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A soldiers own words


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This was forwarded to me by a friend. Thought it might interest some of you.




This letter was sent via e-mail by Lonnie J. Lewis, a Navy corpsman deployed in Kuwait attached to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade, in response to his mother's query about how he would feel if she joined other relatives in participating in a Hollywood anti-war demonstration. His letter was published in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on 8 March 2003, and the newspaper also ran an article about Lewis' mother and grandfather the same day.

Lewis' mother, Karen Perez, said in a telephone interview that "she decided not to join the antiwar protest after reading her son's e-mail."


Dear Mom,


It's really your decision to march if you want to or not. You are the one who has to decide if what we are doing out here is right or not. My opinion is not yours.


I do, however, have things I would like for you and Grandma and everyone else at home to know.


I am a United States soldier. I was sworn to defend my country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. People may not agree with the things we are ordered to do. I would like to address those people by telling them that terrorism is not only a threat to us as Americans, but to many other innocent people in the world.


What type of country would we be if we didn't defend the rights and freedoms of others, not because they're Americans, but how about just because they're human?


We live in a country where people feel secure with their daily lives. They do business like usual and don't worry about the thought of terrorism actually happening to them.


The people of 9-11 thought the same thing. We now know that it can happen to anyone at any time.


Yet as Americans we're afraid of losing our soldiers to defend our security. I can only speak for myself when I say that my life is an easy expense to ensure that my family and friends can live in peace.


I strongly believe in what we are doing and wish you were here to see for yourselves the honor and privilege that American soldiers aboard this ship are feeling, knowing that we are going to be a part of something so strong and so meaningful to the safety of our loved ones. Then you would know what this potential war is about.


We will stand tall in front of terrorism and defeat it. We as soldiers are not afraid of what may happen. We are only afraid of Americans not being able to understand why we are here.


I ask for your courage as Americans to be strong for us; I ask for your understanding in what we believe is right. I ask for your support in what we are sworn to do: defend our country and the life of all.


We will succeed in our task and will end the threat of terrorism in our back yard. We will also end the threat of terrorism in our neighbors'.


We have to remind ourselves of what this country stands for: life, liberty and justice for all. In order to maintain those rights we have to stop the threat of terrorism.


I am proud to be here. I will be coming home, but not until I know that it's going to be safe for all Americans and for everyone I love.


My family is first. My country is where they live. I will defend it.


Lonnie J. Lewis

Navy corpsman

C Co. 1/4 WPN PLT

UIC 39726

FPO AP 966139726


P.S. Mom, please send this to everyone who has a hard time understanding why we are here. Ask the paper to put what I've said in a column so that others will know why we are here and what we are here for.


I love you all and will be home soon. I left my address so that if anyone feels like writing to let me know how they feel, they can.

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good job steff

Thanks LDF. I got it right after an email from my aunt telling me that my uncle is somewhere in (on?) the Western Flank supposedly with some Green Berets involved in some secret crap. I have no idea what that means (or why he is with them since he is Air Force..??) But it's so surreal.

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good job steff

Thanks LDF. I got it right after an email from my aunt telling me that my uncle is somewhere in (on?) the Western Flank supposedly with some Green Berets involved in some secret crap. I have no idea what that means (or why he is with them since he is Air Force..??) But it's so surreal.

oh this s*** on people who preaches peace and are protesting. when i know my godson in there on a seal team and have other cuz in other military branches. it make me want to hit someone

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oh this s*** on people who preaches peace and are protesting. when i know my godson in there on a seal team and have other cuz in other military branches. it make me want to hit someone

"I can support the troops, but be against the President." - Trent Lott, in 1999 during the Kosovo conflict.


I just can't understand how Bush thinks perpetual violence will bring peace. I just have anger that the Bush administration has lied to the world community and the American public about the reasons for war. First it was that Iraq had ties to Al Qaeda. But then the CIA and international intelligence could not find a link between them and if anything, they hated each other. Then, Bush said that it was because they had WoMD. But Blix could not find many weapons in his search and in conversations with Scott Ritter and Doug Rokke, they said that they probably had few working chem/biological weapons, if any. Also, let it not be forgotten that the only reason they had so many in the first place was because of Donald Rumsfeld and the US government selling them to him. Then, Mr. Bush said the war was about humanitarian assistance. I humbly ask Mr. Bush how humanitarian aid is having harsh sanctions imposed for the past 12 years that have killed over 500,000 children? How is it humanitarian aid to consistantly bomb the nation for the past 12 years and this has had many delegates in the UN labeling it "genocide"? How will we bring democracy to the country when your propaganda campaign tells people to leave Iraq? Is it not convenient that so many people in the Bush regime have strong ties to the oil industry? (Bush, Bush's dad, Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, etc. etc. etc.) Then, Powell's UN report was plagiarized from 12 year old information.


I think I support the troops most when I look at this absolutely flimsy case for war and wonder how any person, in good conscience, could send their children to fight for these reasons. I am a situational pacifist, and I believe in this situation, our troops should not have been sent to fight there. The case for war has not been made and the case for sending our troops off to die has not been made. We as the public should value American and Iraqi lives so much more than to allow our West Texas unelected president with "Mad Cowboy Disease" to go off and send our troops into war with such flimsy evidence.


I know many may say that Saddam is a ruthless dictator. I then ask you about the innumerable other dictators and harsh rulers that inhabit this world (many of which the US has and does continue to support). Are we to go destabilize various governments all over the world for this reason? The inordinate employment of violent means does not justify the laudible end of defeatin Saddam Hussein.


Support the troops, bring them home from Bush's f***ed up oil war/power trip/wagging the dog from worrying about Osama bin Laden because they still can't capture him. It sickens me that this little chickenhawk in the White House can, in good conscience, send people off to die and he justifies it with lies to the American public and the world. f***ing sickening to me that one life had to be lost due to Bush's lies, let alone all the sacred dead of both sides that have paid the ultimate price in this war. Then again, I wouldn't expect much more from the governor of Texas who looked at death row clemency appeals for about less than 15 minutes on average.

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I actually do preach peace and I do protest this war.



From the book of James: And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace. Those conflicts and disputes among you, where do they come from? Do they not come from your cravings that are at war within you? You want something and do not have it; so you commit murder. And you covet something and cannot obtain it; so you engage in disputes and conflicts.

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that letter accually gave me chills down my spine when i read it :)

A lot of people have said they had that same response. In all honestly, we can all have our opinions and feelings about this war, but ultimately it's the boys and girls over there fighting that bear the weight of it. IMO, the protesters are discounting their feelings. They feel they have the right to not support it, but screw those that do. Hypocracy at it's finest.

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A lot of people have said they had that same response. In all honestly, we can all have our opinions and feelings about this war, but ultimately it's the boys and girls over there fighting that bear the weight of it. IMO, the protesters are discounting their feelings. They feel they have the right to not support it, but screw those that do. Hypocracy at it's finest.

The pro-war people calling protesters "un-American" for using American rights, that's hypocrisy at it's finest. Last time I checked, this country was founded on protest and civil disobedience. (Boston Tea Party, anyone?)


Like Trent Lott said in 1999, "I can support the troops but be against the President".


Anti-war protesters are not discounting peoples' feelings. How many troops do you know that WANT to be over there putting their ass on the line slaughtering Iraqis? I think I believe that number is ZERO. Nobody wants to go kill. And when our President Select lies to the world as a reason to send them off, if anybody is discounting the soldiers, it's Bush.


The anti-war movement doesn't want to see our troops be forced to go over there and die because our President wants to lie to the world and become a international war criminal. If anything, the anti-war movement supports the troops the most because we don't see the need for them to risk their lives in this situation in Iraq.

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A lot of people have said they had that same response. In all honestly, we can all have our opinions and feelings about this war, but ultimately it's the boys and girls over there fighting that bear the weight of it. IMO, the protesters are discounting their feelings. They feel they have the right to not support it, but screw those that do. Hypocracy at it's finest.

The pro-war people calling protesters "un-American" for using American rights, that's hypocrisy at it's finest. Last time I checked, this country was founded on protest and civil disobedience. (Boston Tea Party, anyone?)


Like Trent Lott said in 1999, "I can support the troops but be against the President".


Anti-war protesters are not discounting peoples' feelings. How many troops do you know that WANT to be over there putting their ass on the line slaughtering Iraqis? I think I believe that number is ZERO. Nobody wants to go kill. And when our President Select lies to the world as a reason to send them off, if anybody is discounting the soldiers, it's Bush.


The anti-war movement doesn't want to see our troops be forced to go over there and die because our President wants to lie to the world and become a international war criminal. If anything, the anti-war movement supports the troops the most because we don't see the need for them to risk their lives in this situation in Iraq.

apu you never have anything to say about our arguments about the war all you do is beat around the bush like politictions on those tuff questions. Give peace a chance, but it seems like you are just fine with what suddan is doing to the iraqi people.


Do you think we should let him starve, kill "iraqi people" who is supposply cares about while his wallet gets fatter?


Im sorry but i dont think there is any peace full way to get around suddan out of there. we have tryed for 10 years now :(

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A lot of people have said they had that same response. In all honestly, we can all have our opinions and feelings about this war, but ultimately it's the boys and girls over there fighting that bear the weight of it. IMO, the protesters are discounting their feelings. They feel they have the right to not support it, but screw those that do. Hypocracy at it's finest.

The pro-war people calling protesters "un-American" for using American rights, that's hypocrisy at it's finest. Last time I checked, this country was founded on protest and civil disobedience. (Boston Tea Party, anyone?)


Like Trent Lott said in 1999, "I can support the troops but be against the President".


Anti-war protesters are not discounting peoples' feelings. How many troops do you know that WANT to be over there putting their ass on the line slaughtering Iraqis? I think I believe that number is ZERO. Nobody wants to go kill. And when our President Select lies to the world as a reason to send them off, if anybody is discounting the soldiers, it's Bush.


The anti-war movement doesn't want to see our troops be forced to go over there and die because our President wants to lie to the world and become a international war criminal. If anything, the anti-war movement supports the troops the most because we don't see the need for them to risk their lives in this situation in Iraq.

YO! Apu.. can I have my head back now please? I let you shout, now you let me do the same without attacking me. I am very aware of the way the world works, thank you very much... I don't need a history lesson (or TWENTY a day). I simply gave MY OPINION on the way the PROTESTERS deal with the SUPPORTERS. Can you not make a mountain out of EVERY molehill?


As for how many WANT to be there fighting... I know several, and it sure sounds like Lonnie Lewis wants to be there. He included his address. Why don't you send him a letter asking him about it..?

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How many troops do you know that WANT to be over there putting their ass on the line slaughtering Iraqis?  I think I believe that number is ZERO.  Nobody wants to go kill.

no soldier, sailor , airman , marine , or coast gaurd want to go to war...no one wants to kill anyone..but those that are there understand they have to be..that somebody has to put an end to the terror of saddam...ask that british soldier that they show on that film clip where 3 or 4 little iraqi children run up to him as he gives them candy and they are waving at him as they run away if he wants to be there.....what do you think he would say???...go ask any of those soldiers if they want to go home...


the government does not lie to them or trick them when they enlist..it is made perfectly clear to everyone that raises their right hand that by doing that they acknowledging that they very well could be called upon to give their life for this country ...they do it of their own free will..


what they are doing is their job...as professionally as any fighting force in history ever has...they know they might have to take a life of another..they know that they may very well not see the end of this campaign..they know they might die because we are trying to fight within the rules of war while our opponents fight like murderers ,rapists and thugs...


its what makes them heros


you say you support the troops??...have you done anything to really support them??...donate blood??..send a check to the organization that uses it to buy groceries for families who have husbands or wives in the gulf???..something like that???..you sure are supporting the anti-war movement enough..isnt it time to actually prove you support the troops too??..that goes for people on both sides...actually supporting the troops is something we all should be doing with more than just words or signs..

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apu you never have anything to say about our arguments about the war all you do is beat around the bush like politictions on those tuff questions. Give peace a chance, but it seems like you are just fine with what suddan is doing to the iraqi people.


Do you think we should let him starve, kill "iraqi people" who is supposply cares about while his wallet gets fatter?


Im sorry but i dont think there is any peace full way to get around suddan out of there. we have tryed for 10 years now :(

Actually the UN Sanctions have had a similar, if not greater hand in starving the Iraqis than Saddam could ever wish to have. I've stated before and I've stated again, if the countries in the region are not scared of Saddam and his supposed WoMD, then why is the world's only superpower shaking in it's boots?


I never said that I support Saddam and I take offense at the claim. I said that diplomatic means should have been exhausted by our "President" before even putting the idea of war on the table. There are various diplomatic means that could have toppled Saddam and got the world community on our side for this, if a war was needed by that point. But no, Bush comes out with his "Axis of Evil" comment that was NOT cleared by the State Department telling them that he intends to bomb the s*** out of them. So, if you are a country with weapons, would you destroy them knowing full well that a superpower is intent on kicking your ass either way?


Bush disappointed me by violating international law and the UN Charter. I really don't get how punishing a country for violating UN Resolutions by violating UN Resolutions ourselves gets us any higher moral ground in the world community. There is only one unelected leader with weapons of mass destruction that is hellbent on using them that I am afraid of....George W. Bush.

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that is weak sauce :( you have no feelings for the iraqi people :( we tryed for 10 years to get him to leave peacefully (with 7 billion dollars with no punishment and he refused) how is that our fault.


also we didnt ask the un if we could go to war we asked them if they would help they said no so we moved on our own i see nothing wrong with that.

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you say you support the troops??...have you done anything to really support them??...donate blood??..send a check to  the organization that uses it to buy groceries for families who have husbands or wives in the gulf???..something like that???..you sure are supporting the anti-war movement enough..isnt it time to actually prove you support the troops too??..that goes for people on both sides...actually supporting the troops is something we all should be doing with more than just words or signs..

I actually do donate blood at the school blood drives a lot (except when I'm sick and stuff and they won't let me) I've said before, I am a situational pacifist. In this situation, with the evidence provided by our President, it's not clear that war is the answer.


I call my Senators and Representatives quite a lot telling them that I want them to do whatever the f*** they can to get our people back here to the states and not be fighting an illegal war over in Iraq. I think that is the most important thing I can do, petition my government with grievances to protect our troops.


I know they volunteer. But that begs the question, how many volunteer with the intent of educational purposes and how many go to actively want to get in the military for the military's sake? I have met a lot of people, young and old, that have told me that they are in the military simply because they can get their college education paid for or that military law is gonna be a springboard for getting into a prestigious law school, etc. I've had recruiters come after me on campus before and even at my high school handing out the glossy bumper stickers for the Marines, Army, Air Force, etc. What's weird is looking their their recruitment ads, I rarely see white males in the photos anymore. Either they are actively targeting lower socio-economical minorities or there are just not that many whiteys in the military anymore.


When one of the largest simultaneous protests occurs in the world, you'd figure that might send a message to the "Coalition of the Willing" (aka the US/UK and a bunch of nations who gave their symbolic support) that people support the troops enough to not let them die in this situation.

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you say you support the troops??...have you done anything to really support them??...donate blood??..send a check to  the organization that uses it to buy groceries for families who have husbands or wives in the gulf???..something like that???..you sure are supporting the anti-war movement enough..isnt it time to actually prove you support the troops too??..that goes for people on both sides...actually supporting the troops is something we all should be doing with more than just words or signs..

I actually do donate blood at the school blood drives a lot (except when I'm sick and stuff and they won't let me) I've said before, I am a situational pacifist. In this situation, with the evidence provided by our President, it's not clear that war is the answer.


I call my Senators and Representatives quite a lot telling them that I want them to do whatever the f*** they can to get our people back here to the states and not be fighting an illegal war over in Iraq. I think that is the most important thing I can do, petition my government with grievances to protect our troops.


I know they volunteer. But that begs the question, how many volunteer with the intent of educational purposes and how many go to actively want to get in the military for the military's sake? I have met a lot of people, young and old, that have told me that they are in the military simply because they can get their college education paid for or that military law is gonna be a springboard for getting into a prestigious law school, etc. I've had recruiters come after me on campus before and even at my high school handing out the glossy bumper stickers for the Marines, Army, Air Force, etc. What's weird is looking their their recruitment ads, I rarely see white males in the photos anymore. Either they are actively targeting lower socio-economical minorities or there are just not that many whiteys in the military anymore.


When one of the largest simultaneous protests occurs in the world, you'd figure that might send a message to the "Coalition of the Willing" (aka the US/UK and a bunch of nations who gave their symbolic support) that people support the troops enough to not let them die in this situation.

how is this an illegal war i hear you say that way to often.

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that is weak sauce :( you have no feelings for the iraqi people :( we tryed for 10 years to get him to leave peacefully (with 7 billion dollars with no punishment and he refused) how is that our fault.


also we didnt ask the un if we could go to war we asked them if they would help they said no so we moved on our own i see nothing wrong with that.

Thanks for telling me how I feel...so the plans for urban warfare and the want to now carpetbomb Basra etc. How is that humanitarian for the Iraqi people? I'd post photos I have found of dead Iraqi civilians so far, but they are far too sickening.


We needed the UN to make this legitimate. We have set the precedent for illegal vigilante justice. What kind of slippery slope could be disasterous. You may also want to read international law...what the Bush regime is doing is quite illegal and they have been warned of war crimes. Also, if we are intent on stopping terror, why don't we attack the nation that has violated the MOST UN RESOLUTIONS? You know why we won't? We give them arms and weapons.......it's Israel and Ariel Sharon can do no wrong in the US eyes. Except for bulldoze Palestinian homes, kill Palestinians with the IDF (note: I don't condone Palestinian suicide bombs) but I'd expect more from a sovereign nation's army than from a few zealots in Palestine.

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how is this an illegal war i hear you say that way to often.



Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, Hague Convention on land warfare, Hague Convention on air warfare, the Treaty of Westphalia, US Army Field Manual 27-10 (1956), the International Declaration on Human Rights, the Genocide Convention, the 4 Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol I thereof, the Kellogg Brand Pact, and the Nuremburg Judgement, Charter and Principles.


But don't take my word for it. That's from former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and former World Court lawyer Francis A. Boyle.

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how is this an illegal war i hear you say that way to often.



Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, Hague Convention on land warfare, Hague Convention on air warfare, the Treaty of Westphalia, US Army Field Manual 27-10 (1956), the International Declaration on Human Rights, the Genocide Convention, the 4 Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol I thereof, the Kellogg Brand Pact, and the Nuremburg Judgement, Charter and Principles.


But don't take my word for it. That's from former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and former World Court lawyer Francis A. Boyle.

un resolutions 677, 678 ,1441 says its legal

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granted a few iraqi civilions have been hurt and there in noone in the world that doesnt feel bad over those. but look at how many we are saving and our bombs are not killing thousands of civilions like suddan, so if saving people from a corrupt goverment is against the laws, then i say we need some new laws. and im glad bush has the balls to do what is needed.

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how is this an illegal war i hear you say that way to often.



Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, Hague Convention on land warfare, Hague Convention on air warfare, the Treaty of Westphalia, US Army Field Manual 27-10 (1956), the International Declaration on Human Rights, the Genocide Convention, the 4 Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol I thereof, the Kellogg Brand Pact, and the Nuremburg Judgement, Charter and Principles.


But don't take my word for it. That's from former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and former World Court lawyer Francis A. Boyle.

well if it means saving lives than who cares about laws??? dont peoples lives come before law??? i thought so but hey maybe you care about some "laws more than what is humain"

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un resolutions 677, 678 ,1441 says its legal

I talked to people who helped to craft 1441 and also helped with 677, 678. (mainly Doug Rokke) and from what he told me in the writing of it and I assume that he knows what he is talking about because he helped write them, unauthorized force by any nation is not covered by the UN resolutions and also the explicitness of authorizing military force in these resolutions is not there. These resolutions don't make it a legal war. :(


Why do we have to have a war criminal President? :(



420, tell me how it is not hypocritical punishing a country for violating UN Resolutions when we are violating not only UN resolutions but international law?

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un resolutions 677, 678 ,1441 says its legal

I talked to people who helped to craft 1441 and also helped with 677, 678. (mainly Doug Rokke) and from what he told me in the writing of it and I assume that he knows what he is talking about because he helped write them, unauthorized force by any nation is not covered by the UN resolutions and also the explicitness of authorizing military force in these resolutions is not there. These resolutions don't make it a legal war. :(


Why do we have to have a war criminal President? :(



420, tell me how it is not hypocritical punishing a country for violating UN Resolutions when we are violating not only UN resolutions but international law?

Well when you have a dictator that is killing his own people, and there is a law that says you shouldnt attack a country. well i say break the law and save peoples lives. seriously if you have an answer to this war without war then im all ears. ive said that once but you never replyed with a dirrect answer just gave some more bulls*** that had nothing to do with what i asked you.

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Well when you have a dictator that is killing his own people, and there is a law that says you shouldnt attack a country. well i say break the law and save peoples lives. seriously if you have an answer to this war without war then im all ears. ive said that once but you never replyed with a dirrect answer just gave some more bulls*** that had nothing to do with what i asked you.

March 7, Hans Blix was quoted as saying that Iraq was disarming. Why not let the weapons inspectors do their work? Oh yeah, cuz Bush had a hard-on for war.


I ask again, if Saddam is so brutal, then why did we arm him? Waging this war is piss poor foreign policy. Saddam may be evil, but what about all the much worse governments that we continue to fund just because they are anti-Communist (i.e Colombia)....Colombia is a much worse human rights abuser than Saddam could ever have dreams about being. But Colombia is one of the top recipients of aid from the US and we also train their troops in the WHISC (#1 in amount of troops sent to the WHISC per year)


Why don't we go overthrow Uribe then? He's a much worse dictator than Saddam...or maybe you just don't have compassion for the Colombians that want to unionize, criticize their government or even grow food? (Uribe gasses the peoples' crops if they are against his paramilitary death squads)


I really don't understand how we got to be such a country that cares about human rights in the last year or two. Given our track record of getting into bed with bloodthirsty dictators, etc. I really have a hard time believing that this is about humanitarian purposes.


Or if we are going to wage war, then how about the President tell the world the truth? Or maybe then he couldn't justify the war if he told the truth.

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Well when you have a dictator that is killing his own people, and there is a law that says you shouldnt attack a country. well i say break the law and save peoples lives. seriously if you have an answer to this war without war then im all ears. ive said that once but you never replyed with a dirrect answer just gave some more bulls*** that had nothing to do with what i asked you.

March 7, Hans Blix was quoted as saying that Iraq was disarming. Why not let the weapons inspectors do their work? Oh yeah, cuz Bush had a hard-on for war.


I ask again, if Saddam is so brutal, then why did we arm him? Waging this war is piss poor foreign policy. Saddam may be evil, but what about all the much worse governments that we continue to fund just because they are anti-Communist (i.e Colombia)....Colombia is a much worse human rights abuser than Saddam could ever have dreams about being. But Colombia is one of the top recipients of aid from the US and we also train their troops in the WHISC (#1 in amount of troops sent to the WHISC per year)


Why don't we go overthrow Uribe then? He's a much worse dictator than Saddam...or maybe you just don't have compassion for the Colombians that want to unionize, criticize their government or even grow food? (Uribe gasses the peoples' crops if they are against his paramilitary death squads)


I really don't understand how we got to be such a country that cares about human rights in the last year or two. Given our track record of getting into bed with bloodthirsty dictators, etc. I really have a hard time believing that this is about humanitarian purposes.


Or if we are going to wage war, then how about the President tell the world the truth? Or maybe then he couldn't justify the war if he told the truth.

I think the is some media bias goin on defintly, and to say that this is not has important has other is just has bad has romans. just because it isnt the worst place in the world for people to live doesnt mean it shouldnt be fixed

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