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I leave town and they get UFOs....


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WANE-TV  Fort Wayne, IN  October 11, 2004) Brandon McBroom used the family videocam to tape a strange looking object in the Sunday sky. He pulled over in the Croninger Elementary parking lot and pointed the camera North-Northwest. We took the tape around town Monday to the experts. "That's not a meteor. It's too slow." First stop, Roger Sugden, Assistant State Director with Mutual UFO Network. "High altitude aircraft. If you've seen them at sunset, they're pretty far away. You'll see a white line that's moving real slow, that's the contrail and in front is the aircraft." Christopher crow, Assistant Professor of Geosciences at IPFW thinks this is a meteor. "Whatever that is, it's coming down at a very fast speed giving off flames."  "My first inclination is it's not a meteor." Chris Highland is from the Fort Wayne Astronomical society. His opinion is different from the other two. "I'm more inclined to think it's space junk, like an empty booster or a fuel tank."


There's videos of this "UFO" and what not at the link...

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That is probably the best I've seen. Granted, I'm not convinced. I'm just saying the black outside is more convincing that random white flashes in the sky. But for the love of God people, is it that f***ing hard to hold a f***ing camera steady? s***...for my sports broadcasting class I have to lug these big ass cameras around to film sporting events. I do just fine holding it steady. This f***ing idiot couldn't hold a freaking hand held camera steady for more than 1 second. I mean c'mon?! :angry:

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