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And why was FlaSoxxJim in Prague . . .

Got it in one guess!


The importance of the Czech Republic/former Czechoslovakia in brewing history is simply impossible to overstate. Pilzn is the birthplace of the first light-colored lager - the prototypical Pilsner. The science and art of brewing dovetailed perfectly... new yeast strains spirited out of an Austrian monestary... the chalky, naturally soft water.... the decoction brewing techniques that allowed the undermodified Moravian barley to be properly mashed without the addition of dark acidifying malts... The emergence of the blown glass industry at precisely the same time as this gorgeous new beer style was coming into existence....


The stuff of fairy tales, Brother! :cheers

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Tex...I find it ironic that you criticize my posting on the UN and Sudan, for being long winded, yet post the above "article".


What's even more ironic is that you do so in a thread titled "Favoritism"; something of which you are definitely guilty.


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My Prague story is so much cooler when it stops there.... so it does.


Did I ever tell you about the time I was in Berlin and I got hit on by the guy that looked like my grandfather and stank of buttermilk?

Is that his picture in your signature?

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All this talk about favorites got me to thinking of a few of my favorite things


Logging on and seeing a dozen new threads.


South Padres Island Sunsets and Sunrises, during the same all night party.


Full house to someone's straight


A great book


These are a few of my favorite things.

Oh, Tex, the other day (speaking of a full house to someone's strait) - I was playing and it was a beautiful thing. I had 7-10 offsuit, my buddy had 7-4 suited. Flop comes 10-7-something else. So he picks up a pair, I pick up two pair. Turn card comes, dunno what it was, we both check. River comes, it's another seven. He goes all in on trips 7's, and I get the boat.


I love poker! :headbang


(As to why I posted this... I don't know.)

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