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If you have one, one opportunity --


Eminem won the f***ing Oscar for best song! The f***ers wouldn't even let him perform and he won anyway!


And Adrian Brody won best oscar for the Pianist which means more people will see that movie that shows what happens when hate prevails -


Opportunity comes once a lifetime, yo! As weird as my f***ing family may be, we may be the only three generation family of Em fans - Son, he did it! Grandson, he did it! A world apart we can rejoice in spirit together - in sad times we have a happy moment -


When you have a dream - go for it, go for it, because it may never come again



:headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang Em! :headbang

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Eminem is one of the most original artists and I love him for that. And I love his beats that I can't help bob my head to. :headbang

Oh yeah!


And I'm seeing him in Detroit in July and going straight from the concert to the All Star things - it will be a glorious couple of days!

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If you have one, one opportunity --


Eminem won the f***ing Oscar for best song!  The f***ers wouldn't even let him perform and he won anyway!


And Adrian Brody won best oscar for the Pianist which means more people will see that movie that shows what happens when hate prevails -


Opportunity comes once a lifetime, yo!  As weird as my f***ing family may be, we may be the only three generation family of Em fans - Son, he did it!  Grandson, he did it!  A world apart we can rejoice in spirit together - in sad times we have a happy moment -


When you have a dream - go for it, go for it, because it may never come again



:headbang  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang  Em!  :headbang

i like his muz and think he is very talented. winning the oscar is a suprise, i just didn't think that the powers to be would be so daring.



btw i didn't understand your post. are you related to him or what>

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Guest hotsoxchick1

cw dont loose your sense of humor now ok.... i said it as a joke note the smileys and such ........ geez .........


ldf.. you knew who i meant im too lazy to spell out eminem.......lol............

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btw i didn't understand your post. are you related to him or what>

no,. not related - just everyone who knows me personally knows what a fan I am and "that's my man" is a phrase I use a lot -


and the one thing we have in common in the three generations of my family is Eminem - my Marine son is a huge fan and I know he'll be happy, his son my grandson is a huge fan because I am and his step father is a huge fan too - the one thing we all agree on and I know my Marine is going to smile when he hears the news about the Oscar win and he needs a smile right now - I could have posted that more cogently I guess but I was just excited -

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cw dont loose your sense of humor now ok

ok I won't -


I get so much s*** that sometimes I don't know when people are kidding -


it was wonderful that Barbra Steisand announced his win! She gasped when she opened the envelope at which moment I knew he won and I started celebrating -







Still can't believe he won, and I am also so thrilled for Adrian Brody's win in the Pianist - means more people will see that film, which they need to do -

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Guest hotsoxchick1
cw dont loose your sense of humor now ok.... i said it as a joke note the smileys and such ........ geez .........


ldf.. you knew who i meant im too lazy to spell out eminem.......lol............

yeah sure a likey story :D

hey ldf..... :fyou :bringit :lol:

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I was under the impression that Eminem chose not to go to the show because it was "not his scene" not because they wouldn't let him. I'm sure they would have let him in, I mean he probably would have been the person with the least amount of attention, with Micheal Moore's speech, and Roman Polanski winning best director :lol: There were a lot of upsets, especially in the best actor category, I wanted my man Jack Nicholson to win, About Schmidt was the f***ing s***! :headbang (hey that rhymed) He was just great in that movie. I'm really picky when it comes to the movie, and I get locked onto trivial things for not wanted to see them, for instance I'll never see the pianist because for the longest time in the previews for it they kept on mispronoucing it they were saying "The PEE-anist" instead of "The Peanist" see told you it was trivial :D

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The academy people told Em he couldn;t perform unles he "toned down" his performance. If you've even seen him perform Lose Yourself on tv, all it is a rapper walks outs, raps, and walks off. There was nothing to tone down. There are maybe 3 words in the song not suitable for network tv and tv is very good about blipping those and it is not as if the Oscars hadn't done that before.


Give that "tone down" stuff for something the needs no toning down, Eminem (who wrote "Say Goodbye to Hollywood") extened his vacation. He had a represnetative there who seemed in shock Em won -


if the Oscar folk had not tried to censor something that needs no censor and had not pandered to the antii rapper or anti Em bias, he would have been there. And it is the first time ever that I can remember that a nominee for best song was not performed. The fact that the Oscars have always presented something for a performance, whether the main musician was there or not, said something to me and made the win ever sweeter.

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m & m sucks........... :D   :lol:   :o

I don't give a s*** about any more bashing on Eminem - we can all knock each other's favorites but why? :huh:


In this ugly f***ing week it is my moment of happiness -

Ya know, people can bash eminem and people can bash hip hop. Go ahead, its your right. However, anyone who actually looks at things with an open mind, can see that he is one of the most talented and successful artists, in the history of music. Not to mention original.

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btw i didn't understand your post. are you related to him or what>

no,. not related - just everyone who knows me personally knows what a fan I am and "that's my man" is a phrase I use a lot -


and the one thing we have in common in the three generations of my family is Eminem - my Marine son is a huge fan and I know he'll be happy, his son my grandson is a huge fan because I am and his step father is a huge fan too - the one thing we all agree on and I know my Marine is going to smile when he hears the news about the Oscar win and he needs a smile right now - I could have posted that more cogently I guess but I was just excited -

I swear CW, your family is one of a kind of it must be. I'm not poking fun or anything, ya know I think your AWESOME.


I just know when I'm in your area, I expect your entire family to start just rapping ;)

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