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Has anyone seen the Hunted


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It was bad as was Tears of the Sun.  Bruce Willis has sucked big time sinc Pulp Fiction.


I am eagerly awaiting Vin Diesel's new flick tentatively titled "Things Blow Up Real Good".

I saw Tears of the Sun this weekend and thought it definitely was overly dramatic.

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I am eagerly awaiting Vin Diesel's new flick tentatively titled "Things Blow Up Real Good".

If anyone should wish for silent movies to return, it's Vin Diesel.

"In a world....where no one speaks....ONE MAN....is happiest of all.....Vin Diesel IS.....The Quiet Moron"

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If anyone should wish for silent movies to return, it's Vin Diesel.




But I thought his voice is, like, most ovulation-inducing since James Earl Jones's...that's what I've heard from many college-age women at least. Certainly better than no-vocal chords, nasal whine-athons like Tom Cruise, Sean Penn, Toby McGuire, etc

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But I thought his voice is, like, most ovulation-inducing since James Earl Jones's...that's what I've heard from many college-age women at least.

That's a good demographic to attract, gotta admit it!

I guess even if you have nothing to say, if you say it in a certain way, some women will swoon...


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Vin Diesel is the perfect example of why it's not just women that men find attractive that get major roles in Hollywood movies. Vin Diesel makes some B-movie actors/actresses look like Oscar winners. I expect his next movie to be no less brutal than "The Fast and the Furious" or "XXX"

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I saw the Hunted...Pretty good, though I was expecting more. I like Del Torro and Tommy Lee Jones but neither was at their best in this movie...still I would recommend it to those of us who like to see knife fights and adventure

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Vin Diesel is the perfect example of why it's not just women that men find attractive that get major roles in Hollywood movies. Vin Diesel makes some B-movie actors/actresses look like Oscar winners. I expect his next movie to be no less brutal than "The Fast and the Furious" or "XXX"


I'll give you this: as a dramatic or comedic actor, he is pretty inadequate (overrated more like it since after Boiler Room many were quick to crown him the next Brando or next Crowe...lol). However, since there are so many amateurs, hacks and mediortities swimming around in H-Wood (I'd say 90+%), having racially ambiguous bouncer as your next Sly-Auhnuld icon may not be such a bad idea. Rather see him (or camp-y Dwayne Johnson!) spank women in oil-drenched thongs in TBURG than having another Ben "Oscar Winner!" Assleck or Colin "But it's Bradd Pittt Only With Acting Chops!" Farrel vehicle. YMMV.


As far as fugly men "making it", Vin Diesel can't compete with Nicholas Cage/Sean Penn/Dustin Hoffman/John Torturro/James Gandolfini in that department. I am not that suiprised that his popularity among Gen X'ers.

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SLJ is cool


Yeah, but the question is: is he gonna be "Jackie Brown" cool or Rules of Engagement/Shaft "cool" (which is to say "not cool at all"). Both him and T-bone can do no wrong in my book because of Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Do The Right Thing, etc...but in all fairness them two can also make some steaming piles of s*** like no other (General's Gratuitously and Repeatedly Naked Daughter? Battlefield Scientology? WTF?!) if conditions aren't right.


50-50 chance of Basic being really good AFAIAC.

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Im not always saying he plays a moral role but he is a good actor I think. Besides, have you seen Rules of Engagement? If you did youd know those people were shooting at him and he did what he had to do. He was just a patriot fighting for his country. Maybe it wasnt cool but it was just...

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Piss poor acting stupid movie. The guy in the van, misses a gun shot from what 2 and a half feet? They don't bother to explain the title character's story and the "great knife fights involve the two monkeys loosing what should be 4 litres(a gallon?) of blood each without any adverse effect...I could go on.... :puke :puke

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