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Snakehead caught at Burnham Harbor


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dude, this SO proves evolution.

Like evolution needed any more 'proving.' We're the walking, talking, singing-with-the-radio-in-the-car-when-we-think-nobody's-watching preponderance of evidence. I guess the snakeheads are pretty good evidence too.


"Nothing of biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."

-- T. Dobzanski

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Like evolution needed any more 'proving.'  We're the walking, talking, singing-with-the-radio-in-the-car-when-we-think-nobody's-watching preponderance of evidence.  I guess the snakeheads are pretty good evidence too.


"Nothing of biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."

-- T. Dobzanski

inter-species evolution has and will never be proven, however, I'll buy into homo sapien sapien evolving from writing on scrolls to writing on the internet.


show me the direct fossil records from "lucy" to "FlaxxJim"....and not simply scientific "guessing"...cos that's all it is.

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inter-species evolution has and will never be proven, however, I'll buy into homo sapien sapien evolving from writing on scrolls to writing on the internet.


show me the direct fossil records from "lucy" to "FlaxxJim"....and not simply scientific "guessing"...cos that's all it is.

C'mon, PA, you know that's not how science works. Science isn't in the business of "proving" things. It can, however, compile a preponderance of evidence pointing to the likely explanation to natural phenomena. In example after example after example, from Chuck D. through the scientists of today, the evidence has been pilinng up in support of speciation by means of natural selection and accumulated change over time.


When scientists started looking critically at homologous anatomical and physiological structures, the evidence became stronger. When they started loooking at the level of the cell, finding that our own mitochondria have their own DNA distinct from our nuclear (or, nukuler for the Bushies) and more than strongly suggesting that eukaryotes came oute of a symbiotic relationship between simpler organinisms tthe evidence became stronger still. Noow that we're able to compare genomes of vastly different species and we're seeing at the molecular level the bulk of the traditionally derived cladistic evidence for phyletic relatedness be born out, we have some of the best corroborating evidence we could ask for.


There are flat-earthers still around today, they just don't havve any relevance to modern scientific thought. Ditto the "I didn't come from no damn monkey" anti-evolutionists. I'm trying hard to get out of the business of arguing with evolution's equivalent of flat earthers. Just watch so you don't fall off the edge.


"Scientific guessing" is selling the process a little short.

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