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Maggs gone-100%


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From the Daily Herald Article:


According to a spokesperson for Tom Reich and Adam Katz, Ordonez's erstwhile agents, the switch occurred last week.


Sox general manager Kenny Williams knew Ordonez was rumored to be seeking a change, but he didn't receive official confirmation until being contacted by the Daily Herald on Wednesday morning.


"In a situation like this, an agent designation form is sent to us,'' Williams said. "That authorizes us to deal with the new representation, but we have not received that yet. Until we receive something officially, or someone makes a phone call to us, we can't proceed either way. But that doesn't mean a change hasn't been made.


"I wish I had more information to give our fans. But this has been an unusual situation, to say the least.''


So now newspaper hacks reporting rumors constitute 'official notice'? I'll believe it when the Sox get the form. I don't see the Sox signing him, no matter who represents him, unless it is to a contract with a team escape clause. Neither Reich, Katz, Boras nor Maggs himself, for that matter, will agree to one unless they have no other choice.

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Proabably change the title of the thread, im sure 2 or 3 more of these will pop up.


I think Maggs is kinda sticking it to the Sox faces IMO with this move. Time to go there seperate ways I guess.

Is he bitter they only offered him $14M a year? The gull of that White Sox front office to offend an MVP like Maggs with that kind of offer.


Seems to me that Maggs is pissed off at himself for not signing with the Sox before he got hurt. His agent begins to tell him the kind of money that he can expect being injured and all, Maggs didn't like what he heard, and thinks that the savior can get him what he thinks he deserves. I hope he comes nowhere near sniffing the $14M he could have had here. I like Maggs as a player, and seems to be a nice guy, but I've got no pity for greedy players.

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he had his chance he balked, hes hurt borassssss will get him a big deal but he wont play a game cause of his knee and whatever team that signs him will loose the big money hes looking for.


on a side note


Dear Owners of major league baseball teams,


Over the years scott borasss has taken you to the bank with some of his clients. As a fan of major league baseball i think its best that you stay away from scott borasss so you can actually put a real team on the field and not have to trade every one away, or even fire the manager because you didn't win your league, or the world series. I am asking for you all to not talk with scott borass and not even negtioate with him. The players then dont get there hudge ego's and payrolls can be normal. You need to take charge of these players contracts and keep them at a max of 12 mill per year. its time for all to come together and tell scott borasss "your fired".




A fan of Major League Baseball

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Playing under the label "The Best Player in Baseball You've Never Heard Of" here in Chicago may have bothered him as well. He deserves to be a superstar somehwere where the national media can recognize can recognize his accomplishments. More money wouldn't be too bad either. I just hope he doesn't speak out against Kenny Williams and Jerry like so many others in the past. I just can't picture Maggs doing that to anybody.

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I think Maggs has to be commended for all he has done for the White Sox.


But with that being said, he won't be coming back and turned down 14 million dollars a year to go elsewhere. He had a knee surgery in Austria to try and cover up his injury, and basically has done everything against what I would expect out of him...


Now by signing Boras as his agent, the one man single-handedly changing free agency and the MLB draft, I have washed my hands of him and hope he doesnt find those big bucks.


Goodbye, Good Riddins and Good day Sir

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Playing under the label "The Best Player in Baseball You've Never Heard Of" here in Chicago may have bothered him as well.  He deserves to be a superstar somehwere where the national media can recognize can recognize his accomplishments.  More money wouldn't be too bad either.  I just hope he doesn't speak out against Kenny Williams and Jerry like so many others in the past.  I just can't picture Maggs doing that to anybody.

Why do you suppose so many players have bad-mouthed Sox ownership/management after they have left?

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I'll love watching this situation over the summer, when no-one wants to sign Maggs because of the insane contract demands Boras will put on his head.  :lol:

hehe...Summer :lol: you crazy Austrailian!!!


But yea....it will be funny, Boras hasnt made many friends in the past few years, doubt Maggs is gonna get as lucky as he thinks :headshake

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Adios Maggs....Good luck in the future. Everyone knew this would happen but some hoped not. What do we have to worry about? We have the GREAT Timo to take his place.....  :headshake  :puke

Yeah...and JR will get us a "replacement" for Mags. Don't worry. :headshake


We have Carl Everett, who needs Mags?

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I want nothing to do with a guy who lies to his team, has surgeries in secret in a forgein country, and may never play right again.

I tend to agree it's time to turn the page. Too much water under the bridge now.


As for Everett, I highly doubt he's your starting RF, even though the naysayers like to point it out. I think he'll be the starting DH because I doubt Frank will be ready to go by 4/1.


My guess? Rowand is your starting RF. I think there'll be a new CF.

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I agree its time to let Maggs walk. Why tie up huge money in a guy that noone is even sure will be able to play at the level he once did. I also agree Frank probably won't be ready to play if at all next season. Everett will more than likely DH. Hopefully the new CF would be Beltran but more than likely it will be Hairston or someone like that.

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Playing under the label "The Best Player in Baseball You've Never Heard Of" here in Chicago may have bothered him as well.  He deserves to be a superstar somehwere where the national media can recognize can recognize his accomplishments.  More money wouldn't be too bad either.  I just hope he doesn't speak out against Kenny Williams and Jerry like so many others in the past.  I just can't picture Maggs doing that to anybody.

When you are always described as "The best player in baseball you've never heard of.'' People have heard of you a s*** load since that is said constantly, same goes with garret anderson.

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When you are always described as "The best player in baseball you've never heard of.'' People have heard of you a s*** load since that is said constantly, same goes with garret anderson.

Who's Garret Anderson? :P :rolly


After this injury people just might be asking that question about Maggs in a few years

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