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Sinclair Broadcasting...


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I don't know who has heard about this:


Sinclair Broadcasting Group is the largest TV station owner in the country. Their programming reaches at least 1/4 of all U.S. households, making them an extremely powerful gatekeeper of information. Yet Sinclair has repeatedly abused that power.


A few months ago, Sinclair forbade its ABC affiliates from airing a Nightline tribute to American soldiers slain in Iraq, saying it was anti-war propaganda. After 9/11, the company demanded that their stations express allegiance to the Bush administration on the air.


Now, they are forcing all of their affiliates to show a Kerry smear film called "Stolen Honor" 2 weeks before the election in prime time-- commercial free. This is pre-empting normal programing on over 62 affiliates and will reach 23% of the nation's households.


Sinclair's broadcasts of news are not local but done from hundreds of miles away and pumped in plus they are forced to have the ultra-conservative commentary of their resident wingnut, Mark Hyman.


Whether Sinclair does this in support of conservatives or liberals is not the issue. The issue is a billion-dollar corporation shunning journalistic standards in order to advance its political agenda. It is a threat to the integrity of our democracy and it must be stopped. I f***ing hate media conglomeration. :fyou

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I don't know who has heard about this:


Sinclair Broadcasting Group is the largest TV station owner in the country. Their programming reaches at least 1/4 of all U.S. households, making them an extremely powerful gatekeeper of information. Yet Sinclair has repeatedly abused that power.


A few months ago, Sinclair forbade its ABC affiliates from airing a Nightline tribute to American soldiers slain in Iraq, saying it was anti-war propaganda. After 9/11, the company demanded that their stations express allegiance to the Bush administration on the air.


Now, they are forcing all of their affiliates to show a Kerry smear film called "Stolen Honor" 2 weeks before the election in prime time-- commercial free.  This is pre-empting normal programing on over 62 affiliates and will reach 23% of the nation's households.


Sinclair's broadcasts of news are not local but done from hundreds of miles away and pumped in plus they are forced to have the ultra-conservative commentary of their resident wingnut, Mark Hyman.


Whether Sinclair does this in support of conservatives or liberals is not the issue. The issue is a billion-dollar corporation shunning journalistic standards in order to advance its political agenda. It is a threat to the integrity of our democracy and it must be stopped.  I f***ing hate media conglomeration.  :fyou

Oh right. Its ok for people like Michael Moore to make films trashing the Bush Administration, its ok for CNN to hire Democratic Party hacks like James Carville and Paul Begala and say with a straight face that they aren't biased but let someone put out something that is negative toward a Democrat and everyone on your side starts whining.


Gimmie a break.

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Oh right.  Its ok for people like Michael Moore to make films trashing the Bush Administration, its ok for CNN to hire Democratic Party hacks like James Carville and Paul Begala and say with a straight face that they aren't biased but let someone put out something that is negative toward a Democrat and everyone on your side starts whining. 


Gimmie a break.

Michael Moore's movie didn't pre-empt normal broadcasting in prime time -- commercial free. Nice try equating the two but no cigar. It's a partisan hatchet job disguised as "news" (not to mention violates campaign laws)


There's a difference between putting it in a movie theater and putting it on national TV when it reaches 25% of the nation's homes.


And Nuke, CNN hired Tucker Carlson, Gary Bauer and numerous other Republicans...FOX hires Hannity and numerous contributers to the Republican party -- yet you seem to think they are "fair and balanced".


And Nuke, With whining about TV...the Republicans would never get their panties in a twist about stuff like that, especially an actual factual documentary about the Reagans that was going to be on TV...Oh wait.

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What I heard it was best equated to was if the stations were forced to show F 9/11.


Hyman's a windbag....hes on KGAN, the CBS affiliate out here. Thank God nobody watches KGAN at all.


And Apu never said Hannity was a member. I'd be surprised if he wasn't. If he isn't I missed that one.


Personally, I'm tired of all the news channels and will stick with the Daily Show from now on.....:D

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I think this is bulls***. But I also think the s*** the liberal media does is bulls***. Two wrongs don't make a right and my principles tell me this is BS by Sinclair.


However, I do think their is a place for this to be put out, I just don't think it should be forced upon viewers.


And as far as hack jobs go...I can think of 60 minutes back when I was a kid (1992 I think) like a day before the election putting out this bulls*** that somehow George Senior tried to ruin Perot's wedding day.


I don't give a damn what anyone tells me, the media is favored to the left. THeir have been memos out to ABC telling them to talk pro Kerry. I mean its freaking blatant.


Fox News is the most centered out there. You can b**** about Hannity all you want, but Colmes always gets in his say as well. Thats fair and balanced. As far as O'Reilly goes, he was freaking saying how much bs this film is.


The s*** I see on CNN is garbage. I can't even watch it anymore. Ya, I'm ready for a lot of democrats to jump on me. Just like the crap Michael Moore did in F 9/11 was garbage. However this thing belongs on tv just as much as F 9/11 does (ie it doesn't).

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I think this is bulls***.  But I also think the s*** the liberal media does is bulls***.  Two wrongs don't make a right and my principles tell me this is BS by Sinclair. 


However, I do think their is a place for this to be put out, I just don't think it should be forced upon viewers.


And as far as hack jobs go...I can think of 60 minutes back when I was a kid (1992 I think) like a day before the election putting out this bulls*** that somehow George Senior tried to ruin Perot's wedding day.


I don't give a damn what anyone tells me, the media is favored to the left.  THeir have been memos out to ABC telling them to talk pro Kerry.  I mean its freaking blatant. 


Fox News is the most centered out there. You can b**** about Hannity all you want, but Colmes always gets in his say as well.  Thats fair and balanced.  As far as O'Reilly goes, he was freaking saying how much bs this film is. 


The s*** I see on CNN is garbage.  I can't even watch it anymore.  Ya, I'm ready for a lot of democrats to jump on me.  Just like the crap Michael Moore did in F 9/11 was garbage.  However this thing belongs on tv just as much as F 9/11 does (ie it doesn't).

:notworthy I agree 100%.

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Fox News is the most centered out there. You can b**** about Hannity all you want, but Colmes always gets in his say as well.  Thats fair and balanced.  As far as O'Reilly goes, he was freaking saying how much bs this film is. 


The s*** I see on CNN is garbage.  I can't even watch it anymore.  Ya, I'm ready for a lot of democrats to jump on me.  Just like the crap Michael Moore did in F 9/11 was garbage.  However this thing belongs on tv just as much as F 9/11 does (ie it doesn't).

Fox News is centered like I am without my meds dude. I mean, honestly, every time I watch HANNITYand Colmes it seems like I gotta wait five minutes to hear Colmes open his mealymouthed trap. In 2000, the guy that made the call on states in the Presidential Election was George Bush's first cousin. If John Kerry's second cousin's sister in law twice removed was working for CNN in any capacity, you'd hear about it all over talk radio and Fox News.


CNN has Carville and Begala on the payroll, but they also had Buchanan on the payroll in the 80s when he still worked very closely with the Reagan administration. MSNBC has Joe Scarborough. He's a freaking former Republican Congressman. CNBC has Dennis Miller who is an avowed Republican. Fox News has Brit Hume, who acts as an anchor during the week and spits out right wing editorials on the weekend on the same channel. Everyone's got an angle.


Oh, and for your information the ABC News memo said that on some issues the level of accountability is not the same for each candidate. How is the level of accountability the same for a Senator who voted on two different bills over four years on Iraq the same as the President who presided over the whole war?

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Wonodj, youmiss the point. All the Republican people you mentioned made no attempt to pass themselves off as 'impartial'. They were Republican, and weren't afraid to say it and let you know it. The fact that Carville can claim to be a fair and impartial analyst is just crap. Get over your Bush hatred for a few moments and just see that little fact. And what is the deal with George Bush's second cousin? He 'called the states'? Did he have some super mind power that magically awarded states to his cousin? He REPORTED on which states went to whom. Why does that matter? Don't be hatin'!

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Wonodj, youmiss the point.  All the Republican people you mentioned made no attempt to pass themselves off as 'impartial'.  They were Republican, and weren't afraid to say it and let you know it.  The fact that Carville can claim to be a fair and impartial analyst is just crap.  Get over your Bush hatred for a few moments and just see that little fact.  And what is the deal with George Bush's second cousin?  He 'called the states'?  Did he have some super mind power that magically awarded states to his cousin?  He REPORTED on which states went to whom.  Why does that matter?  Don't be hatin'!

Carville doesn't claim to be impartial. Any moron slightly knowledgeable about politics knows he assisted with Clinton's campaign.


As for Bush's cousin working for Faux News in 2000. No station had made a call about Florida -- Fox was the first -- and the polls were still coming back so it was not conclusive. Ailes and he made the call and not wanting to be outscooped, the rest of the media followed suit. And if we want to get technical about partisans being hired in media -- Roger Ailes used to be a high powered member in the Bush election cycle...and he is also the President of FOX News deciding what stories go on the air and how they are spun.

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Apu, you are right, Carville doesn't claim to beimpartial, but CNN says he is. But as for Bush's cousin, like I asked, why the big deal? Did he have some sway over the election somehow? And if I recall, wasn't it CBS (Dan 'Forger' Rather, I think) that got censured for calling the elections early, promised to never do it again, etc?


Let me just add here that I don't thinnk it right for Sinclair to be showing that, at least at this time. I also have alot of problems with Moore and his crap, as well as what all the groups are doings (MoveOn, SBVFT, etc).

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Carville is on the payroll as one of the commentators of Crossfire. From the left side. In fact I believe his normal CNN introduction is "Crossfire! From the left, James Carville." Yeah, that's saying he's impartial. Pat Buchanan was on the CNN payroll as one of the commentators of Crossfire. FNC does claim Brit Hume to be impartial as an anchor, but on the weekend he clearly isn't. Let's look at other commentators on the "liberal" media. MSNBC had Conservative Shock Jock Michael Savage until he told a gay caller to go die from AIDS. They also had the low rated "Alan Keyes is Making Sense." Pat Buchanan is now a regular contributor and often fills in for Joe Scarborough on Scarborough Country. Joe, by the way is a former Republican congressman. Pat Buchanan is anchoring debate coverage for MSNBC by the way.


On another point. I don't suffer from Bush "hatred." The reasons I don't support Bush is because he has established a track record which I don't believe is appropriate for our country.

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SS2K4, it's the [much] smaller scale same bulls***.


Put the movie in the theaters, put it on VHS/DVD, have community viewings *gasp* at somebody's home but no need to throw it on TV or show it at polling places.


Oh and FYI, the news is that the FCC will not step in against Sinclair.

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yeah there's no way Fox News is in the center. Their internal production staff and management frequently tell its staff to go pro-Bush on the issues. And on the flip side, look who GW Bush and Laura Bush do their interviews with. It's not CNN, or ABC, or NBC or CBS or CNN.... it's Fox News only.


If I had to put anyone in the center it would be the NBC family MSNBC & CNBC. CNBC is pro-business and most of their people are pro-Bush which is fine in my view even though I'm a Dem. MSNBC in my opinion is very equal. They've got guys like Matthews who I think does a good job and guys like Buchanan and Scarborough who I dont mind listening too either.

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Yes, libraries should not be allowed to portray any kind of controversial viewing. This kind of public education is damaging to the Republic and must be stopped. It isn't like people are going to be forced to watch Fahrenheit 9/11 in the polling place while casting their ballot.


Does this mean any banned book display should be taken down too?


There's a big difference between a community center and a TV station.

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Yes, libraries should not be allowed to portray any kind of controversial viewing. This kind of public education is damaging to the Republic and must be stopped. It isn't like people are going to be forced to watch Fahrenheit 9/11 in the polling place while casting their ballot.


Does this mean any banned book display should be taken down too?


There's a big difference between a community center and a TV station.

Even a place where balloting is going to take place? Should the library be forced to show the movie that Sinclair is going to air just to be fair?


Of course the FCC won't step in. They are another worthless entity that should be privatized, but still stays on the Federal payroll. They know where their bread is buttered.

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Let's extend this logic. Because its ridiculous.


So does that mean that if there's a pro-firefighter initiative on the ballot, you can't use a firehouse for a polling place? After all, they'd just be fighting fires the week before and therefore influencing the electorate.

What if there's a millage issue for the library system? Would the library be an appropriate polling place? After all, they'd just be giving out books the week before and therefore influencing the electorate.

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Let's extend this logic. Because its ridiculous.


So does that mean that if there's a pro-firefighter initiative on the ballot, you can't use a firehouse for a polling place? After all, they'd just be fighting fires the week before and therefore influencing the electorate.

What if there's a millage issue for the library system? Would the library be an appropriate polling place? After all, they'd just be giving out books the week before and therefore influencing the electorate.

Then by that logic a TV station running something like that shouldn't be a big deal because they can just turn it off if they don't want to watch it. Even better it isn't an institiution funded by tax payers that is financing it. So no one should have a problem with a TV network running propaganda before an election.

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