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By Sally Tomkins


Men can get a lot more lovin' when they know the five things a guy should never say to a lady when he's hoping to get a little action in the sack.


"You'll be surprised to hear what the no-nos are," says psychologist Dr. David Morel, whose exciting new book, Gentlemen, Start Your Engines, is set for a Christmas release.


Here are a few examples:


1. "I think fat babes are hot." Even when you are sincere, it sounds contrived and insulting. Better to say, "You're pretty AND smart! Wow!"


2. "You remind me of my mother." This is fine if you're talking about the home-cooked dinner your prospective lover prepared for you. But saying it before a roll in the hay is downright creepy.


3."My boss says you're a tiger in bed -- and so does my brother!" Women have little interest in men who treat them as simple sex objects. Better to say, "I hear good things about you."


4."After we do it I'll take you to McDonalds." The suggestion that your lady is a "hamburger whore" doesn't sit well with most women.


5."When is the last time you took a bath?" Questions like this are jarring and can be taken as a vicious snub.




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How about make me dinner b****, that is a nono also.

"Make me dinner, b****!" is good, although it sounds more like something that would be said in an actual relationship...in a trailer park.


Sally is trying to tell you what not to say when you're attempting to pick up some slut at a bar, a club, the library, etc. I'm sorry if I offended any of the sluts here at soxtalk. :D

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Ohhh, that is so perfect, wait, could you slide over just a little bit, I can't see the TV, and my beer is empty could you get me another one . . .


And remember, popping each other's zits is not proper foreplay

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