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Adding to the Sox Bullpen


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A hard throwing closer is a given need for the Sox. Yet they are few and far between. But looking at what guys the playoff teams have, and what is missing from the sox, something glaring stands out.


the sox don't have a GB pitcher out of the pen. Mike Jackson was the guy last year. Someone who doesn't give up a lot of HR's, who walk few hitters, who keep inherited runners from scoring, have a low BAA, and who can get some K's as well. The Sox have guys with low GB/ FB ratio. Cotts was the best at like 1.20


Two guys stand out from the NL who would be the type of guys who may get overlooked but would be a big key to a bullpen's success: Julian Tavarez from STL and Juan Cruz from ATL. Scot Shields from ANA did the same.


I haven't looked at FA's. But I know Chad Bradford offers much of what the Sox current bullpen lacks. He kept 76% of inherited runners from scoring; had a 2.25 G/ F ratio, had a BAA of .234, and gave up 5 HR's in 60+ IP.


Any other bullpen FA's out there that fit with this MO?

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I get the feeling the Sox only want to add 1 guy to the pen next season, and that'll be a closer, probably either Troy Percival or Armando Benitez (although I look for the Cubs to possibly sign one of these 2 as well). I think the Sox feel their bullpen is already pretty good with Takatsu, Marte, Politte, Cotts and Adkins probably coming back next season, unless one of Cotts or Adkins is possibly moved. No doubt the Sox want to sign a bonafide top starter as well, and that'll take up most of the free agent spending money. Tavarez and Cruz would be good additions though, no doubt. A lot of ppl here would like Cruz on the Southside, perhaps in a deal for Carlos Lee, with Furcal coming this way as well (although he's got major personal issues to sort out.)

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I like Steve Kline from St. Louis, he's a free agent, and could be a good lefty out of the pen. I also would like hoffman next season.

Kline has NYY written all over him. The Yanks need a LHP out of the pen and can only use free agency.


I was thinking a RHP, just 'cause the sox have Cotts and Marte. But Kline is good.

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I get the feeling the Sox only want to add 1 guy to the pen next season, and that'll be a closer, probably either Troy Percival or Armando Benitez (although I look for the Cubs to possibly sign one of these 2 as well). I think the Sox feel their bullpen is already pretty good with Takatsu, Marte, Politte, Cotts and Adkins probably coming back next season, unless one of Cotts or Adkins is possibly moved. No doubt the Sox want to sign a bonafide top starter as well, and that'll take up most of the free agent spending money. Tavarez and Cruz would be good additions though, no doubt. A lot of ppl here would like Cruz on the Southside, perhaps in a deal for Carlos Lee, with Furcal coming this way as well (although he's got major personal issues to sort out.)

The sox will need 7 guys for the pen, right. Even with the guys you mentioned, there's room for two more guys [a closer and a guy to fill Jackson's role]. Adkins is OK. But there's a lot of room to improve here.


Cruz, Tavarez or Shields may not be available. Yet those are the type of pitchers I think the Sox should be looking at, as well as a closer, to round out their bullpen. I'd love a Furcal and Cruz deal. Yet I don't see it happening. Unless the Sox included Uribe as part of a package for Furcal. but still ATL would be w/o a leadoff hitter.

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In looking at the FA's, a few names stick out, that fit the description I'm looking for [someone with playoff experience should also included, as the Sox have a lot of young, "non-battle tested" arms]:


Ramiro Mendoza [i think he got hurt last year, and has been slow to come back this year]. But he looks like he's getting close to his 2001 and 2002 form. He could eat up a lot of innings [100 in '01 and 91 in '02], has a career g/ f of 1.98, is a sinkerballer, can keep IR from scoring [only allowed 7 of 46 runners to score in 2001 and 18 of 52 in 2002. This year he allowed 2 of 13 to score.


Here are a few other names, that I haven't checked out but are FA's:

Ben Weber

Paul Shuey

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Does anyone know Williamson's status? He was injured for most of the year, and there was some speculation that he'll have to get Tommy John surgery and miss all of next year, but after rejoining the Red Sox he was lights out. The Sox have been interested in him before, and (healthy) he's one of the better rh relievers in the game.

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My dad told me Shuey retired, although I can't verify that. He's a huge Dodger fan and remembers reading that in the paper about a month ago.


Ramiro Mendoza is an eye opener and I can't even tell you what happened to Ben Weber. He was brutal this year and I'm assuming he got hurt, but nothing has been talked about him down here in Anahiem. Its a shame, as much as I didn't like the guy, he was very good for a couple years in Anaheim.


So in the very least, I'd think Mendoza would definately be worth looking at for the right price. We all know I love Juan Cruz, but I doubt the Braves would deal although like many have mentioned the two teams have the makings of what could be a mega deal.


Furcal and Cruz obviously make sense with the Sox...Konerko or Lee and possibly Garland or whoever make sense with the Braves...Estrada makes sense with the Sox. The hard thing is putting it together.


Considering Furcal's recent run ins with the law, I wonder if that means Atl is more likely to move him. I still stick to my Konerko and a prospect or even Jon Adkins for Cruz/Furcal. Thats a deal I'd make, although I don't know if the Braves would do it. Cruz is very promising and Furcal is one of the better leadoff men in baseball.


I know one thing though, Furcal would look awesome on the south side. He's one guy I'd like more then Vizquel.

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My dad told me Shuey retired, although I can't verify that.  He's a huge Dodger fan and remembers reading that in the paper about a month ago.


Ramiro Mendoza is an eye opener and I can't even tell you what happened to Ben Weber.  He was brutal this year and I'm assuming he got hurt, but nothing has been talked about him down here in Anahiem.  Its a shame, as much as I didn't like the guy, he was very good for a couple years in Anaheim. 


So in the very least, I'd think Mendoza would definately be worth looking at for the right price.  We all know I love Juan Cruz, but I doubt the Braves would deal although like many have mentioned the two teams have the makings of what could be a mega deal. 


Furcal and Cruz obviously make sense with the Sox...Konerko or Lee and possibly Garland or whoever make sense with the Braves...Estrada makes sense with the Sox.  The hard thing is putting it together. 


Considering Furcal's recent run ins with the law, I wonder if that means Atl is more likely to move him.  I still stick to my Konerko and a prospect or even Jon Adkins for Cruz/Furcal.  Thats a deal I'd make, although I don't know if the Braves would do it.  Cruz is very promising and Furcal is one of the better leadoff men in baseball.


I know one thing though, Furcal would look awesome on the south side.  He's one guy I'd like more then Vizquel.

ATL would have to get a SS to replace Furcal [uribe]. With Furcal due a raise in ARB, it's possible. They'll lose at least Ortiz but should resign Drew and Paul Bryd.


ATl isn't likely to add Konerko's salary. But a deal involving a SP like Garland and Uribe might be more reasonable.


What about Chad Bradford returning to the Sox? He's a FA. Getting a GB pitcher who can eat innings, and stop rallies, and a hard throwing closer [Will Detroit pickup Urbina's option?] should round out the Sox 'pen.

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Ramiro Mendoza is an eye opener and I can't even tell you what happened to Ben Weber. He was brutal this year and I'm assuming he got hurt, but nothing has been talked about him down here in Anahiem. Its a shame, as much as I didn't like the guy, he was very good for a couple years in Anaheim.


Didn't Weber have some sort of injury and miss some time and come back horribly before he was demoted or designated?

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To be honest, I couldn't tell you much anything about Weber's dissapearance. I went to a ton of Angel games and follow him, but not a word has been mentioned about him in the paper or anything.


I remember him being absolutely brutal and booing his ass off the field. Then like a week later they were in an extra inning game and every pitcher pitched and I was like, where the hell is Weber. I figured he got hurt and thats why he was struggling but not a thing was said about him.


I'm sure its on the net, I'm just too lazy too look, lol.

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I could really see Furcal coming to the southside. It seems as if the Sox have been interested in him for a while, since there have been rumors about him coming here since when we were trying to trade Durham a few years ago. Also, with his run-ins with the law, I could see it even moreso as a possibility.

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I could really see Furcal coming to the southside.  It seems as if the Sox have been interested in him for a while, since there have been rumors about him coming here since when we were trying to trade Durham a few years ago.  Also, with his run-ins with the law, I could see it even moreso as a possibility.

Trouble is ATL doesn't have a leadoff hitter [Marcus Giles maybe?] or a SS to take Furcal's place. The sox could part with Uribe as part of a deal. But who would take over leadoff for them?


But Furcal is the type of talent to build around. Even if he's immature.

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Who was the guy that played SS while Furcal was out?  Nick Green?  I seem to remember someone kinda like M. Giles.  One of those two could def lead off.

Nick Green wouldn't. But Marcus Giles definitely could. I didn't know how good a hitter this guy was. Though he's only hit #2, his numbers show he could hit leadoff. And he has speed.


2004: .311/.378/..443 with 17 sb's in 379 ab's

2003: .316/.309/.526 with 14 sb's in 551 ab's


Furcal should get a big raise in ARB, something like $6 mill. Yet ATL has big money tied up w/ the 2 Jones's, Hampton and Smoltz [$45 + mill?]. ATL will probably try to resign Drew, Jaret Wright and Paul Byrd rather than Ortiz. Wright and Byrd won't cost that much, but Drew will. And all will likely get more than 1 yr deals.


Furcal is worth his money. But if they could get a cheap, proven starting SS [Juan Uribe--If Ozzie liked Uribe's attitude wouldn't Bobby Cox?] putting money into their pitching and power makes sense. Esp if Giles can hit leadoff. Rookie Charles Thomas has speed in LF that could make up for Furcal's SB's


Some deal involving Uribe and Furcal could be possible.

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Of course Furcal would be #1 on everyones list but I just can't see the Braves getting rid of him. We would have to give up too much. Visquel looks like a cheaper option for the next season or two until the Soc could find a young talent through either the minors, a trade, or free agency.

A deal along the lines of Garland [a Leo Mazzone special] and Uribe for Furcal would be possible, yet tough for the sox to do. ATL would probably do something like this.


Uribe's power for Furcal's speed? Plus Garland being a virtual lock for 200 innings? If I were the Sox I'd want more than just Furcal.

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I think with Drew moving on, Lee makes more sense for the Braves. I'd love to do a Lee for Furcal straight up. Juan Cruz was pretty good this year and I doubt they'd be thrilled with moving him. I don't like the idea of dealing Garland as then we'd need 2 starters.

Who says the braves do not resign drew. He really likes it there and the fans also really like him. Lee for furcal straight up would be terrible, we would lose in that trade immensely.

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If the Braves lose Drew, what use do they have with Lee? From what I can tell, Charles Thomas does not have the arm to play RF, and Lee sure as hell can't play RF on a regular basis either.


I mean, I do see pieces of a big time trade that could be made between the two teams...with Furcal having run ins with the law, and Garland being mediocre for us, I definately do.


And I'm wondering personally why Atlanta wouldn't want Konerko over Lee...Lee's the better ballplayer(or atleast I think he is), so his value is higher...but as I said, Atlanta really has no use for Lee, while they do Konerko, and, IIRC, Lee is scheduled to make more money next year then Konerko is anyways(just barely, but he does).


I could definately see a swap of like Konerko, Garland, and Adkins for Furcal and Cruz...something along those lines.

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I think with Drew moving on, Lee makes more sense for the Braves. I'd love to do a Lee for Furcal straight up. Juan Cruz was pretty good this year and I doubt they'd be thrilled with moving him. I don't like the idea of dealing Garland as then we'd need 2 starters.

If Drew isn't resigned, then a deal for Lee might make sense. ATL, even w/ Drew, was lacking power. LaRouche, their rookie 1B man, is more of an Olerud type.


Garland should be making around $3 mill. If he doesn't fulfill his potential in 2005 [have a similar year as this yr], that would be an expensive contract for a 5th starter. But Garland has value. Esp under a guy like Leo Mazzone

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