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InDemand PPV dumps Michael Moore


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Fatass scumbag filmmaker Michael Moore is all upset because his movie got dumped from InDemand's election eve roster. 




It's not surprising, but it is sad that the cable powers that be decided to do it. I wish Moore could swig a deal with a broadcast group with some ball to show F911 on free tv on election eve.


I was actually stunned to see that Wal-Mart DID decide to carry the DVD. I figured that the megastore that has no problems selling edited CDs (and using their muscle to demand the edited versions are made) of objectionable performers would not have touched F911 for fear of a mouthbreather revolt. I was happy to see I was wrong.

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Moore addresses the deceits claims


Still waiting for the landslide of libel suits bound to result in releasing such a heap of lies..


Still waiting for 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission report to come out - you know, the pages that talk about Saudi Arabia - where 15 of the hijackers came from and the country that seems to have financed several of them...

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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Even if Micheal Moore lied about a few things. It doesn't make Bush's sickening disregard for human life any more troubling.

George Bush is a sick human being. If he could sell us all out to oil companies he would. He'd take all of our jobs and education money to if he thought he could get away with it.

Bush still makes me sick. It's gotten to the point that I can't even look at him on TV. I guess we all have to look forward to the end of the world early if Bush is elected.

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Fatass scumbag filmmaker Michael Moore is all upset because his movie got dumped from InDemand's election eve roster. 




Even if you're not a fan of Michael Moore, he has a beef and it's pretty scary..

For one he had already signed a contract with In-Demand...so they broke the contract

Which i don't know how, but you got Sinclair airing over the free air waves their anti-Kerry film, but Moore can't play his doc on PPV??? Something you have to make a conscious effort to pay for if you want to see it..

That's pretty blatant nonsense if I ever heard..

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Even if Micheal Moore lied about a few things. It doesn't make Bush's sickening disregard for human life any more troubling.

George Bush is a sick human being. If he could sell us all out to oil companies he would. He'd take all of our jobs and education money to if he thought he could get away with it.

Bush still makes me sick. It's gotten to the point that I can't even look at him on TV. I guess we all have to look forward to the end of the world early if Bush is elected.

I agree..

The NY Times is the first paper so far to endorse John kerry

Here's their editorial..




Prob gotta use BugMeNot

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I wish Moore could swig a deal with a broadcast group with some ball to show F911 on free tv on election eve.

Moore was on Leno on Friday night. He said he was very upset that Sinclar Broadcasting was airing the anti-Kerry movie but wasnt offering an anti-Bush film. Sinclair has said that if Kerry wants to sit down with them and do an interview, they will air it. (Personally, I dont believe it.) But, Moore said that he will offer his movie FREE to Sinclair to air in responce to the anti-Kerry film.

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Moore was on Leno on Friday night. He said he was very upset that Sinclar Broadcasting was airing the anti-Kerry movie but wasnt offering an anti-Bush film. Sinclair has said that if Kerry wants to sit down with them and do an interview, they will air it. (Personally, I dont believe it.) But, Moore said that he will offer his movie FREE to Sinclair to air in responce to the anti-Kerry film.

It is not Moore's film to offer. Lions Gate (I think that is the production company) owns the distribution rights. Moore can SAY someone can have it for free, but he knows that his words have no meaning. So he looks good for offering something, when in reality, it isn't his to offer. Sinclair's offer to have Kerry on after the showing of the documentary was made, and turned down, by the Kerry camp.

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probably because enough poeple are smart enough not to belive that bulls***...


try snopes.com --- search pentagon.

It still doesn't explain what the hell happened to the airplane and why their was no wreckage from it.

Hell I feel like i'm looking at one of those damn "Where's Waldo?" books.

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It still doesn't explain what the hell happened to the airplane and why their was no wreckage from it.

Hell I feel like i'm looking at one of those damn "Where's Waldo?" books.

You do realize that the Pentagon is the spy capital of the world, right? Did you expect guided tours? Of course you aren't going to get all kinds of pictures. Any kind of information leaks could endanger lives and projects all over the world.

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Sorry southsider but I'm not one of the USA koolaid drinkers that think the Goverment is always going to be honest with us. We screw up too and when they do it's human nature to hide it. I'm not so quick to write this off as bulls***.

I never said I thought the government was honest. I definately know better than that. But there is no way you are going to see tons of visual evidence come out of the pentagon. That would be about the dumbest thing our government ever did. It would endanger tons of people lives.

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