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War profiteering?


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War and stocks


Who really cares? People are dying and someone instead decides to write about how it will affect our money? Thats sick. Pay some respect to the dead for heavens sake! Who cares about stocks at this time?

Wars make the economy boom. That's why now, the documents have been released that FDR and Co. decoded the Japanese code and pretty much knew Pearl Harbor was coming. That's why all the good ships were out of the harbor on 12/7/41. FDR sacrificed the lives at the harbor as an excuse to get us into war and out of the depression and he also didn't want to alert the Japanese that we had broken their code.


This is an "orgy of feel good violence" for the economists. It means more people are buying stocks and the such.

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Just sick. FDR could have avoided all those dead but instead he chose to let them die for money? Thats just sad. All war profiteering is sad and disgusting.


Theres an urban legend that goes something like this:


"Two women are sitting on a train talking about the war in the Pacific. One says to the other 'This war is great. My family is prospering and were all doing great'. Then a man of about 60 years walks over and slaps the speaker hard across the face. 'Thats for my son fighting valiantly on Iwo Jima' he says and walks away"...


Too bad its just an urban legend. People who care more about money at a time like this deserve a good smack!

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Just sick. FDR  could have avoided all those dead but instead he chose to let them die for money? Thats just sad. All war profiteering is sad and disgusting.


Theres an urban legend that goes something like this:


"Two women are sitting on a train talking about the war in the Pacific. One says to the other 'This war is great. My family is prospering and were all doing great'. Then a man of about 60 years walks over and slaps the speaker hard across the face. 'Thats for my son fighting valiantly on Iwo Jima' he says and walks away"...


Two bad its just an urbam legend. People who care more about money at a time like this deserve a good smack!

They deserve a good kick in the ass. Eisenhower warned us about the power of the military industrial complex and the U.S. defense department working together and how it could spell trouble. If only we could have listened.

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