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Wrong. The airwaves with which TV stations operate are owned by the government. The TV stations own licenses which state that they will protect the public trust with. Libraries make no such promise.

So why can't they just turn it off? I really don't get how one is a big deal, and the other one isn't... except for one is good for one guy, and one is bad for him.

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The Communications act of 1936 (I think, don't hold me to the year) is the difference. Should that library show something pro-Bush? Sure. But what other film that's pro-Bush has had the same impact?

Personally I think neither of them should be shown. I think they are both blatantly partisian attempt to grab cheap votes at the end of a nasty election cycle. If people really want to know what is going on they should try to do some research instead of watching a movie that could influence their opinion while ignorant of anything else. And it would be just like Americans to have that happen. This is a country that has people like Mancow and Rush telling them what think, and not seeing a problem with that.

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Well, I agree.


I take nothing I hear without a grain of salt. But unfortunately, not everyone is as sophisticated with the media as you or I.


That being said, I want you to realize - there is a big difference between a TV station and a public library.


Everyone in Columbus knows about Channel 6 (one of the Sinclair stations and an ABC affiliate.) Oftentimes, the people voting in the library are using the library for the first time since the last presidential election. They don't know what happens there and they don't care.


Channel 6 in Columbus is bound by rules of equal time for free in-kind political contributions like a 90 minute Anti Kerry piece. A library is not.


Whether it should be or not is up to you. And if it should be, push for that legislation - but stop whining about it. I called Sinclair. I emailed the FCC, what have you done about your issue?

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Whether it should be or not is up to you. And if it should be, push for that legislation - but stop whining about it. I called Sinclair. I emailed the FCC, what have you done about your issue?

The FCC recieved 159 complaints for airing that one fox show, (Married by America?) -- The complaints represented less than .01% of all viewers. Fox and it's affiliates were levied with the largest fine in history.


I'm sure the FCC has recieved more than 159 complaints for this already. I'm positive there will be no fine.


/think about it.

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There will be no fine and no sanction placed against Sinclair. Apparently chairman Michael Powell doesn't share comissioner Michael Copps' view that this is an unacceptable act. The FCC has forgotten as of late that the public trust means more than the occasional stripper appearance or a boob at the SuperBowl.


In the mean time, EAS isn't working. Not at a lot of stations. Where's the big push to fix that too? The FCC alone is a reason not to re-elect this president. The people that the President have chosen to run this commission have failed to be a good steward of the people's airwaves. Sadly, the Clinton administration failed at this as well.

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