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Pedro's Midget

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This should be interesting

I hope so. I love good baseball conversation. Just so you know RW, it isn't anything personal. I like the fact that we have good posters who are also a fan of another team. It makes for good balance on the site. Heck I honestly think it would be cool if we had some decent Twins fans here to talk baseball with.

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I hope so.  I love good baseball conversation.  Just so you know RW, it isn't anything personal.  I like the fact that we have good posters who are also a fan of another team.  It makes for good balance on the site.  Heck I honestly think it would be cool if we had some decent Twins fans here to talk baseball with.

Mid-meal post:


Of course. Zero, take notes. The conversation ss2k4 and I are having is the way and conversation should be constructed.

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You are forgetting one little thing.  The Red Sox have a payroll of $120 million and can afford to keep all of these players at the sametime, while pillaging them off of rosters of teams who can't afford them.  Why in their right minds would the Diamondbacks have trading Schilling?  Or the Phillies for that matter?  Because they couldn't afford him.  Why did the Expos trade Pedro?  Because they couldn't afford him.  Why did the Twins nontender David Ortiz?  Because they couldn't afford him.  Why did the Expos deal Cabrera?  Because they knew they couldn't afford to resign him in the offseason.  Why did the Twins trade Doug M?  Because they had a younger cheaper prospect to replace him with.  Why did Keith Foulke ever leave the A's, because they couldn't give a closer $21 million over 3 years.  Why did Manny leave Cleveland?  Because the Indians couldn't offer anything close to 20 mil a year for 6 years.  Have you noticed a theme here?


All of these trades and FAs are the result of financial problems of another team.  It is easy to look like a genius when only one team in all of baseball can afford to outspend you.  To me the Red Sox and the Yankees are the same organization.  They make their playoff appreances on the backs of economically poor organizations.  That does't impress me at all.

You beat me to it! :headbang


Redandwhite...I'm not trying to land a cheap shot here, but if Red Sox fans are the smartest in all of baseball, you're not exactly an indication of that.


"We went out and got Pedro, Schilling, Ortiz...anyone could have."


That is f***ing brilliant.

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You beat me to it! :headbang


Redandwhite...I'm not trying to land a cheap shot here, but if Red Sox fans are the smartest in all of baseball, you're not exactly an indication of that.


"We went out and got Pedro, Schilling, Ortiz...anyone could have."


That is f***ing brilliant.

not trying to land a cheap shot, eh?


Answer the question. Could have any team with the right talent traded for Pedro and Schilling, and could any team with a million dollars have taken a chance on Ortiz for a season?


Give me a f***ing break.

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Back on topic a bit...I basically think the Red Sox fans are whiny. They complain about the curse, yada, yada, bulls***. They aren't near as bad as the Cubs, but they mostly are the same in the fact that they blame things on curses and they whine a lot. They aren't as stupid as Cubs fans.

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Back on topic a bit...I basically think the Red Sox fans are whiny. They complain about the curse, yada, yada, bulls***. They aren't near as bad as the Cubs, but they mostly are the same in the fact that they blame things on curses and they whine a lot. They aren't as stupid as Cubs fans.

Who blames things on curses?

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Red Sox and Cubs fans...don't deny it.

Your buying into all of Fox's/ESPN's pre/post-game bulls***, and all of the t-shirts people create to make a couple bucks.


I'll go try and find a link of a thread at SoSH or at another message board where some idiot kid started a thread saying that the Red Sox are cursed. With the way you stand right now, I think you'll quite surprised at the findings.

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not trying to land a cheap shot, eh?


Answer the question.  Could have any team with the right talent traded for Pedro and Schilling, and could any team with a million dollars have taken a chance on Ortiz for a season?


Give me a f***ing break.

You're right. I shouldn't have said that. You have your moments...you're definitely smarter than the average baseball fan. But god damn are you living in denial when it comes to the Red Sox!


And I don't have to respond to the question because it has already been answered...refer to the original post that I was quoting.

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Don't waste your time. I already lost all respect for you if you don't believe that. I know a lot of Cubs fans that don't believe in the curse. It's the less knowledgable fans that believe in curses. A message board will have more dedicated fans.


Also, it's funny how you said Boston is the best baseball town in the country. I won't bash it, but how do you know? Have you been to all 28 baseball towns?

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You're right.  I shouldn't have said that.  You have your moments...you're definitely smarter than the average baseball fan.  But god damn are you living in denial when it comes to the Red Sox!


And I don't have to respond to the question because it has already been answered...refer to the original post that I was quoting.

Basing your decision of Red Sox Nation on a sixteen year old kid is absolutely insane by the way.


The question wasn't answered at all by ss2k4. David Ortiz was signed for a million dollars. Bill Mueller was signed for 2. Curt Schilling for 12.


The White Sox can spend 8 million annually on a pitcher of Freddy Garcia's caliber while giving up a ton of talent but can't afford to take on Curt Schilling for 4 more million dollars more and give up half of the talent. Thats ridiculous.


Magglio for 14? Thomas for 8? Everett for 4?


Kenny Williams could have signed David Ortiz, Kenny Williams could have traded for Curt Schilling, Kenny Williams could have signed Bill Mueller, could have traded for Mark Bellhorn, could have traded for Pedro Martinez.


Don't tell me Theo Epstein hasn't done an excellent job as general manager as Zero was indicating.

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not trying to land a cheap shot, eh?


Answer the question.  Could have any team with the right talent traded for Pedro and Schilling, and could any team with a million dollars have taken a chance on Ortiz for a season?


Give me a f***ing break.

That is my point. Any team with the talent couldn't have landed those guys, because they couldn't afford to pay them. Heck the White Sox could have put together a package respective to what got ARod or Schilling, but they couldn't afford to pay their salaries. Heck they could have picked up Manny in the offseason when the Red Sox put him on waivers, but we couldn't afford the 60 or 80 million dollars (I forget if he has 3 or 4 years left on his deal) without destroying the rest of the team to do it. The money is the deciding factor. If it wasn't, teams like Montreal and Minnesota have some of the best minor league systems in all of baseball. If it were that simple, those teams would get those big named players. But you have to have a payroll, plain and simple.

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