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Alright. Before anyone calls me crazy or something, I want to explain why I'm posting this thread. First, let me ask you my question - and then I'll tell you why I'm asking it. Why do you drink beer? Is it because you like the taste, or is it to get the buzz?


I'm asking because -


OK - I'm at a party last night, and all they have is beer (of course, nothing illegal whatsoever going on at this party, as I don't break laws ;) ). And, since I usually don't drink beer (Class-A citizen all the way), I didn't know really what it tasted like. Well, during the course of the night, Budweiser (the beer of choice at this specific, not-illegal party) happened to be 'accidently' consumed by me. And, having never had a beer before, I really didn't like the taste; so much so that I could barely take the one can down.


Now, I gotta ask a couple questions. First - are there any beers that really have a good, enjoyable taste? I dunno, maybe I just can't take it, but I seriously did not like it's taste. Is it one of those things where, as you get older, you 'get used to it' (kind of like coffee)?


FWIW, I tried some Miller too, and didn't like it either.


Any opinions are welcome.

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it definitely is an acquired taste as someone who had the same problem; the best advice i have is try other beers that you can find at the store i know i found a couple good beers i like from doing that such as blue moon, killians, or leinies berry which have distinct flavors much better than that of bud or miller

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Its definately an acquired taste for most. One of the big keys is make sure the beer is really cold.


In terms of the generic beers, I won't drink Bud and prefer Coors but typically have Miller. Shiner Bock is probably my favorite beer and Corona has kind of grown on me as of late.


But the more you try just a bit, you'll start to like it I think.


Then again I've never acquired the taste of cofee. The stuff is absolutely terrible in my book.

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Beer is gross. It's like wine. Why do people even drink wine? It tastes like absolute s*** and doesn't even quench a thirst.


God damn, water > any other beverage.

I have a weird relationship with beer.


It is not a taste I enjoy while drinking it (which isn't very often). But a few days after drinking it I get a craving for it.


I try to avoid drinking alcohol for the most part. College is less than a year away, I can wait.

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Beer is gross. It's like wine. Why do people even drink wine? It tastes like absolute s*** and doesn't even quench a thirst.


God damn, water > any other beverage.

Coffee, Milk, Coke, Gatorade, Iced Tea all taste better than water IMO.

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As others have said, it's an aquired taste....


HS you should concetrate on the watered down variety of beers... Busch Light is the best option (i think) I'm sure others can chime in on this one, but it's been a while since I've had such crap beer.


College (freshman year): You're in illinois, so for some reason Keystone Light is everywhere at keggers... Move on up to bud light/miller light -- they have more flavor, yet still less than BUD. they won't get you as f***ed up either-- Also discover Jagermiester... Vow to never drink it again


(sophmore year) -- drinking bud/miller light daily, carry a flask with your favorite spirit to events. Rediscover Jagermiester, vow to never drink it agian.


Junior year -- you start getting more into the mixed drinks -- I can't speak from experience here, every mixed drink tastes like funny coke/funky sprite to me, so I never advanced that far. Discover Jager Bombs, vow never to drink them again.


But by the time I was 21, I would only drink Miller light in MASSIVE quantities. I was impervious to it's effects at this point. I would still get drunk, but if I drank only ML, I would wake up without a hangover of any kind. I had developed my palette to appreciate heavier more flavorful beers, I had already discovered Honeywiess, Fat Tire, and Yueng leung(sp) before my 21st, reaching that magical date just allowed me greater access to more choices. I found a great micro-brewery just after my magic day, unfortunately it subsequently went out of business, but those were good times...


There's a hierarchy drinking. You've stepped onto the bottom rung of the ladder.

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Coffee, Milk, Coke, Gatorade, Iced Tea all taste better than water IMO.

Sprite I might make an exception to, but none of those are better than water, in my opinion.


Gatorade is just nasty sugar water.


Coke, I don't even know what the hell Coke is. Carbonated water with syrup or something.


Milk is cool in the morning.


Coffee is pretty nasty.


Iced Tea makes me want to vomit for some reason.

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I've always stayed away from the basic beers, I like looking fo the beers that have some taste to them and give you a buzz, I mean I'll drink one really tasty potent beer as opposed to 5 coors lights and piss most of that out. I have to admit i started with the typical american beers and never really liked them, then once i reached the legal drinking age, i would try new beers at the bars. My favorite local pub back in PA has this drinking list where you drink 60 different beers from around the world and receive a nice pewter mug to use when you go there or bring it home if you like. Some favorites of mine are of course Guinness, Chimay, Heifweisan(sp?) Stille Nacht, most Rogue's, Anderson Valley Oatmeal stout, Weyerbacher Blithering idiot, now i am thirsty for a good beer.....I could go on and on, my point is try some different beers you might be surprised that you like some of them, and they don't all taste like Bud("wifebeater") :drink

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Beer is an acquired taste.  The more often you try it (and I don't mean large quantities in one sitting) the better it will begin to taste.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I remember 2 or 3 years ago I hated drinking beer. But the more parties I went to and the more I tasted it, I began to like it a bit more. Also peer pressure gets to ya in life as well. ;)

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College (freshman year):  You're in illinois, so for some reason Keystone Light is everywhere at keggers... Move on up to bud light/miller light -- they have more flavor, yet still less than BUD.  they won't get you as f***ed up either--  Also discover Jagermiester... Vow to never drink it again

correction: keystone is EVERYWHERE here, not just keggers, the guys across the hall from us get beer and we usually split it with them...always keystone

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Alright.  Before anyone calls me crazy or something, I want to explain why I'm posting this thread.  First, let me ask you my question - and then I'll tell you why I'm asking it.  Why do you drink beer?  Is it because you like the taste, or is it to get the buzz?


I'm asking because -


OK - I'm at a party last night, and all they have is beer (of course, nothing illegal whatsoever going on at this party, as I don't break laws  ;) ).  And, since I usually don't drink beer (Class-A citizen all the way), I didn't know really what it tasted like.  Well, during the course of the night, Budweiser (the beer of choice at this specific, not-illegal party) happened to be 'accidently' consumed by me.  And, having never had a beer before, I really didn't like the taste; so much so that I could barely take the one can down.


Now, I gotta ask a couple questions.  First - are there any beers that really have a good, enjoyable taste?  I dunno, maybe I just can't take it, but I seriously did not like it's taste.  Is it one of those things where, as you get older, you 'get used to it' (kind of like coffee)? 


FWIW, I tried some Miller too, and didn't like it either. 


Any opinions are welcome.

I'm telling your mom

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correction: keystone is EVERYWHERE here, not just keggers, the guys across the hall from us get beer and we usually split it with them...always keystone

Why is that??? It was that way when I visited friends back in the day. But I would go back to Iowa and it was bud light/miller light/busch light (whichever was cheaper) (usually Busch)again... Though I was called rich for drinking that.. :lol: Also Icehouse was big when I was in school. It was cheaper and had more Alcohol by Volume, so that was usually the drink of choice... I used to keep it in the freezer of my dorm fridge.

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I'll keep my position that under age drinking is immoral.


I have heard that beer is nasty stuff from a few friends. I've been invited to two of those kind of parties, but I didn't see the need of pitching money in for a waste of something, and I actually (unlike the corrupt starters on our team) follow the athletic code.


Opinions are welcome: Well I would say that you should consider your future before you do what you decide to do. There is no sense of losing everything, your trust of your parents, and even your friends over something so silly, something that isn't needed to be done.


I'm sure anyone can find something better to do than get drunk off their ass.

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Its definately an acquired taste for most.  One of the big keys is make sure the beer is really cold.

Hit the nail on the head there. The colder it is, the better it tastes.


I've always enjoyed the taste of beers with higher alcohol content (Icehouse, Bud Ice, etc). But maybe that was just because I was getting drunk faster. :lol:

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I'll keep my position that under age drinking is immoral.


I have heard that beer is nasty stuff from a few friends. I've been invited to two of those kind of parties, but I didn't see the need of pitching money in for a waste of something, and I actually (unlike the corrupt starters on our team) follow the athletic code.


Opinions are welcome: Well  I would say that you should consider your future before you do what you decide to do. There is no sense of losing everything, your trust of your parents, and even your friends over something so silly, something that isn't needed to be done.


I'm sure anyone can find something better to do than get drunk off their ass.

Wait until you get to college.... :rolly

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