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Sean Penn is a little bitch


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October 6, 2004


To Trey Parker and Matt Stone,


I remember a cordial hello when you guys were beginning to be famous guys around Hollywood at some party. I remember several times getting a few giggles out of your humor. I remember not being bothered as you traded on my name among others to appear witty, above it all, and likeable to your crowd. I never mind being of service, in satire and silliness.


I do mind when anybody who doesn't have a child, doesn't have a child at war, or isn't or won't be in harm's way themselves, is encouraging that there's "no shame in not voting" "if you don't know what you're talking about" (Mr. Stone) without mentioning the shame of not knowing what your talking about, and encouraging people to know. You guys are talented young guys but alas, primarily young guys. It's all well to joke about me or whomever you choose. Not so well, to encourage irresponsibility that will ultimately lead to the disembowelment, mutilation, exploitation, and death of innocent people throughout the world. The vote matters to them. No one's ignorance, indcluding a couple of hip cross-dressers, is an excuse.


All best, and a sincere f*** you,


Sean Penn


P.S. Take this as a personal invitation from me to you (you can ask Dennis Miller along for the ride as well) to escort you on a trip, which I took last Christmas. We'll fly to Amman, Jordan and I'll ride with you in a (?) 12 hours through the Sunni Triangle into Fallujah and Baghdad and I'll show you around. When we return, make all the fun you want.

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Angry Memo to Sean Penn:


I hope your next movie flops you piece of s***.






Take a trip with me to a movie theater where American's that suffer from problems in their own lives will never understand are laughing. These people are able to lose their troubles for a few hours and have fun. When we return perhaps you will understand.

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Um, I disagree to an extent. What is wrong with him saying that? He feels that way, so what. Shouldn't people want to vote. If you don't know about the politics, watch the debates atleast. I don't see the big deal either way.

I do have a problem with his argument. How dare he criticize two artists who are creating art based on their opinions.


That would be the same as someone ripping sean penn for creating an anti-war movie or something to that affect.


And yes IMO, it would be terribly stupid for someone who knows nothing about politics or the issues to vote.


The issues are too important, too much is at stake both ways. Wars, money, peoples livelihoods are affected by the election.


If that person watches the debates and forms an opinion based on the issues, that is different. That person should definately vote.

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I don't get what's so bad about what he said.

Hell I agree with him. It's a tasteless idea.

Tell that to Michael J. Fox who is praying for stem cell research to be expanded to embryonic stem cells. His wish might not come true because some guy heard from his friends that only pussies vote against the war in Iraq.


Or tell that to the young Afghan boy who worries that a decreased american involvement in the region will cause the taliban to regain control of his country. Yet some guy is going to vote against Bush because he saw on Fuse that Bush is for censorship.

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Sean Penn is entitled to his opinion, and I'm entitled to not give a s*** about his opinion.

Ironic that the star of one of the funniest movies I've ever seen ( Fast Times At Ridgemont High ) has become a completely humorless tightass.

You'd THINK he'd realize that a comment like "it's OK not to vote if you don't know what you're talking about" is a JOKE.

He is a really good actor, although lately he's started to become a parody of himself to an extent.

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