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Mike Lowell to be traded?


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They are gonna need a s*** load more talent than sexon back to compete in that division. Even if they did have their best hitter out for the majority of the season. it is not very common for 111 loss team to come back the next season and compete.

I agree completely, that's why I put in the "reports were" and "ownership believes". Not me! I don't understand why they'd believe that. Maybe they're expecting too much out of Webb?

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I agree completely, that's why I put in the "reports were" and "ownership believes".  Not me!  I don't understand why they'd believe that.  Maybe they're expecting too much out of Webb?

I believe it will take two to three years for them to start competing again because they were absolutely dismantled. Honestly if they think sexson will make that much of a difference they are smoking some good s***. There is no reason to believe he is that big of a difference maker. This diamondbacks team he is on is similar to the brewers team he has been on.

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Lowell won't likely become a FA. The Marlins can trade him before Nov. 1st. If they do so, Lowell would be signed for 3 yrs and $25 mill to the team he's traded to.


Instead of signing Lowell as a FA, the Sox could trade for him. If Lowell is a leader, like he's talked about being, the sox are short on those, and Ozzie has like what he's seen in him, go for it. The cost might only be Crede, a prospect and a reserve [like Borchard or Timo Perez]. Crede is valuable, and fits in with FLA. They have guys set to make $75 mill and need to get team salary down to under $60 mill.


FLA is likely to get less for Lowell than market value, as they only have two weeks to make a deal. Yet if they don't trade him, they'd only get 2 comp. picks.


Check the link here, Lowell thinks he's gone.




If the Sox got Lowell, they likely would only need to add a SS like Vizquel, and fix the pitching. With a trade of Lee, his salary would be doable. The key is, is Lowell a leader? If he is, the sox should do it. Crede may turn out OK [i think he will]. Yet the sox have too many question marks and need some position players who will be around for a few years.

That's a pretty good thought. It would probably have to be a pretty good prospect, but Lowell at $8 mil is not a bad deal. If he hit lefthanded, it would be a great deal. (Though, as usual, my agreement stops as soon as you bring up Vizquel. :D )

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That's a pretty good thought.  It would probably have to be a pretty good prospect, but Lowell at $8 mil is not a bad deal.  If he hit lefthanded, it would be a great deal.  (Though, as usual, my agreement stops as soon as you bring up Vizquel.  :D )

The sox might not need a SS if they got Lowell though. Going with a young SS like Uribe makes sense if they have a vet next to him at 3B.


But the Sox still would need to add some speed and a LH bat somewhere.

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i have to agree.

playing in the 3rd largest market, but spending like we are in the 33rd is getting old.

the fans will come back with a vengance like before 94 if they go out and get a beltran and radke.

i'm not 100% sure, but weren't we outdrawing the cubs back then by a wide margin?

The Chicago market is split between two teams, and unfortunately the split is not weighted in the Sox favor.


The "3rd largest market" argument does not apply here. In fact, if you split up Chicago and gave the Sox their share, plus 25% extra as room for improvement, I would venture to guess you still only have a market in the middle of the pack.

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When the White Sox signed Albert Belle for the 1997 season, they had the 4th or 5th highest payroll in all of baseball. Spending more money will not guarantee higher attendance.

Opening day line-up in 97 was the 3rd highest payroll in baseball, trailing Baltimore and the Yanks... in attendance, the Sox ranked 9th in the AL in 96. -- That's not exactly grounds for one of the highest payrolls in baseball.

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You can't convince me that signing Radke and Beltran would have much impact on attendance at all. Losing Maggs and replacing him with Beltran won't get the town super excited. The only way we will draw is if we win, or if there was a much bigger star than Beltran coming in (not meaning ability but star wattage). We'll draw fine if we get off to a good start.

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You can't convince me that signing Radke and Beltran would have much impact on attendance at all. Losing Maggs and replacing him with Beltran won't get the town super excited. The only way we will draw is if we win, or if there was a much bigger star than Beltran coming in (not meaning ability but star wattage). We'll draw fine if we get off to a good start.

Our town wouldn't be excited? Chicago media bias aside, the acquisitions of two quality FA's will overshadow any developments of our North Side neighbords. (Barring a substantial move from "The Magician" Jim Hendry)


April/May attendance is usually dismal due to terrible weather and a history of slow starts. Signing Radke and Beltran during the offseason would give the White Sox a tremendous opportunity to win 'out the gate,' and possibly draw fans who might have been hesistent to attend early games in years past.


Similiar to the appeal of a new ballpark, signing quality FA's will only draw fan attention for so long. There's no doubt winning will fill the park, but you can't ignore the implications a successful offseason will have on attendance.


Above all other logic, signing those two in particular (although improable) fill our need for a coveted OBP player with Speed/Defense/Power, and a pitcher to push Judy to his rightful position.

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I agree,  the we have to stay within our ( Fake price range ) is BS look at the Sox tickets prices the last 5 years, they do not even come close to the % spent on players as revenue recieved from price increases.

You might want to check again...

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I know but we have brought in big guys before (Belle, Wells, colon) and I wouldn't say there was any increase early in the year. HOWEVER, adding a guy in the middle (remembering Alomar/Everett 2k3 and Garcia 04) of the year will lead to a big walkup increase. I think Hendry will make some moves, and it wouldn't really matter if he didn't.

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Our town wouldn't be excited?  Chicago media bias aside, the acquisitions of two quality FA's will overshadow any developments of our North Side neighbords. (Barring a substantial move from "The Magician" Jim Hendry)


April/May attendance is usually dismal due to terrible weather and a history of slow starts.  Signing Radke and Beltran during the offseason would give the White Sox a tremendous opportunity to win 'out the gate,' and possibly draw fans who might have been hesistent to attend early games in years past. 


Similiar to the appeal of a new ballpark, signing quality FA's will only draw fan attention for so long.  There's no doubt winning will fill the park, but you can't ignore the implications a successful offseason will have on attendance.


Above all other logic, signing those two in particular (although improable) fill our need for a coveted OBP player with Speed/Defense/Power, and a pitcher to push Judy to his rightful position.

Doing something would definitely create a buzz... trouble is Sox fans are too smart and we wait for results before we go..



Well there are some idiots out there that buy season tickets no matter what...








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I know but we have brought in big guys before (Belle, Wells, colon) and I wouldn't say there was any increase early in the year. HOWEVER, adding a guy in the middle (remembering Alomar/Everett 2k3 and Garcia 04) of the year will lead to a big walkup increase. I think Hendry will make some moves, and it wouldn't really matter if he didn't.

No more midseason acquisitions.


If White Sox were to address problems during the offseason instead of waiting until midseason (after guaging their position in the standings, then coughing up prospects) our weak system wouldn't be so diminished.


I understand you can't anticipate injuries/poor performance before the beginning of the season (which may lead to a midseason trade), but the Sox enter EVERY season with numerous glaring holes. I'd rather have a bonafide stud completing our rotation then Diaz/Grilli filling the 5th spot, and hoping KW makes a trade around the ASB if "we're in contention."


KW continues this midseason approach and GM's will feast on his aggressiveness, impatience. I've had nightmares picturing what KW would have given up for Randy Johnson.

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Why in the heck do we want Lowell?

Isn't he injury prone, and way too expensive.

Sorry but no thanks.

Unless it's 4 Mil or less then i'm not going to touch him.

What would we want with lowell, hm he is an upgrade over crede. He is not injury prone at all he broke his left hand last year and missed about a month that is it. For a top 5-10 third baseman i would not say he is getting highly over paid. How many players do you know of that put op the numbers he does for 4 million? That haven't already been in the league for 4-6 years.

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well i dont have them with me but lowell always has a strong first half and usually sucks during the stretch so thats kind of concern 2... also i thought ozzie wanted small ball..... what would really be cool is if we signed placido polanco and vizquel and then have crede and uribe battle it out at 3B

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Beltran didn't put that many asses in the seats in KC. Most players aren't draws. The poster who said the Sox fans wait and see is right. Albert Belle was a much bigger star than Beltran and had significant national awareness. Those who don't see that are using revisionist history. When Belle came to the Sox he was two years removed from a World Series appearance and was the second most feared hitter in the game (we had #1 too). Belle hit .311-48-148-124-11 the year before he got here. And, I don't buy the character argument as far as Belle not drawing. Let me ask you a question, have you ever seen a Carlos Beltran jersey in real life?

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Have you ever seen a KC jersey in real life????

If a player really has star appeal, the team doesn't matter. Vladimir Guerrero had as much appeal(probably more) when he was playing in Montreal, the worst baseball team and city. The key factor in buzz is whether or not the average non-baseball fan(or Cub fan, similar knowledge) would recognize the player. The die hard Sox fans are going to come no matter what, the best you could hope for is a fan who normally goes to 5-10 games getting season tickets. It'd take something pretty serious for someone to make that kind of investment, so I doubt too many people would do that simply for getting Beltran(especially since you are basically replacing Maggs, who was a home grown guy that we liked before the injury). The casual fans(not necessarily Sox fans but follow baseball) would likely go to a few games anyways, and you hope that they'd move toward the 10 game mark. The most to gain is clearly to attract some of the lemming-like fans that typically go to Cub games. You need real stars to attract these people. Nomar had some major buzz since he was formerly a very good player in a major baseball market, even though his skills aren't as impressive as some more talented players. The only guys available in free agency that have major name recognition outside of the baseball arena are Pedro Martinez and Nomar Garciaparra. Beltran may be getting closer to that level considering how he is hitting in the playoffs, but I doubt it. I'd really rather not see us spend $15 mil on a .267 hitter who plays the same position as one of our better players when we could use that money and potentially get someone like Renteria or Pavano and still have enough money left to make major additions to the pen. All of those things happening is a pipe dream.

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How about we give it a go Kenny. Offer to take Koch back and we could have him free =).


Friday, October 15, 2004



ESPN.com news services

Mike Lowell's days as a Florida Marlin might be numbered.



The Marlins talked about ways to rid themselves of Lowell's $34 million contract, which he just signed last year, at the team's organizational meetings, a source told The Palm Beach Post.




Florida also could lose ace Carl Pavano and Armando Benitez to free agency this winter.




Lowell's contract is tied to the Marlins' ability to secure financing for a new ballpark by Nov. 1, for which they currently are $30 million short.




If Florida finds the financing, the final three years of Lowell's deal become guaranteed. If the Marlins don't, then the All-Star third baseman would hold a $7.5 million option to return to the club in 2005 or he can file for free agency anytime between Nov. 1 and Nov. 6.




If Florida can't secure financing and Lowell does return, the club could trade him at any time next season. The last two years of Lowell's deal, worth $8 million each, would be erased.




A source told The Post that Lowell is ready to test free agency, although he grew up in Miami.




If the Marlins trade Lowell, they would move Miguel Cabrera to third base, which is his natural position, and search for a left fielder at baseball's winter meetings.




Lowell, a career .277 hitter, batted .293 last season with 27 home runs and 85 RBI.

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