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Emerald Nuts

Wise Master Buehrle

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  Jeckle2000 said:
I'm just glad those gay ass "president of beers" commercials are gone.

I hated those damn things.

Not to mention MILLER SUCKS ASS!


I just got all of that s*** out of my head! :chair


I remember listening to Sox games in August, and EVERY SINGLE f***ING commercial break had that dude from X2 saying; "The results are in, and America has chosen Miller as its choice for beer."

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  santo=dorf said:

I just got all of that s*** out of my head!  :chair


I remember listening to Sox games in August, and EVERY SINGLE f***ING commercial break had that dude from X2 saying; "The results are in, and America has chosen Miller as its choice for beer."

Honestly though they had to show that commercial twice per commercial break. :puke

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Have any of you guys seen the Emerald Nuts commercials yet? They are histarical. They pick two completely arbitrary words that start with E and N and at the end of the ad they simply say...


"love Emerald Nuts."


Emerald Nuts Commericals


Here are some of their ads...


Earmuffed Negotiators


Eavesdropping Nebraskans


Envious Nomads


Anyone have some suggestions of their own?

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  AddisonStSox said:
Have any of you guys seen the Emerald Nuts commercials yet?  They are histarical.  They pick two completely arbitrary words that start with E and N and at the end of the ad they simply say...


"love Emerald Nuts."


Emerald Nuts Commericals


Here are some of their ads...


Earmuffed Negotiators


Eavesdropping Nebraskans


Envious Nomads


Anyone have some suggestions of their own?

Jeez, that website is all fancy with the sound effects and stuff :lol:

alot of stuff goin on...these commercials aren't national, are they?

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They've added Entangled Nine-year-olds



How about Emancipated Neanderthals?

............... Eloping Nannies

............... Enlightened Neoconservatives

............... Ethiopian Nuerosurgeouns



I'm working too hard at this. Out.


Wait. One more.


Egotistical New Yorkers ..... This one seemed appropriate at this time.

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  Jeckle2000 said:

Jeckle, you already got your say in this thread. There's no need for you to post crap every other post about how you hate it and little snoozing smiley guys. If you don't like them, say it once, and LEAVE THE f***ING THREAD.


f***ing spammers.


Excited Necrophiliacs, is one. :) :lol:

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