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Who raised taxes more often in the Prez race?

Rex Kickass

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you know, the 89 Billion that's going to be taken away from the "richest 1%" in order to pay for ALL of John Kerry's "better plans" won't cut it...and the poor f***ers that are gonna get stuck with the bill are you, me, and everyone else that posts on here.


gay marriage outside of Gay-achussets won't be legal under either President, but you can sure as hell bet Taxes will be on the menu if JFH-K is elected.



p.s. the richest 1% also have the smartest 1% of tax lawyers...so they'll find a way to keep their money regardless. way to go 48% of america... vote for Higher taxes..... Vote John Kerry

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you know, the 89 Billion that's going to be taken away from the "richest 1%" in order to pay for ALL of John Kerry's "better plans" won't cut it...and the poor f***ers that are gonna get stuck with the bill are you, me, and everyone else that posts on here.


gay marriage outside of Gay-achussets won't be legal under either President, but you can sure as hell bet Taxes will be on the menu if JFH-K is elected.



p.s. the richest 1% also have the smartest 1% of tax lawyers...so they'll find a way to keep their money regardless. way to go 48% of america... vote for Higher taxes..... Vote John Kerry

With the capital gains tax and the death tax removed, the middle class will shoulder a much greater tax burden over the next 10 years to make up for it.


Thanks George. That's what I want -- more taxes to make up for your dumb ass.

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gay marriage outside of Gay-achussets won't be legal under either President, but you can sure as hell bet Taxes will be on the menu if JFH-K is elected.

Haha, Gayachusetts, I resent that. Wait, no I don't. We're pretty f***in gay.


But please, don't compare the ol' windbag Kerry to JFK. That is a disgrace.

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What can I tell you Sox4life? Other than you just aren't funny anymore. You're just angry. And I can understand - you keep trying to justify your political beliefs and when you are called on them, you get angry.


Remember that commercial about the 50 cent gas tax proposal that John Kerry supported? Dick Cheney proposed that tax hike.


Remember that 9/11 commission, George Bush opposed it. George Bush tried to sandbag it. George Bush didn't want to talk to it.


Remember Department of Homeland Security? George Bush opposed it. It's underfunded and by government reviews, its been described as incredibly lacking.


John Kerry promised he wouldn't raise taxes. I'm willing to give him a chance. George Bush promised a humble foreign policy. George Bush promised to allow the import of prescription drugs from Canada. George Bush promised better funding for first responders that was never realized. George Bush promised 5 million new jobs by Nov 2004 in 2002. That never materialized. I got enough broken promises to change horses in midstream thank you very much.


As a result of the Bush tax cuts and recession, public university costs have exploded, in the last 4 years, Michigan State alone raised its rates by more than 15%. States have had to raise taxes to make up for mandates that now go unfunded. If your federal tax goes down but your state tax increases, how does this help me?

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With the capital gains tax and the death tax removed, the middle class will shoulder a much greater tax burden over the next 10 years to make up for it.


Thanks George.  That's what I want -- more taxes to make up for your dumb ass.

Capital Gains taxes were reduced, not eliminated. Oh BTW, middle class people pay most of those as well. You know, like when they sell a home or shares of the mutual funds.. etc...etc...



Additionally, I am fundamentally opposed to the Death Tax. Why on earth should people have to pay taxes on someones estate when the deceased had to pay taxes on his money all his life. Its double taxation and its wrong.

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Remember that commercial about the 50 cent gas tax proposal that John Kerry supported? Dick Cheney proposed that tax hike.


John Kerry promised he wouldn't raise taxes. I'm willing to give him a chance. George Bush promised a humble foreign policy. George Bush promised to allow the import of prescription drugs from Canada. George Bush promised better funding for first responders that was never realized. George Bush promised 5 million new jobs by Nov 2004 in 2002. That never materialized. I got enough broken promises to change horses in midstream thank you very much.


As a result of the Bush tax cuts and recession, public university costs have exploded, in the last 4 years, Michigan State alone raised its rates by more than 15%. States have had to raise taxes to make up for mandates that now go unfunded. If your federal tax goes down but your state tax increases, how does this help me?

50 cent gas tax? That wasn't Cheney, that was Ross Perot back in 1992.



Tell me how someone in their right mind should pursue a "humble" foregin policy when we were attacked and our skyscrapers are falling down? The time for humble ended on 9-11. Yet even despite all that has happened, Bush has managed to help bring Libya to heel and helped bring India and Pakistan back from the brink of Nuclear War like they were in 2001 and now there's somewhat of a Detente there.


Explain to me how 5 mil new jobs are going to be created when a recession starts right after he takes office. Dont even try to blame that on him because it was a long time in coming and 9-11 caused even worse damage being the direct cause of hundreds of thousands of layoffs especially in the Airline industry. Since the economic recovery began last year Bush's policies have created 1.7 million jobs so its plainly obvious that things are getting a lot better around here.

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Actually, the gas tax I'm talking about was proposed by Cheney in 1986. (Energy Security Policy Act of 1986, H.R.5667, introduced 10/9/86, 99th Congress 2nd Session, 132 Cong Rec E 1350, Vol. 132, No. 139; Inside Energy/with Federal Lands, 10/13/86) This would have levied a hefty import tax on oil.


You can still fight a war on terrorism and be humble, Nuke. We did that in World War II. We were attacked then. We were humble enough in the early sixties to enjoy the support of many of our now estranged allies during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I would argue the real year that India and Pakistan were on the brink of Nuclear war was 1998. Since then, I haven't been worried because they have created a MAD regime similar to what we had with the Soviet Union during Cold War II. Tensions elevate but would not likely spiral out of control. I recall both Musharraf and Vajpaye (spelling) being quick to say that nuclear discharge was not a realistic option. Libya had been trying to get back into international good graces since 1998. A long negotiated surrender for a long idle and half hearted weapons program just happened to have happened shortly after the Iraq invasion. Libya may have disarmed but Iran and North Korea have quickened the pace in becoming Nuclear. Because having that bomb makes it hard for us to step in and take control.


Being humble means doing the things we promised we'd do before going into war, rather than using any excuse six weeks into something and say that it is simply not going to happen. The weapons inspectors were in Iraq less than two months before Bush declared it a failure, despite the fact that the inspectors were the only ones who actually found anything illegal - Al Samoud missiles. We found nothing. Being humble doesn't mean being meek NUKE. Being humble means living up to our word within the international community. If we go back on our word, why should anyone else trust us?


On the five million new jobs. The Bush economic team predicted that in February of 2002. After the recession. After 9/11. After any possible excuse. In January of this year, the Bush economic team predicted 2.6 million jobs for 2004. They will fall well short of that as well.

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What can I tell you Sox4life? Other than you just aren't funny anymore. You're just angry. And I can understand - you keep trying to justify your political beliefs and when you are called on them, you get angry.


Remember that commercial about the 50 cent gas tax proposal that John Kerry supported? Dick Cheney proposed that tax hike.


Remember that 9/11 commission, George Bush opposed it. George Bush tried to sandbag it. George Bush didn't want to talk to it.


Remember Department of Homeland Security? George Bush opposed it. It's underfunded and by government reviews, its been described as incredibly lacking.


John Kerry promised he wouldn't raise taxes. I'm willing to give him a chance. George Bush promised a humble foreign policy. George Bush promised to allow the import of prescription drugs from Canada. George Bush promised better funding for first responders that was never realized. George Bush promised 5 million new jobs by Nov 2004 in 2002. That never materialized. I got enough broken promises to change horses in midstream thank you very much.


As a result of the Bush tax cuts and recession, public university costs have exploded, in the last 4 years, Michigan State alone raised its rates by more than 15%. States have had to raise taxes to make up for mandates that now go unfunded. If your federal tax goes down but your state tax increases, how does this help me?

Well first of all, "gay" means happy anyway....but we won't start on the hijacking of that word in the 1960s.



My point was simply this, the states, as Dick Cheney believes, have the right to figure this issue out. Never candidates are for Gay Marriages, and I would imagine 70-80% of people would agree with that, otherwise why wouldn't John Kerry pander to that vote, like he does every other vote?


Gas taxes are good, oil companies are not so good, national sales taxes are better...


9/11 commission had the makings of a witch hunt, just ask michael "super size me" moore about that...I would have oppossed it until the grounds for a fair proceedings were met.


homeland security department is the makings of bigger government, it's something that any republican would instinctively hate, but the reality is that we need it....which, is what Bush has realized.


the answer to all of those things is (POLITICS). GWB has to pander to the anti-gay marriage crowd with the talk of a constitutional amendment. It sounds tough and makes him look like he stands firm on the issue and won't back down. It'll never happen, so just forget it. Ultimately, the states will choose, and PA and Texas will be the last places that will ever allow those practices.... thank God. equal rights I'm for, so have fun with civil unions, but stay out of my marriage practices. That's not a right....and pray for any minister or preacher that believes it is. he wrong.



as for me not being funny, well, obviously. I'm not here to be friends with anyone, or make anyone laugh. The truth needs to be defended and values and morals need to be upheld. I'm not the best at it, but I'll try anyway, because it needs to be done. I'm not letting my kids grow up in a pathetic society as ours. I laugh at the "advancements of the 20th Century".

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I never said anything about gay. I mean, really, how gay is that?


John Kerry pandered to nobody by saying what he did. He doesn't support the idea of gay marriage but he supports the idea of extending survivor rights and hospital visitation rights to people of long term relationships. He voted against DOMA because he thought it was unnecessary. He thought it was "gaybashing." There's nothing wishy-washy about that. He doesn't support the FMA. John Edwards doesn't support the FMA either.


There were a few moments in that final debate that I thought were very telling. John Kerry answered clearly where he stood on gay marriage. He doesn't support marriage but he supports the extension of certain rights to gay couples. He doesn't believe homosexuality is a choice. George Bush rambled for a while about something that didn't answer the question and then said he supported the effort to amend the constitution and forever alter the rights of 3 to 10 percent of this population. I could get into the details of why the FMA would be bad for this country beyond the realm of marriage itself, but I won't today.


If we eliminated the income tax and replaced it with a National Sales Tax, do you realize how damaging that would be to small business owners? Or, for that matter, corporations? They'd then be taxed twice on everything. How is that a pro-business stance.


The Republican party has increased discretionary spending per year in the US government at a higher rate over the past ten years then the Democrats did during their time in control of Congress. Your boy, Reagan proposed tax hikes, and blew up a huge deficit. He grew the government to the point where we had to establish Pay as you Go because we couldn't afford to not balance the budget any longer.


If Homeland Security is something we "need" why isn't it adequately funded? For the price of doing business in Iraq with Halliburton for four months, we could make the border protection enhancements we need to make our ports and airports more secure. But we don't.


As for you scorning the advancements of the 20th century so much, why don't you throw away your computer and CD player and go join the Amish. You're in PA, they shouldn't be hard to find.

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