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The truth seeps out of the Trib finally


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And who here believes a word of what Borass says?  f*** him and all his clients.  Sorry, but that man is ruining baseball.

Exactly. The man lies to teams about other "offers" he has ala ARod. What makes you think he is telling the truth here when it comes to a clients value? Answer, he isn't. How come Maggs story has changed for a 3rd time now? Like I said at the beginning of all of this, if he was healthy all he has to do it invite the media to a practice. And he still hasn't done it. GMAFB Borass.

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Exactly.  The man lies to teams about other "offers" he has ala ARod.  What makes you think he is telling the truth here when it comes to a clients value?  Answer, he isn't.  How come Maggs story has changed for a 3rd time now?  Like I said at the beginning of all of this, if he was healthy all he has to do it invite the media to a practice.  And he still hasn't done it.  GMAFB Borass.

The only interesting news is that Boras said that the Sox will have the opportunity to have their doctors examine Magglio if they talk at all. Hopefully that's sooner rather than later, but at least it could give them some more information before offering arbitration.

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The only interesting news is that Boras said that the Sox will have the opportunity to have their doctors examine Magglio if they talk at all.  Hopefully that's sooner rather than later, but at least it could give them some more information before offering arbitration.

The Sox have been trying to have Maggs checked by their doctors.. Maggs has not complied or even responded to the requests.

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The Sox have been trying to have Maggs checked by their doctors.. Maggs has not complied or even responded to the requests.

I know, I just mean that Boras promised in his remarks that the Sox will have an opportunity to examine Maggs. (If Magglio has any interest in returning to the Sox -- and I think that he will at least feign interest.) If the Sox could examine him before the arbitration deadline, it would be useful in knowing how great a risk arbitration would be.

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The truth eventually will have to come out. Magglio will not be signing a contract without a complete physical. I think Boras may be stretching the truth. He keeps saying its a 3-4 week recovery on his second surgery. Didn't this surgery occur at least 6 weeks ago? Why won't he be ready until December? Personally, I think its a ploy to get the Sox to offer arbitration, which Magglio would except, and gives him time to get fully healthy and get a big contract next year, while playing for a minimum of $11.5 million in 2005. Boras' problem is JR isn't as gullible as other owners, and chances of him falling for this are zero. Boras doesn't like negotiating with JR because JR is an excellent negotiator, and he can't take him to the cleaners like he does others. Boras said Magglio would be made available to White Sox doctors to examine at a later date. Who wants to bet its after the deadline for offering arbitration?

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The truth eventually will have to come out. Magglio will not be signing a contract without a complete physical. I think Boras may be stretching the truth. He keeps saying its a 3-4 week recovery on his second surgery. Didn't this surgery occur at least 6 weeks ago? Why won't he be ready until December? Personally, I think its a ploy to get the Sox to offer arbitration, which Magglio would except, and gives him time to get fully healthy and get a big contract next year, while playing for a minimum of $11.5 million in 2005. Boras' problem is JR isn't as gullible as other owners, and chances of him falling for this are zero. Boras doesn't like negotiating with JR because JR is an excellent negotiator, and he can't take him to the cleaners like he does others. Boras said Magglio would be made available to White Sox doctors to examine at a later date. Who wants to bet its after the deadline for offering arbitration?

Could be, but if you believe Boras's statement (big if, no doubt) that would only happen if Magglio refused to negotiate w/ the Sox before the arbitration deadline, which seems unlikely. (Everyone wants to make a show like they want to return to their old team.) It's not much of a statement, I agree, but it's a little bit of news. The most likely scenario is still the Sox don't resign him, don't offer arbitration. Which, at the asking price, is definitely the right decision.

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I understand what you are saying.


However, all through the 80's and early 90s the Sox consistently outdrew the Cubs. Why? Because the Sox were consistently better than the Cubs!


I am not saying that if you raise the payroll by $25 million, that things will drastically change, but, if you spend the money the right way, i.e. Beltran and Pavano, the 2005 Sox will be at least 15-20 games better than the 2004 version. 15-20 games = playoffs. ("If you build it (a contending team) they (the fans) will come.")


On the other hand, if you spend the money the wrong way, i.e. spread it out over 5-7 players, you are doing little to improve the team.


Quality is ALWAYS better than quantity.

You can't really say that we are going to get 30,000 every night if we go to the playoffs. Besides, you could argue that we were "a contending team" for the last several years. We've been doing fairly well the last few years(at least competing until September), but we have not had a major increase in attendance, even after our playoff appearance and with the hype we got for acquiring Wells and Colon. Considering that the Braves didn't average 30,000 after 13 straight division titles, I doubt one good season is going to reverse the trend. Florida has won two rings and still can't draw. Regardless of projected success(at the beginning of the year), they have EXTREME trouble drawing 30,000 before June, the only exceptions I have seen are on half price night and when they play the Yankees. That is a good chunk of the season, and it has a huge impact on your attendance. If we can't draw after a winning season and acquiring a name starter twice, how are we going to draw? There isn't going to be that much of a boost from acquiring a single player unless it is someone along the lines of Bonds, A-Rod, Pujols, or RJ, which is a longshot. Beltran and Pavano just don't have that kind of prestige. Sure, they are well known among baseball fans, but the real key is trying to influence those people that don't follow baseball. Most of these people don't know them(that might change a bit with the way Beltran is hitting in the playoffs, but I doubt it will make that much of an impact).


How the hell can you say that quality is always better than quantity? The Mariners coped pretty well getting packages of other players after dealing Griffey(arguably the best player in the league at the time), A-Rod(ditto), and Randy Johnson, while those players had little to no impact on the standings for the teams that received them(I'm referring to Houston, since they are the team that acquired RJ from Seattle). Miluakee absolutely raped the Diamondbacks in the Sexon deal. Even if he was healthy, Sexon alone wouldn't have changed them from a last place team to a contender. The A's let Tejada and Giambi(IIRC both won MVP's before they left) go and still were damn close to making the playoffs. How quickly do you think the Padres would give up Jason Bay and Oliver Perez for Giles now? I won't even bother to list the FA signings that were busts, there are too many and we know many of them well. Admittedly in many of these cases they received younger players with potential, but there have been way too many excellent players on bad teams(Beltran, Guerrero, Todd Helton, plus all of the aforementioned players) to say that. Conversely, the Angels and Marlins have both won rings without the superstars that everyone wants(they got solid performances from virtually unknown young guys like K-rod, Cabrera, and Beckett, and just about anyone could have had I-Rod before the season). If they get the right guys I see no reason that the Sox can't do the same thing(ie getting a power arm or two in the pen, getting a solid defensive SS that can get on base(the pipe dream is Renteria, reality is Visquel. I wouldn't mind Guzman, although I'm not sure how he'd hit without the carpet), adding a solid SP. You might be able to pull of ALL of that for what we would have to pay Beltran, or at least two of them, and we wouldn't have to deal Konerko or Lee like many have suggested we would need to.)

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Read this BS....




Agent: Maggs' knee all right

Boras: Outfielder should be set to play in December

By Dave van Dyck

Special to the Tribune


The Magglio Ordonez mystery has been solved, and there is no mystery at all, at least according to his new agent.


Scott Boras says the White Sox right fielder only had a tear in the meniscus of his left knee, it was cleaned up by surgery in September and Ordonez should be ready to play again by December.


Yes, Ordonez did go to Austria for surgery. The surgery was not serious, according to Boras.


And the edema, or swelling in his knee?


"It was caused by Magglio trying to play on a [bad] knee and coming back too soon," Boras said. "The meniscus [surgery] is nothing. The edema takes eight to 10 weeks to go away. The doctor expects him to be back in full health by December. It's something that resolves itself with rest."


Ordonez also had meniscus surgery this summer with the Sox, but that was for the anterior portion. The September surgery was for the posterior, which could have developed at a later time.


Boras, baseball's highest-profile agent, said Ordonez would seek offers from all 30 teams as he explores free agency after the World Series.


And the Sox?


"When and if the time comes for us to talk about Magglio, I'll be happy to talk about Magglio … and let [their] doctors examine him. [but] Magglio has not prioritized teams for me yet."


Obviously, Boras expects a large market demand for Ordonez, a 30-year-old former All-Star.


"How many teams need a three-four hitter who can play a Gold Glove right field?" he asked. "Revenue is up and attendance is up and teams have money to spend."


Boras, who obtained the 10-year, $252 million deal for Alex Rodriguez and also has Houston free agent Carlos Beltran as a client, said he would seek a multiyear deal for Ordonez but would not name a price. Ordonez is believed to have turned down an offer close to five years at $70 million from the White Sox during the season.


Boras also said he wanted to clear the air on reports that he could not deal with Sox chairman Jerry Reinsdorf.


"The relationship Jerry and I have has been communicative," he said. "He always has returned my calls and I always returned his calls. If my clients are interested in the White Sox, they will hear from us."

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Gold Glove caliber defense in RF?! :lol: God, someone needs to get this guy a clue. Didn't he learn anything from the Maddux/I-Rod fiascos last year and the Weaver/Drew issues in the draft? He could ignore half the league if not more when trying to find a suitor for Maggs based entirely on his demands. I bet he gets laughed out the door by at least 10 teams.

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I agree with almost everything you've said, Lefty.


I don't hold management accountable for the Sox' failings nearly as much as I hold ownership responsible.


KW cannot do what needs to be done by the (artificial) financial restraints that are placed on him.

When I say management, I also consider ownership part of that group.


JR is the Chairman of the ownership group that owns the Bulls and the Sox. He does not own 100% of the White Sox....that being said, I would be surprised if he could throw caution to the wind and spend how much he sees fit on players....also, I have heard many interviews he has given, and one of the key things he has said is that he has a responsibility to not run the team into a deficit. He simply cannot spend more than they bring in....it would be against his responsibility to the ownership group, not to mention being bad business practice.


Even so, if you ONLY want to look at payroll as a metric of assessing ownership's behavior, they have increased payroll over the last 4-5 years...that being known, it seems to me your only complaint is that they haven't increased payroll ENOUGH, which due to the constraints mentioned above, they simply may not be able to do.

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I agree, never say f*** Maggs. But, there is a lot more here than what we are being told. Isn't it kind of funny that Maggs went out and signed Boras. Look what Boras did for Ivan Rodriguez. he got Detroit to give him a big contract despite injury concerns. I think Maggs knee is worse than what is being said and Maggs freaked and got the one agent who can get him a large deal somewhere.

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Actually I'd prefer he join the Cubs if he must leave us.

That sticks it to Reinsdork even more.

Ohh that pisses me off. Quit drinking the Maggs koolaid. Lets face it he has become a selfish jerk. Plus he is a liar.

What also pisses me off is you would be the first one in line harping about how he isn't fit to play if we resigned him. Let Boras play that bulls*** on some other team.

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This one's a hard one. Maggs has been undoubtedly one of the best Sox we've had in the last four years (except his injury this year). Always went about his business.


Then, out of no-where, the lying, cheating, screaming, kicking, greedy Maggs showed up. Where did that come from?


The Sox have such a bad rap when it comes to integrity and treating the players with respect, hence why it's rare a free agent comes here (whose name isn't Freddy Garcia, who is practically family).


For once, I think the Sox are actually on the up and up. Let's just hope that they can get someone in here that will (almost) match the consistency of Maggs pre-injury.

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This one's a hard one.  Maggs has been undoubtedly one of the best Sox we've had in the last four years (except his injury this year).  Always went about his business. 


Then, out of no-where, the lying, cheating, screaming, kicking, greedy Maggs showed up.  Where did that come from?


The Sox have such a bad rap when it comes to integrity and treating the players with respect, hence why it's rare a free agent comes here (whose name isn't Freddy Garcia, who is practically family). 


For once, I think the Sox are actually on the up and up.  Let's just hope that they can get someone in here that will (almost) match the consistency of Maggs pre-injury.

Maybe Carlos can become Magglio pre injury....He's on his way with back to back great years...I'd think it would be easier for him to turn into Maggs...and then someone replace Lee "in a sense". Just a thought.

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And I don't think we'll ever outdraw the "northside losers", but we can (should) consistently draw 2 million plus IF (when?) we become consistent contenders.

All things go in cycles. The Cubs won't outdraw the Sox forever. In fact, I think the Wrigley mystique is beginning to crack as much as the Wrigley overhangs are. The utter choke job by the Cubs the last two years have turned the tide of being accepted as lovable losers. If the Cubs ever finish below .500 the "faithful" will bail out faster than rats from a sinking ship.

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All things go in cycles.  The Cubs won't outdraw the Sox forever.  In fact, I think the Wrigley mystique is beginning to crack as much as the Wrigley overhangs are. The utter choke job by the Cubs the last two years have turned the tide of being accepted as lovable losers.  If the Cubs ever finish below .500 the "faithful" will bail out faster than rats from a sinking ship.

They won't be out THAT fast. They gotta finish their beers first! :lol:


In all honesty, I think they'll lose some fans if they let Wood, Prior, or Zambrano pull a Maddux(not sure they can afford all of them), but unless they condemn Wrigley Field(man that'd be sweet) the lemmings will keep going. The whole tradition of drunken-day game baseball has become almost a part of Chicago life. They get way too many people going to the games that don't even care about baseball for a losing season or two to make that big of an impact.

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