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Red Cubs Look Like Shit

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95% of this thread is ignorant and out of line.  Just look at the post after yours.

Agreed...I dont think anyone isnt at fault in this thread


Any post that includes "like a tard...." would be considered ignorant and infantile in my opinion.


I truly wonder what some of us would act like if the Sox actually could make the playoffs, although most of us probably prefer just ripping on other teams fans.

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Agreed...I dont think anyone isnt at fault in this thread


Any post that includes "like a tard...." would be considered ignorant and infantile in my opinion.


I truly wonder what some of us would act like if the Sox actually could make the playoffs, although most of us probably prefer just ripping on other teams fans.

That's what it seems like doesn't it. I thought after I came back from watching that game last night that I'd at least see some comments about how great a game it was, regardless of whether you hate the teams. Instead I see a bunch of garbage ripping on the fans (which means people were watching, despite what they had declared).

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That's what it seems like doesn't it.  I thought after I came back from watching that game last night that I'd at least see some comments about how great a game it was, regardless of whether you hate the teams.  Instead I see a bunch of garbage ripping on the fans (which means people were watching, despite what they had declared).

Those were two, yes two outstanding baseball games last night. A normal baseball fan would be able to take that away and not worry about what the fans were doing during the game.


But their is a reason why White Sox fans are stereotyped to be angry, rather have the Cubs lose than have the White Sox win, cynical and contright fans. We celebrate others misfortunes rather than celebrate our own team...it sickens me

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That's what it seems like doesn't it.  I thought after I came back from watching that game last night that I'd at least see some comments about how great a game it was, regardless of whether you hate the teams.  Instead I see a bunch of garbage ripping on the fans (which means people were watching, despite what they had declared).

Last night and the night before is what October baseball is all about. Its a shame that the majority has to look at the ten people the FOX camera crew picks out, out of the 35,000 fans in the park and come to the assumption that because these ten people are praying or what not the whole fan base is the same.


Two excellent baseball games, with gutsy performances, and walk off hits weren't enough to draw this crowd into the broadcast. Some peoples true colors are really showing on this board, thats for sure.

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95% of this thread is ignorant and out of line.  Just look at the post after yours.

I didn't come back and read the BS until now. I guess we all have our moments..


I was watching at bowling.. and while I didn't call anyone retarded.. I did laugh and call them "Cubfan like". Damn game kept me out.. I couldn't leave until it was over. Which means several :drink were being consumed..



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You guys have no respect for me on this issue, I have no respect for you, yes respect is earned.. and forget this for what its worth crap, these last two games and tonights game in Houston is exactly what baseball is all about.

They were great games...I have not said they weren't...probably the best night of baseball in the entire year. I have seen performances from players that I didn't think was possible...Backe going 8 innings, allowing 1 hit to probably the best offense in the game, and maybe even a better offense then the Red Sox offense last year(that's my opinion...the stats do not support me, but there is no easy out in the entire lineup, with the exception of maybe the catcher...you add a good DH to that lineup and it might score 1000 runs). And the Yanke-Sawks game had to have been the craziest, most entertaining game I've seen all year...factor in that neither team could get a hit with a runner on, there were blunders abound, bad calls, and passed balls(I wonder how many millions of people were yelling "CATCH THE BALL" to their TV in the 13th or whenever it was that Varitek allowed 3 PB's).


And I haven't said anything about the fans. I too find myself "praying" like Sawks fans for even goofier things then to keep my team alive.



Saying "suck my balls," however, was inappropiate. If we want to put s*** behind us, saying suck my balls will not help the problem. That will only create more problems and more posts bashing the Red Sox...you attacked them, so human nature says to fight back, someway, somehow. What happened?


EDIT:  By the term "you guys" I am referring to the idiots, yes idiots in my opinion, who are rooting against the Red Sox and for the Yankees, those who compare the Cubs to the Red Sox, and those who "aren't watching the games."


People are not idiots if they are cheering for the Yankees over the Red Sox. I can cheer for whoever I want to, you can too, and so can everyone on Earth. It's their right as a human being.


And I have already explained how the Cubs and Red Sox are similar franchises. Suggesting that they aren't is asinine. Neither have won a World Series in a long time(and we'll leave it at long), both have had very good chances to win or to get close to winning, but have choked(Leon Durham, Bill Buckner, Bartman, Pedro), and both franchises are "cursed", whether you believe in the curse or not.


Those who are not watching the series are not watching for their own reasons...perhaps their detesting of both teams is enough to drive them to not watch. That's the way it was for me in the first 3 games of the series.

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