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Butter Parque

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I still don't see any issue. The point is that favoritism exists in life. It's called clicks. To say it needs to fix is just wrong. I would say the problem is that people didn't agree with you so you called it favoritism. You failed to admit you were wrong or the obvious fact that this is all about opinions. You got mad at people for not agreeing with your opinion. Wow. You didn't support your opinion with any facts.


What really bugs me about this is that you are trying to ruin this site. It's people like you who start things that really make this place worse. It's a great place, please don't f*** it up. If you don't like it here, leave. You said you are doing this for the improvement of the site, but won't leave yourself. If you aren't going to leave, what is making you stay?

I think the second paragraph is too harsh. Butter seems to be trying to make the site better, proposing the awards and whatnot. I don't think it's fair to ask him to leave, or say he's trying to ruin the site.


Now, I disagree with BP almost completely on the specifics. (By the way, the Olerud thread completely does not belong here -- Butter, you said that PK was 'all but traded' and some people questioned that. No problems there. But I'm sure that if you had just replied w/ "Okay, but trading Paul wasn't really what I'm interested in. If he were traded, what do you think of Olerud?", then everyone would have dropped the PK subject. But you answered them about PK. Posters here usually have some (some!) deference if it's your thread, and I'm pretty sure everyone would have respected the direction. I disagree w/ you on the Frank/PK thread, but at least I can see where you're coming from.) I'm not saying that anything should change, but asking someone to leave b/c they want something changed is IMO the wrong reaction. Most posters disagreed w/ him, let's leave it at that.


Take this for what it is, one (relative) newbie sticking up for another who he totally disagrees w/... That even :huh: me a little. :P

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I did PM an admin (not naming who) but they have yet to respond. (wonder why?)

Come on now, you don't need to add the "wonder why?" part. I could honestly careless about the favoritism, I come here because of the White Sox, but the higher-ups of this board do an awesome job, while living their normal everyday lives.

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Yeah Dan, I'm trying to ruin the site because I really hate posting here, i guess I should leave and never come back.

You are making my point for me. I never said you should leave. If you don't like the place, I don't see why you should stay. You are welcome to stay, by all means. However, why would you want to be at a place that you don't like? I was just saying that you are, at least in essence, damaging the site by doing this. No good has come of this, all that has come is a lot of b****ing and bickering. You had to have known that there is practically no way to change this, especially from the admins. You want it changed, but there is nothing the admins can do to enforce such a thing, so it is the individual posters themselves. If not, you have to be one of the most ignorant people I know.


On a completely different note, it's funny how you are seemingly taking the whole world on.

Edited by danman31
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Clicks aren't the slightest bit fair.

No, maybe not, but for someone in high school you should know all about them. What I don't like is that people keep seeing this as an issue. Clicks are like world hunger or world peace. You aren't going to be able to eliminate them as problems, they are simply parts of life. Some of us here seem to be missing that.

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If Rex Hudler, 2003 Soxtalk Baseball Analyst of the Year, makes a statement about the Sox, I am going to believe it. He has thousands of credible posts. If someone making their second post states the same thing, I am going to be more wary of accepting it as fact.

Just like his 03 April Fools Prank saying that the sox left their bats in Bham, and something about Frank and a steak or something :lol: , I wasnt here but i heard about it and dug up the thread it it was priceless :lol:

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I would say that I am a rarity on these boards. I have been a member since December 17, 2002, and I only have 602(3) posts. That is an average of .9 posts a day, or just about 1 a day. I do not have thousands of posts, and I really am not part of any clique, and I just do not see the favoritism that you are trying to suggest.


I have been a part of boards where there is favoritism, there are boards where you would get banned for posting your first post. Any dissent was silenced.


You are allowed to post on a free board, where they allow you to pretty much discuss anything you can imagine about the White Sox, and your biggest problem is that they ganged up on you because you have posted a few errors.




Thats life, if you think youll find some where that people are not going to go after weakness, and try to show you up, your mistaken.


As for respect, no thread like this will ever make people change their mind. In fact there is no way you can force people to respect you, even if you are the smartest most enlightened baseball mind in the universe, people will still have to chose whether they respect you.


For the most part, this community gives out respect and credit where it is due. Im not friends with anyone on this board, I dont pm them, or know them, but I have never really felt disrespected. Once or twice people have argued against me, but thats just differing opinions for the most part, and generally their arguments were based on facts, instead of saying something like "You only have 600 posts, what do you know."


I generally dont post in this forum, but I felt that it would be an injustice to these boards if I did not say that in over the 2 years I have been here, I have felt this was one of the most welcoming and respectful boards that I have ever been a part of.



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It's like my biggest pet peeves these days. That and when I constantly wake up through the night. For starters I didn't get to bed til 1:30, then I woke up, for no reason at 2, 3, 3:30, 4 when my dad got home from work, and at 5. At 5 I got up and made myself breakfast and while I'm sitting there eating I realize I don't need to get up for another 90 minutes. Looking back I thought it was strange cause my mom wasn't getting up for work so I think that shoulda tipped me off. I kept waking up every 15 minutes til 6:30.



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It's like my biggest pet peeves these days. That and when I constantly wake up through the night. For starters I didn't get to bed til 1:30, then I woke up, for no reason at 2, 3, 3:30, 4 when my dad got home from work, and at 5. At 5 I got up and made myself breakfast and while I'm sitting there eating I realize I don't need to get up for another 90 minutes. Looking back I thought it was strange cause my mom wasn't getting up for work so I think that shoulda tipped me off. I kept waking up every 15 minutes til 6:30.



That f***in happens to me too, drives me absolutely crazy.

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It's like my biggest pet peeves these days. That and when I constantly wake up through the night. For starters I didn't get to bed til 1:30, then I woke up, for no reason at 2, 3, 3:30, 4 when my dad got home from work, and at 5. At 5 I got up and made myself breakfast and while I'm sitting there eating I realize I don't need to get up for another 90 minutes. Looking back I thought it was strange cause my mom wasn't getting up for work so I think that shoulda tipped me off. I kept waking up every 15 minutes til 6:30.



One time i woke up got in the shower then thought about it for a second, got dressed and went into my room and looked at the clock and it was 3:30. :wacko: :blink:

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That f***in happens to me too, drives me absolutely crazy.

It messed with my head cause I thought it was time to get up each time, so like at 3 I went out in the kitchen to make myself breakfast too...



I'm kinda wondering if I was sleepwaking but awake for it.

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I'm at approximately 9000 posts as I type this and, honestly, I don't feel like I am part of any clique. I'm not in regularcontact with any Soxtalk members outside of the boards and rarely use PM's while on the board.


TexSox is right though. It's a question of credibilty. Some people have earned the respect of others on the board. However, let one of those say something outlandish and ridiculous, they'll be called out on it. It would happen to any poster on hear regardless of who they are, postion on the board, length of time here or number of posts.


EDIT: In fact, this was my 9000th post.

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