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Southtown Article, great analysis

Guest JimH

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I still don't understand how that is easier for us to fill. What we want to do, go with rowand and escobar/timo/borchard? :puke We have a replacement for konerko and not so much for carlos.

I should have been more specific as I was referring to our farm system. We have Sweeney and Anderson who more than likely one of the two should pan out. I am not sure, but I don't think we have any stud first basemen in our minors to fill the hole long term.


Obviously I'm looking down the road and I'm assuming that we would get another OF via trade or free agency to fill that hole for next year.


Plus I don't have faith in Gload playing everyday. Keep him on the bench, he's a great role player not a starting first baseman.

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Glad to see your psychic now...

Unless Davis suddenly turns around his struggles at the plate, you don't have to be a psychic to think Davis won't hit much in 2005. Davis did well at first. But then he tailed off again, back to what he has always hit. IMO, the sox would be better off with a C who can make consistent contact, and not K as much as Davis.

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I should have been more specific as I was referring to our farm system. We have Sweeney and Anderson who more than likely one of the two should pan out. I am not sure, but I don't think we have any stud first basemen in our minors to fill the hole long term.

Not saying I know that much about him, but Rogowski put up great numbers this year, drawing a ton of walks. But that's just A ball, he's not going to be up next year.

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Unless Davis suddenly turns around his struggles at the plate, you don't have to be a psychic to think Davis won't hit much in 2005. Davis did well at first. But then he tailed off again, back to what he has always hit. IMO, the sox would be better off with a C who can make consistent contact, and not K as much as Davis.

Defense and game calling take priority in a catcher over hitting. It would be nice if Walker can get Davis to at least be dangerous at the plate, which I believe he can, and already has made strides to do so. As long as the pitching staff likes him, he can call a good game, and at least make runners think before just running all over us, then I'm fine with him as our catcher. How many teams have a catcher that is both great at defense and hitting? Yankees, Bo Sox, and Detroit. Right now, with our other holes we need to fill in, I'm satisfied with the Davis/Burke platoon, who isn't too bad himself.

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Defense and game calling take priority in a catcher over hitting. It would be nice if Walker can get Davis to at least be dangerous at the plate, which I believe he can, and already has made strides to do so. As long as the pitching staff likes him, he can call a good game, and at least make runners think before just running all over us, then I'm fine with him as our catcher. How many teams have a catcher that is both great at defense and hitting? Yankees, Bo Sox, and Detroit. Right now, with our other holes we need to fill in, I'm satisfied with the Davis/Burke platoon, who isn't too bad himself.

I agree on Burke being the Sox backup. He has a nice short swing, and catches a good game. He also threw out 8 guys against 11 Sb's.


However, I'm not convinced about Davis being the everyday C. His bat has shown some big, Joe Borchard type holes. And his defense hasn't been overly impressive. I'd like to see his CERA but I haven't seen any numbers on him and other C's to compare/ contrast with. He has allowed 34 sb's and thrown out 14.


My point is w/ the sox seemingly content w/ keeping Crede at 3B and Uribe/ Harris at 2B, the sox will still be young, with probable low OBP at those spots. Getting a veteran C, who can provide some offense [hit LH, preferably--or at least both LHP and RHP equally well--make contact, get on base] and solid defense shouldn't be overlooked. By Ozzie's comments, I think that reflects his thoughts. I know KW thinks Davis can be a steal. I'm not convinced

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Defense and game calling take priority in a catcher over hitting.

Ozzie sure doesn't seem impressed by DAvis--- "Great defenisvely, but I wish we'd see more offense".


While few C's are .300 hitters, the Sox could use a C who could handle the bat at least--SH, make contact, etc. Davis seems to be an all or nothing bat, like Jose V and Borchard. [And Crede for long stretches. Uribe's had his funks. Willie too--all three should see a lot of time] The sox need hitters who can battle, and at least make productive outs. The Sox are betting on their young guys to improve--Crede, Harris, Uribe. Davis would be, too. Counting on 4 of 9 guys to "improve" is a lot for a team who want to make the playoffs. IMO, Davis is the guy least likely to adjust into a solid hitter

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The problem w/Davis is part of the larger problem of the lack of productivity from the bottom of the Sox lineup this season I think. When Maggs and Frank were playing, they expanded the lineup and pushed guys like PK and Carlos down and the result was inevitably that there was no one to pitch around.


When those 2 went down, it really contracted the lineup to the point that there were only 3 scary hitters in our batting order.


When Big Frank comes back next year, I think that will help solve the problem. The more and more I think about Vizquel being the Sox's SS next year, though, the more and more I like the idea. His walk total this year is pretty consistent with his career #'s, and he handles the bat extremely well - he can bunt, something almost no one in the Sox's lineup is good at. Also, I remember he works pitchers extremely hard....finally, I think he'll have a good effect on spreading out our lineup. Imagine if you will


1) Willie or A-Row

2) Vizquel

3) Big Frank

4) PK

5) C Lee

6) Uribe


As far as the rest go, that's a real s*** toss....Although I guess Uribe is unpredictable. But I think the effect is the same in terms of having the majority of the lineup be a threat. With that lineup, hopefully that will take some pressure off of Crede, Davis, and Joe B (if they bring him back to play RF) and also have some guys on base for them to drive in - meaning with basereunners, hopefully they will get some better pitches to hit.


Just some thoughts.

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I still don't like the idea of getting Vizquel.  Why would we be better off w/ Omar than with Polanco (and Uribe at ss)?

I checked out some stats on Polanco, and he wouldn't be a bad option either. I suggested Vizquel b/c I barely saw Polanco play, so I couldn't make a judgement.


I'm just saying that we need someone who handles the bat better and gets on base more than Valentin. Polanco and Vizquel have comparable OBP, and I suppose both can do those "little things" Ozzie talks about. My only issue is that Polanco's #'s show pretty much across-the-board decreases from 2004 vs. 2003, but by fairly small margins.


Either way, I'll be glad to see Jose Valentin and his 287 OBP gone....I will miss his moustache though....best stache in the majors.

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Ozzie sure doesn't seem impressed by DAvis--- "Great defenisvely, but I wish we'd see more offense".


While few C's are .300 hitters, the Sox could use a C who could handle the bat at least--SH, make contact, etc. Davis seems to be an all or nothing bat, like Jose V and Borchard. [And Crede for long stretches. Uribe's had his funks. Willie too--all three should see a lot of time] The sox need hitters who can battle, and at least make productive outs. The Sox are betting on their young guys to improve--Crede, Harris, Uribe. Davis would be, too. Counting on 4 of 9 guys to "improve" is a lot for a team who want to make the playoffs. IMO, Davis is the guy least likely to adjust into a solid hitter

Although I see what you're saying, I just think we could do worse, and that the money we have to spend this offseason would be better allocated in other areas. If Davis wasn't a good defensive catcher with good game calling ability, I would agree that, that would be a major concern and priority for next season. And as I said, I see Davis being a dangerous hitter in the back order of the lineup.

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The problem w/Davis is part of the larger problem of the lack of productivity from the bottom of the Sox lineup this season I think.  When Maggs and Frank were playing, they expanded the lineup and pushed guys like PK and Carlos down and the result was inevitably that there was no one to pitch around.


When those 2 went down, it really contracted the lineup to the point that there were only 3 scary hitters in our batting order. 


When Big Frank comes back next year, I think that will help solve the problem.  The more and more I think about Vizquel being the Sox's SS next year, though, the more and more I like the idea.  His walk total this year is pretty consistent with his career #'s, and he handles the bat extremely well - he can bunt, something almost no one in the Sox's lineup is good at.  Also, I remember he works pitchers extremely hard....finally, I think he'll have a good effect on spreading out our lineup.  Imagine if you will


1) Willie or A-Row

2) Vizquel

3) Big Frank

4) PK

5) C Lee

6) Uribe


As far as the rest go, that's a real s*** toss....Although I guess Uribe is unpredictable.  But I think the effect is the same in terms of having the majority of the lineup be a threat.  With that lineup, hopefully that will take some pressure off of Crede, Davis, and Joe B (if they bring him back to play RF) and also have some guys on base for them to drive in - meaning with basereunners, hopefully they will get some better pitches to hit.


Just some thoughts.

I hope that isn't the Sox top 6 hitters come opening day.


Harris hasn't shown anything to warrant him being the leadoff hitter next year, and if the Sox have an inconsistant/unproven player like Harris leading off, than it could be a long season. Harris should be in 1 of these 2 roles next year. 1) The first infielder off the bench(a speed and defense guy) getting a couple of starts a week. 2) The #9 hitter with the Sox improving other holes and finding a legit leadoff hitter. Personally, I think he fits better in role #1.


Rowand in the leadoff spot is also a mistake. I am a huge Rowand fan and held by my belief that this could be a breakout year for him. With that said, I don't think he will be a consistant .300+ hitter(a .280 BA .330 OBP is more realistic next year). He also doesn't draw enough walks. Rowand's best quality is his power, which should be in the middle of the order and not leading off.


I still have question marks about Vizquel's age and inconsistancy over the past couple of years. With that said, I could live with him at the top of the order assuming he doesn't cost more than a couple of million. I still believe that there are much better/younger options available.


The Sox need to get rid of some of the right handed dominated, one-dimensional, all or nothing hitters in the middle of the lineup. This team needs more athletism, more balance(a few lefty bats), more team speed, more high BA/OBP type players. I really hope that the Sox don't have the middle of the order that you suggest, because it doesn't improve the Sox.


It appears that the bottom 3 spots in your lineup are holes, which is not good. The lineup you suggest is worse than the opening day lineup last year, and your top 6 hitters alone will cost the Sox roughly 30M next year. That is a huge chunk of payroll tied up in a small portion of the roster. That means the Sox will have little money to address other needs. This is why the Sox NEED to trade either Lee or Konerko. 1) The Sox should get good return for either of them and address at least 1 or 2 holes. 2) It will probably save the Sox some money and allow them to sign a player or 2 to address other holes.


Finally, based on your lineup, Crede would be on the bench. While I am not against Crede not starting, I doubt that Crede is on the bench. If that is the case, than look for him to be traded.

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I hope that isn't the Sox top 6 hitters come opening day.


Harris hasn't shown anything to warrant him being the leadoff hitter next year, and if the Sox have an inconsistant/unproven player like Harris leading off, than it could be a long season. Harris should be in 1 of these 2 roles next year. 1) The first infielder off the bench(a speed and defense guy) getting a couple of starts a week. 2) The #9 hitter with the Sox improving other holes and finding a legit leadoff hitter. Personally, I think he fits better in role #1.


Rowand in the leadoff spot is also a mistake. I am a huge Rowand fan and held by my belief that this could be a breakout year for him. With that said, I don't think he will be a consistant .300+ hitter(a .280 BA .330 OBP is more realistic next year). He also doesn't draw enough walks. Rowand's best quality is his power, which should be in the middle of the order and not leading off.


I still have question marks about Vizquel's age and inconsistancy over the past couple of years. With that said, I could live with him at the top of the order assuming he doesn't cost more than a couple of million. I still believe that there are much better/younger options available.


The Sox need to get rid of some of the right handed dominated, one-dimensional, all or nothing hitters in the middle of the lineup. This team needs more athletism, more balance(a few lefty bats), more team speed, more high BA/OBP type players. I really hope that the Sox don't have the middle of the order that you suggest, because it doesn't improve the Sox.


It appears that the bottom 3 spots in your lineup are holes, which is not good. The lineup you suggest is worse than the opening day lineup last year, and your top 6 hitters alone will cost the Sox roughly 30M next year. That is a huge chunk of payroll tied up in a small portion of the roster. That means the Sox will have little money to address other needs. This is why the Sox NEED to trade either Lee or Konerko. 1) The Sox should get good return for either of them and address at least 1 or 2 holes. 2) It will probably save the Sox some money and allow them to sign a player or 2 to address other holes.


Finally, based on your lineup, Crede would be on the bench. While I am not against Crede not starting, I doubt that Crede is on the bench. If that is the case, than look for him to be traded.

i agree with every single word you said.

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I hope that isn't the Sox top 6 hitters come opening day.


Harris hasn't shown anything to warrant him being the leadoff hitter next year, and if the Sox have an inconsistant/unproven player like Harris leading off, than it could be a long season. Harris should be in 1 of these 2 roles next year. 1) The first infielder off the bench(a speed and defense guy) getting a couple of starts a week. 2) The #9 hitter with the Sox improving other holes and finding a legit leadoff hitter. Personally, I think he fits better in role #1.


Rowand in the leadoff spot is also a mistake. I am a huge Rowand fan and held by my belief that this could be a breakout year for him. With that said, I don't think he will be a consistant .300+ hitter(a .280 BA .330 OBP is more realistic next year). He also doesn't draw enough walks. Rowand's best quality is his power, which should be in the middle of the order and not leading off.


I still have question marks about Vizquel's age and inconsistancy over the past couple of years. With that said, I could live with him at the top of the order assuming he doesn't cost more than a couple of million. I still believe that there are much better/younger options available.


The Sox need to get rid of some of the right handed dominated, one-dimensional, all or nothing hitters in the middle of the lineup. This team needs more athletism, more balance(a few lefty bats), more team speed, more high BA/OBP type players. I really hope that the Sox don't have the middle of the order that you suggest, because it doesn't improve the Sox.


It appears that the bottom 3 spots in your lineup are holes, which is not good. The lineup you suggest is worse than the opening day lineup last year, and your top 6 hitters alone will cost the Sox roughly 30M next year. That is a huge chunk of payroll tied up in a small portion of the roster. That means the Sox will have little money to address other needs. This is why the Sox NEED to trade either Lee or Konerko. 1) The Sox should get good return for either of them and address at least 1 or 2 holes. 2) It will probably save the Sox some money and allow them to sign a player or 2 to address other holes.


Finally, based on your lineup, Crede would be on the bench. While I am not against Crede not starting, I doubt that Crede is on the bench. If that is the case, than look for him to be traded.

I'm still new to this forum, so please forgive me for my formatting....I would like to respond to your comments one at a time, but I'm not sure how...


I agree w/your assessment of slick Willie. His inconsistency at the plate and timidness on the bases has been far from impressive this year. I don't think the Sox will give up on him (seeing as how Ozzie wants very badly for him to become the next Juan Pierre), and thus that's why I think he will bat leadoff next year. No question that he needs to be better than he was this past season. The same applies to Rowand - I think he may bat leadoff next year b/c he batted leadoff a good portion of this year. Agreed that his best asset is his power, but hopefully he can hit for average too. In a perfect world, I would bat Rowand in the middle, and hopefully the Sox will improve enough at the very top of the order that they can bat Aaron in the middle of hte lineup.


Vizquel is no superstar anymore, but aside from 2003 (when he was hurt most of hte year) his #'s hover around the same plateaus. My comments on him merely have to do w/the fact I remember watching him work our pitchers hard, bunt well, and exhibit pretty good plate discipline. IIRC, he bats better from the left side, which obviously is desirable for our righty-heavy lineup. Given those factors, I think he improves the team from the perspectives you talk about - athleticism, multi-dimensional, and certainly a better BA/OBP guy than Jose Valentin....also, Vizquel may still be able to steal a base or two, but probably not as well as he could as a kid (although Ozzie considers everyone under the age of 75 a kid)


The reason that this lineup is worse than last year's opening day lineup is simply put, the fact that Maggs ain't there anymore. Magglio adds every facet of good hitting to the middle of that lineup, and it sucks that he appears not to be coming back. However, the return of Frank will make a huge impact on the strength of the middle, and there's no reason to suspect that Lee and Konerko and Roward will decline in production I think.


That being said, it comes down to Joe Crede, Ben Davis, probably Joe Borchard and Uribe mostly to be able to produce out of the 6 7 8 and 9 spots. I don't think Crede will be on the bench, but like Willie Harris, those guys simply have to be better. Like I said, I think the easy outs and lack of OB% at the bottom of the order is killing team's offense. f***, I would be happy to trade Crede's, Davis's, and Borchard's home runs for a significantly better ability to get on base. Probably not realistic, but SOMETHING down there has to get better.

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I'm still new to this forum, so please forgive me for my formatting....I would like to respond to your comments one at a time, but I'm not sure how...


I agree w/your assessment of slick Willie.  His inconsistency at the plate and timidness on the bases has been far from impressive this year.  I don't think the Sox will give up on him (seeing as how Ozzie wants very badly for him to become the next Juan Pierre), and thus that's why I think he will bat leadoff next year.  No question that he needs to be better than he was this past season.  The same applies to Rowand - I think he may bat leadoff next year b/c he batted leadoff a good portion of this year.  Agreed that his best asset is his power, but hopefully he can hit for average too.  In a perfect world, I would bat Rowand in the middle, and hopefully the Sox will improve enough at the very top of the order that they can bat Aaron in the middle of hte lineup.


Vizquel is no superstar anymore, but aside from 2003 (when he was hurt most of hte year) his #'s hover around the same plateaus.  My comments on him merely have to do w/the fact I remember watching him work our pitchers hard, bunt well, and exhibit pretty good plate discipline.  IIRC, he bats better from the left side, which obviously is desirable for our righty-heavy lineup.  Given those factors, I think he improves the team from the perspectives you talk about - athleticism, multi-dimensional, and certainly a better BA/OBP guy than Jose Valentin....also, Vizquel may still be able to steal a base or two, but probably not as well as he could as a kid (although Ozzie considers everyone under the age of 75 a kid)


The reason that this lineup is worse than last year's opening day lineup is simply put, the fact that Maggs ain't there anymore.  Magglio adds every facet of good hitting to the middle of that lineup, and it sucks that he appears not to be coming back.  However, the return of Frank will make a huge impact on the strength of the middle, and there's no reason to suspect that Lee and Konerko and Roward will decline in production I think.


That being said, it comes down to Joe Crede, Ben Davis, probably Joe Borchard and Uribe mostly to be able to produce out of the 6 7 8 and 9 spots.  I don't think Crede will be on the bench, but like Willie Harris, those guys simply have to be better. Like I said, I think the easy outs and lack of OB% at the bottom of the order is killing team's offense.  f***, I would be happy to trade Crede's, Davis's, and Borchard's home runs for a significantly better ability to get on base.  Probably not realistic, but SOMETHING down there has to get better.

I could be wrong, but from what I have read, Ozzie has lost faith in Harris to some degree. Furthermore, just because a person is compared to a current player or a manager WANTS him to perform like a current player, doesn't warrant giving him the leadoff spot. IMO, the leadoff spot is the most important spot in the lineup, and a player should EARN that spot and not be given it by default.


Vizquel has been very inconsistant over the past 4 years.


01' .323 OBP .657 OPS

02' .341 OBP .759 OPS

03' .321 OBP .657 OPS

04' .353 OBP .743 OPS


Which Vizquel is going to show up next year? Even in his best year(out of the last 4), Vizquel has posted an OBP of .353 which is good but not great. He hasn't stolen 20+ bases in 4 years. His defense has slipped some over the past couple of years. Finally, how much faith can you put in a 38 year old? For 2-3M I would take Vizquel, but I hope they look elsewhere first.


Yes, losing Maggs really hurts, but you fail to improve any of the positions that are holes, and thats the point I was trying to make. The Sox have holes at C, 2B(sort of), SS, 3B(sort of), and RF, yet you only improve one of those holes(and only marginally).

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No doubt that Ozzie has lost faith in WH....as he should have after this season. I think Willie will most certainly have to earn that spot in spring training after the season that he had, but I think Ozzie has too high of aspirations to give up on Willie after only a full year in the big leagues.


As you mention Vizquel's #'s, his OB% remains around the same level....it is no doubt his slugging % that the most variance has occurred. In my opinion, that's OK. His role in the Sox's offense wouldn't be to drive guys in or to hit for extra bases - his job would be to get on base and if needbe, move guys over (which he does better than anyone on our squad right now).


At 38, no doubt he has lost more than a step...unless you're Barry Bonds, that's what happens. But the skills I mentioned previously - getting on base and moving guys over - don't diminish as much with age as say his ability to hit for power. Given that he would be replacing a guy that was the poster boy of the offense's problems, and given that he is the polar opposite of Valentin, I think he would be a very solid addition to the lineup.


As far as the other holes go....well....I can't think of as good of a solution. But given that we pretty much know Valentin is out while JC, Ben Davis, and Uribe will all be back, I guess the only thing that can be said about them is they must play better. But if somewhere in our lineup we have Big Frank, PK, Lee, Rowand, and a SS that can get on base or get guys into scoring position for the aforementioned guys, I don't think the offense will be in too bad of shape.


Edit: Perhaps I should note, however, that in my opinion, this team's problem is in it's pitching department first and last. If you ask me, that's where they need to figure their s*** out before filling any other holes.

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How did Willie have a bad season? he hit .268, seeinga s last year he couldn't even make contact, i think thats pretty good.

.262 average and a .343 on base %.


Just ok.


Sox would like to do better, don't know if they'll find somebody. Leadoff guys are very hard to obtain.

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Oh, i thought it was .268, that must ahve been Uribe. Either way, i think Willie can be productive for us.

Uribe was over .280 ... I think it was .283

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Sox motto, "why go for good players when you can get cheap ones?".


:fyou Sox ownership!

Just curious, and not trying to start an argument here ... but, do you plan to add anything to this site other than continually bashing Sox ownership? That's all we ever hear from you it seems.

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Just curious, and not trying to start an argument here ... but, do you plan to add anything to this site other than continually bashing Sox ownership?  That's all we ever hear from you it seems.

No arguments...yours is a good question.


I feel that if the Sox decide to fill their "holes" with average (or a little above average) players, instead of with above-average to star players, they will never be WS contenders. Current ownership is not going to spend the money it takes to get the team to a WS, so any discussion about what the team needs is moot.


For the sake of conversation though...we need a Catcher, 1-2 solid starters, a closer, SS, 3B, RF, and bench strength. Other than that, the Sox are in great shape!

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so any discussion about what the team needs is moot.

I disagree with this.


I also disagree they won't spend to get good players. Garcia, Colon, Belle, Contreras, all their own guys they re-signed to lucrative deals like Buehrle, Konerko, Lee, Thomas ... the list goes on.


You're focusing only on getting big name free agents from the outside, which is what it seems like you always do.


If you continually sign big name free agents, you lose all your draft choices and it's tough enough to draft impact players, let alone if you don't have your top choices.


It's not what they spend, it's how they spend it. Example: huge bonus for Borchard, which I will bet in retrospect, they wouldn't have done. That was the biggest bonus for a drafted player ever.


Also, the timing of their spending. I agree they should try to make more moves in the winter, because their PR and ticket situation differs from, let's say, the Cubs.

They need to do things that bring more positive PR before the season starts, vs. July.


I also think season ticket holders should get a heavier discount on April/May tickets, and/or develop an Early Season ticket plan which offers, say, a total of 8-10 games with the bulk in April and May, and one each in the other months. Give a heavy incentive discount. Get people in the park in April and May by giving them a nice discount. That helps the bottom line, and since they're going to run the team like a business, whether fans like it or not, do things that bring in more $$ and get more fannies in the seats. Offer the plan on a 1/2 down by Dec. 1 and remainder due by 3/1, no exceptions. It would work.

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I disagree with this.


I also disagree they won't spend to get good players.  Garcia, Colon, Belle, Contreras, all their own guys they re-signed to lucrative deals like Buehrle, Konerko, Lee, Thomas ... the list goes on.


You're focusing only on getting big name free agents from the outside, which is what it seems like you always do.


If you continually sign big name free agents, you lose all your draft choices and it's tough enough to draft impact players, let alone if you don't have your top choices.


It's not what they spend, it's how they spend it.  Example:  huge bonus for Borchard, which I will bet in retrospect, they wouldn't have done.  That was the biggest bonus for a drafted player ever.


Also, the timing of their spending.  I agree they should try to make more moves in the winter, because their PR and ticket situation differs from, let's say, the Cubs.

They need to do things that bring more positive PR before the season starts, vs. July.


I also think season ticket holders should get a heavier discount on April/May tickets, and/or develop an Early Season ticket plan which offers, say,  a total of 8-10 games with the bulk in April and May, and one each in the other months.  Give a heavy incentive discount.  Get people in the park in April and May by giving them a nice discount.  That helps the bottom line, and since they're going to run the team like a business, whether fans like it or not, do things that bring in more $$ and get more fannies in the seats.  Offer the plan on a 1/2 down by Dec. 1 and remainder due by 3/1, no exceptions.  It would work.

I agree with most of what you have said, but remember, Sox fans are a different breed.


We are not lemmings, like cub fans, who will go to the Park any time a game is being played. Sox fans come out if/when the team is in contention. (we were drawing 30,000+ during June-July)


It doesn't matter what sort of incentives we are offerred, i.e $1 hotdogs on Thursdays, 1/2 price night, bobblehead night, Elvis night, etc...doesn't matter.


We have to contend, that's the bottom line. We are not going to contend with the team that we have now.

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