with the middle east say go after those with weapons. Snipe Sadaam, pull intelligence and make attacks on those bases using Rangers and such. Make these quick attacks, where we blow everything to smitherines. Our intell has to be key in this working of course, but to me this could be the best way to handle the situation.


Sure, bring in a bigger army to protect everyone involved on the US end, but also lets not go out their killing civilians. I know it isn't US goal to kill them, but lets try our best not to. Lets get the bad guys, take care of them, and well, I hate saying this, but somehow figure out a way where they can start building a half way decent government.


OF course it will piss them off, but isn't the same thing we did with Japan. For Pete Sakes McCarthy wrote their constitution or whatever you want to call it and its worked for them.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Originally posted by Mr. Showtime

Jason, they'll use the civilans as shields. You'll most likely see fighting in the streets, house to house type stuff if the Iraqi army doesn't turn on Hussien.


not only that but when we do retailiate and snipe saddam or bin laden then all of those supposed innocent people over there will turn their backs on us faster than youll be able to see and it will all of the sudden be oh those americans came in here and blew apart our religious leaders.......

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Neither Bin Laden or Saddam are religious leaders to them, and neither of them are well liked.


Not religious leaders..... agreed. Not well liked? Not too sure about that one Chisoxfn. Not sure of the actual numbers, but toomany Arabs see, especially Bin Laden, as some sort of patriot.


And while we sit here debating this, a car bomb has killed, I think I heard 200+ in Bali. But blowing them to smithereens before they do the same to us isn't an option. Right doublem? :mad:

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Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Neither Bin Laden or Saddam are religious leaders to them, and neither of them are well liked.

But blowing them to smithereens before they do the same to us isn't an option.


It is, but there are better.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yeah we can send you over to talk them to death......that would work just as good as a bomb but slower.....makes for less mess for us to clean up afterwords too....:o

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Originally posted by doubleM23
Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Neither Bin Laden or Saddam are religious leaders to them, and neither of them are well liked.

But blowing them to smithereens before they do the same to us isn't an option.


Well, I Think killing them is just fine, its just I don't think we should go into a full scale war. Right now the middle east is in terrible shape and its been that way a long time.


If you think a war is going to fix it that everyone must not be paying attention to whats been going on in many of these areas for centuries. These areas have been hot spots for ages and I think what that area needs is some new age ideas, instead of simply going to war.


Before we do anything I want them to have a complete plan that we will use and use it effectively and efficiently and right now I think we want to take everything out, but then what. I want everyone knowing what we will do after that in order to calm that area down.


Its not something that is going to come easy, but I think its something that could be done or is at least possible.


By the way, I never thought I'd even semi agree with Doublem considering I'm very conservative while he's very liberal.

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Originally posted by doubleM23
Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Neither Bin Laden or Saddam are religious leaders to them, and neither of them are well liked.

But blowing them to smithereens before they do the same to us isn't an option.



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I think this sums up my opinion...




from TomPaine.com

Go ahead. Send me a new generation of recruits. Your bombs will fuel their hatred of America and their desire for revenge. Americans won’t be safe anywhere. Please, attack Iraq. Distract yourself from fighting Al Qaeda. Divide the international community. Go ahead. Destabilize the region. Maybe Pakistan will fall -- we want its nuclear weapons. Give Saddam a reason to strike first. He might draw Israel into a fight. Perfect! So please -- invade Iraq. Make my day.

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There's lots I wanted to say here, but who wants to read an essay. MM should feel more comfortable at WSI where liberals pretty much have the run of things at the Parking Lot Forum with only occasionally counterpoint mainly from me. People should give more weight to HSC if for no other reason than she was there and went face to face with our "friends" in that part of the world. The fact is the West is on a collision course with the Islamic world. They want to turn the world into a 14th Century paradise and I don't know about the rest of you, but even though I'm "older" I ain't going along for that ride. If you are a woman, then God really help you, they really do treat their women like crap. I never understood why the Women's libbers who reside on the far left in America were not up in arms agains Osama, Hussein and co. Anyway the West and Islam are on a collision course and there is nothing to be done except to fight and win because losing this one would make the worst nightmare in the history of the world come true. "The Dark Ages" would be mild compared to what these folks have in store for me and you.

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Originally posted by CubKilla

I was going for comic relief HSC :D. Notice he doesn't have any answers..... and he's been online today. Ultra-liberals disgust me as much as ultra-conservatives. Ask him something about Iraq, and he responds with Bush and drug money. At least we know what we're dealing with HSC  :D

I'm with you on the comment about ultra liberals and ultra conservatives. The thing is most liberals place all of us who oppose them in the same "trick bag" ( how's that for dated 60's language?) and they will never debate you honestly and fairly, always resorting to name calling and stereotyping. And folks like me are supposed to be bigoted. Anyway if MM and friends win the debate prepare to learn Arabic and grow a beard. If you are a woman then prepare to disappear. MM and many of his friends are in college and eveyone knows that college students are the smartest people in the world. I suggest you get a history book and look up Neville Chamberlain, because you guys make Neville Chamberlain look like Ghengis Khan.
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Originally posted by doubleM23

I think this sums up my opinion...




from TomPaine.com

Go ahead. Send me a new generation of recruits. Your bombs will fuel their hatred of America and their desire for revenge. Americans won’t be safe anywhere. Please, attack Iraq. Distract yourself from fighting Al Qaeda. Divide the international community. Go ahead. Destabilize the region. Maybe Pakistan will fall -- we want its nuclear weapons. Give Saddam a reason to strike first. He might draw Israel into a fight. Perfect! So please -- invade Iraq. Make my day.


So when does the bus leave for Canada? :mad:

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Guest hotsoxchick1

hell with canada you think things will be better up there once the bin ladens and suddams take over our coutry.. hell even mexico wont be a far enough safe distance away.... im taking collections now for my sex change..(lol).. ive been part to how they treat their women over there.... hell i out ranked most of the saudi nationals we served with and they still showed (if for anything else my rank) no respect.......because i was a female....being in charge and making command decisions made my matters worse.....f*** EM ALL..... like rps says kill em all and let God sort em out.....there will be no distance safe enough to go if they win......so we have to stop them now..... im not willing to learn arabic nor am i going to bow down and kiss any mans ass......i will not subject my kids to the arabic way of life.. i carried a gun so they wouldnt have to ........and im more than willing to tote my m-16 once again if i have to........of course if the sex change goes well youll have to start calling me mike instead of michelle......:o:mad: :mad: :mad:

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I'm gonna play devil's advocate on this on to a certain extent. Let me first say that voting wize I am very much a liberal mostly because I am young, have a heart and am poor. However, with regards to the situations abroad if I were President of your country I would volunteer to play international cop. I would compile a list of people who would be given 90 days to "f*** off" ex. Saddam,Bin Ladden,President of Zimbabwe, former rulers of South Africa, Saudi Monarch/dictatorship.(forgive my ignorance I am pretty loaded right now, the real list would be well researched, everyone on this list would be neuron shocked at the end of their "f*** off period" There would be democratic elections in the following places next week...or else. Now since I am inspired by the Rye's liquid courage tonight allow me to piss some more people off. The problem I have with God in most places is that they have created God in their own image. So do the Islamic idiots of the world and most Americans who see God as an American. It makes me weary when the football player thanks God for his victory and the Boxer concededs that God willed him to win a 12 round decision. Why didn't the DB intercept of the Boxer win by K.O. God didn't want to. Osama represtents God to people as doing what he does which is horses*** in my opinion. Sorry if I don't make any sence but, I'm loaded and bitter after reading the other thread that skirted around religion I had some gasoline to pour.

For Freedom always,

Mathew the Alcoholic:****

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