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talk about a sore loser!!


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Hes kinda like the French. All big and bad with the little guys but ya just wont face a real enemy. You might scare some people, but you dont scare us, Uday. Were gonna kill you. Heck, I recently changed my focus to becoming a soldier instead of a Marine because of what God thinks about war, but I doubt Gods gonna be too mad if I do just wipe a little rotten scum like Uday off the face of the planet.


When the US finally captures these guys, dont try em. Dont shoot em in the forehead. Instead, let the terrible trio die nice and slow. Stab em in the thigh so they bleed to death slowly. Tie em to a wall and dont feed em so they starve to death. Have fun. Show em what it feels like to be torured. But in the end, kill em!

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Hes kinda like the French. All big and bad with the little guys but ya just wont face a real enemy. You might scare some people, but you dont scare us, Uday. Were gonna kill you. Heck, I recently changed my focus to becoming a soldier instead of a Marine because of what God thinks about war, but I doubt Gods gonna be too mad if I do just wipe a little rotten scum like Uday off the face of the planet.


When the US finally captures these guys, dont try em. Dont shoot em in the forehead. Instead, let the terrible trio die nice and slow. Stab em in the thigh so they bleed to death slowly. Tie em to a wall and dont feed em so they starve to death. Have fun. Show em what it feels like to be torured. But in the end, kill em!

Yikes!! What God are you following..??

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When the US finally captures these guys, dont try em. Dont shoot em in the forehead. Instead, let the terrible trio die nice and slow. Stab em in the thigh so they bleed to death slowly. Tie em to a wall and dont feed em so they starve to death. Have fun. Show em what it feels like to be torured. But in the end, kill em!


Agreed...but you know what would be better than killing them over 7-day period? Torturing them AND letting them live out their pathetic, no-longer-have-the-toys-at-the-palace lives. I mean what could be better than REALLY s***ty prison food every day; assorted torture Wedsdays and Fridays; being butt-f***ed by Bubba on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and tossing That Other Bubba's salad on weekends....for 30-40 years? Good times I tell ya.

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Baggio - agreed he is sick. The ancient Aztexs used to cut the hearts out of the living losers of their sports matches - as the book of Ecclesiastes says, there is nothing new under the sun.


But does it give you pause to see torture being recommended by others in this thread? It does me. I guess it is bad torture when "they" do and "good" torture if "we" do. Alas, there is nothing new under the sun.


Thanks for posting that link - I hadn't had a chance to read the article yet.

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Baggio - agreed he is sick. The ancient Aztexs used to cut the hearts out of the living losers of their sports matches - as the book of Ecclesiastes says, there is nothing new under the sun.


But does it give you pause to see torture being recommended by others in this thread? It does me. I guess it is bad torture when "they" do and "good" torture if "we" do. Alas, there is nothing new under the sun.


Thanks for posting that link - I hadn't had a chance to read the article yet.

It does for me as well cw.


Oozes stupidity. JMO, of course.

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Baggio - agreed he is sick. The ancient Aztexs used to cut the hearts out of the living losers of their sports matches - as the book of Ecclesiastes says, there is nothing new under the sun.


But does it give you pause to see torture being recommended by others in this thread? It does me. I guess it is bad torture when "they" do and "good" torture if "we" do. Alas, there is nothing new under the sun.


Thanks for posting that link - I hadn't had a chance to read the article yet.

yes , it does bother me...i understand the anger , especially after what happened yesterday with the POW's ,but we need to follow the rules of war...but if saddam is captured , he needs be treated in rules according to the geneva convention...


our military is the most professional with the best training in all the world..im confident they would treat all POW's within the rules of war..no matter what their rank


oldroman...i think its great you want to serve your country and join the military..but to make it youll have to learn discipline...most of the time in the army is not all shoot um up cowboy stuff...youll get real familiar with the saying "hurry up and wait "

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OK, so we should uphold our dignity. Imprisoning these monsters for life would be the worst legitimate torture we could give them.


Or, we could be like the bartender in Waynes World.


"You know what I'd like to do? Id like to find some guy and rip his still beating heart out and hold it in front of his face so he can see how black it is before he dies..."



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You know what would be torture for them without US hurting them physically?


Putting a prison in the middle of the Hudson Bay, rebuilding the WTC's, and having their only window be a perfect view of them.


For any other prisoners....this would be paradise. For these guys....it would be a living hell. Force feed them, so they don't starve themselves....and take away anything at all that is dangerous. Make the walls plush in red, white, and blue....give them a mattress with no springs that is red, white, and blue....and make their windows unbreakable with human force....maybe a strong plastic or a strong glass. They'd live about 20-30 more years, and the only thing they can look at is the WTC.


It'd work for me.

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I like the red white and blue idea. We could put em in a padded room so they cant like crack their head on the floor and kill themselves. Then we would have the glass idea but it would be red white and blue glass. Then they could see the WTC with an American tint. And we would have radios (that they would be unable to destroy of course) that would play non stop God Bless America and we would have TVs that show pro American stuff and free Iraqis dancing in the sleep. And like wsf said we would have red white and blue pills. But instead of force feeding them, we would force feed em pills that taste like crap but give em all the nutrients they need to live.


Heck, I hope they live so we can do this to em. We would have loads of fun. We should do this to all anti American terrorists! :headbang :headbang :headbang

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I see you there, Buffalo Bill -


I can think of 4 consecutive super bowl games I might show them -  :lol:

Hey....that won't matter after this year....5th time's the charm....if they get there.


And it's not like the Dolphins have a good history or anything! :D

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Baggio - agreed he is sick. The ancient Aztexs used to cut the hearts out of the living losers of their sports matches - as the book of Ecclesiastes says, there is nothing new under the sun.


But does it give you pause to see torture being recommended by others in this thread? It does me. I guess it is bad torture when "they" do and "good" torture if "we" do. Alas, there is nothing new under the sun.


Thanks for posting that link - I hadn't had a chance to read the article yet.

you still think we dont need to be over there cleaning up our mess??? look what we did to the iraqi people by putting suddan in power. I just hope we clean up this mess for good this time. i wont mind paying for it. because atleast other people will have an equal opurtiny, to succeed in life.

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And it's not like the Dolphins have a good history or anything!  :D

Dolphins are 2 wins, 2 losses or do have a 3rd loss - I don't remember but that is 2 wins and the only perfect season in NFL history.


You think that is equal to the 0-4 Bills record?


Our history is not all I want it to be but it is good enough, better than some!

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