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Kerry may have "won" the debates......


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I've seen five polls today. One shows Kerry up by 3, two show the race within two points, one shows a four point lead for Bush and the Gallup poll shows 8 points for Bush (although weighted for Likely Voters)


I don't know who will win.


I will say this. This all comes down to Ohio. There are signs that Bush is giving up PA (no more scheduled events in the state for the main candidates). If Kerry can win NH, hold WI, IA and MN and take Ohio OR Florida, the Kerry will win.

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Now the media bias blitz really kicks in

The Chicago Tribune endorsed Bush on Oct. 17.


"There is much the current president could have done differently over the last four years. ... But for his resoluteness on the defining challenge of our age — a resoluteness John Kerry has not been able to demonstrate — the Chicago Tribune urges the re-election of George W. Bush as president of the United States."


The Carlsbad Current-Argus, Carlsbad, N.M., endorsed Bush on Oct. 17.


"We believe President Bush should be re-elected because he is better prepared to lead the war on terror. We believe his firm conviction and stalwart stance to pursue the terrorists and destroy them is the only way America can navigate toward a secure tomorrow."


Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Neb., endorsed Bush on Oct. 17.


"This election is an opportunity to demonstrate to terrorists throughout the world that America is not tired of the fight. A vote for George W. Bush will keep in the White House a president who will carry on that fight and do so more forcefully and effectively than his opponent."


Rocky Mountain News, Denver, endorsed Bush on Oct. 16.


"If it weren't for 9/11, the 2004 presidential campaign would be a weary reprise of the one four years ago, with John Kerry substituting for Al Gore. ... What was different four years ago, of course, is that America was not at war. Now it is, and George W. Bush's vision for American foreign policy is a major reason we support him."

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Here are some endorsements for Kerry.


Atlanta Journal Constitution, Oct 9


In contrast to the incumbent, Kerry has shown the ability to look at a complex problem honestly, listen closely to the input of experts and then take the course that sounds most reasonable. Nor does he treat internal disagreement as a sign of disloyalty.


While that is hardly an approach of breathtaking originality, it would represent a significant break from the close-minded leadership style that has dominated the White House for the past four years. We've seen what that style produces, and it isn't good.


It's time to give competence a chance.


New York Times, Oct 17


We have been impressed with Mr. Kerry's wide knowledge and clear thinking - something that became more apparent once he was reined in by that two-minute debate light. He is blessedly willing to re-evaluate decisions when conditions change. And while Mr. Kerry's service in Vietnam was first over-promoted and then over-pilloried, his entire life has been devoted to public service, from the war to a series of elected offices. He strikes us, above all, as a man with a strong moral core.


There is no denying that this race is mainly about Mr. Bush's disastrous tenure. Nearly four years ago, after the Supreme Court awarded him the presidency, Mr. Bush came into office amid popular expectation that he would acknowledge his lack of a mandate by sticking close to the center. Instead, he turned the government over to the radical right.


Boston Globe, Oct 17


At home, Kerry is a strong supporter of civil rights and women's rights. His nominees to the Supreme Court would not be likely to roll back decades of important gains for women and minorities.


He would rein in the Bush deficit by restoring 1990s-era tax rates to the top brackets. Although we fear that rolling back the tax cuts will not produce enough revenue to halve the deficit and implement Kerry's ambitious healthcare plan, his priorities are right: to restore fiscal sanity and to reduce the number of Americans without health insurance -- at 45 million, a national scandal.


John Kerry has done more than most to heal the wounds of the nation's last great polarizing struggle, Vietnam, traveling there with Republican Senator John McCain to settle the issue of MIAs and normalize relations. He is best suited to heal our painful rifts now -- not just with the community of nations but within this nation, rent by social, ideological, economic, and religious divisions. These sap the strength of America. We are confident a Kerry presidency will restore both unity and strength.


Miami Herald, Oct 17


Forced to confront a surprise attack on the homeland three years ago, President Bush rose to the challenge. He deserves credit for holding the nation together in a moment of great peril. But the president who came to office as a ''compassionate conservative'' has often displayed a narrow partisanship. A bold doctrine of preemption replaced the promise of ''a more humble foreign policy.'' A stubborn refusal to accept uncomfortable facts and a simplistic approach to complicated issues raise questions of basic governance skills. These grave concerns override mere differences on issues with his challenger, Sen. John Kerry....


But, it's in the international arena that we believe Sen. Kerry can most effectively lead our country at this time. The senator's approach, similar to that of Mr. Bush's father, seeks to engage the world through diplomacy rather than place the United States on a more-combative path that isolates us from traditional friends and allies.

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As opposed to the NY Times,  which gives leftists everywhere their marching orders but somehow manages to claim objectivity?  Or the Washington Post, or the Boston Herald?


I dont even want to hear it

That's right, we will not eliminate bias in the media until every newspaper, tv, radio station, and magazine endorses the Republican slate. Then we will have eliminated media bias ;)

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That's right, we will not eliminate bias in the media until every newspaper, tv, radio station, and magazine endorses the Republican slate. Then we will have eliminated media bias  ;)

You're the one who started by saying newspaper editors endorsing Bush are biased. God forbid someone not endorse our savior to be John Kerry. :nono

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You're the one who started by saying newspaper editors endorsing Bush are biased.  God forbid someone not endorse our savior to be John Kerry. :nono

Nuke, first off I am surprised you care so much about Kerry to call him our Savior. It is a remarkable turnaround on your part, but I guess the Kerry Kamp has room for one more flip flopper. You will balance nicely Dick Morris who is now a conservative pundit and genious according to the GOP cheerleaders on talk radio.


Perhaps I was too subtle in my earlier post. What I meant was:


Look the media is not 100% behind Kerry as some conservatives would have you believe. Here are some newspapers which are endorsing Bush. Is this what you mean by bias? Or is only bias and evil when they endorse a Democrat?

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Nuke, first off I am surprised you care so much about Kerry to call him our Savior. It is a remarkable turnaround on your part, but I guess the Kerry Kamp has room for one more flip flopper. You will balance nicely Dick Morris who is now a conservative pundit and genious according to the GOP cheerleaders on talk radio.


Perhaps I was too subtle in my earlier post. What I meant was:


Look the media is not 100% behind Kerry as some conservatives would have you believe. Here are some newspapers which are endorsing Bush.  Is this what you mean by bias? Or is only bias and evil when they endorse a Democrat?

One endorsement does not a bias make. However, a proven track record of supporting leftist causes under the laughable premise of objectivity does.

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One endorsement does not a bias make.  However, a proven track record of supporting leftist causes under the laughable premise of objectivity does.

There was more than one there. How many will it take for you to believe there isn't?





The Atlanta Journal Constitution (G): 418,323

The Philadelphia Inquirer (G): 387.692

Detroit Free Press (G): 354,581

The Oregonian (Portland) (B): 342,040

St. Louis Post-Dispatch (G): 281,198

The Seattle Times (B): 237,303

Seattle Post-Intelligencer (G): 150,901

The Philadelphia Daily News: 139,983

Arizona Daily Star (Tucson) (G): 109,592

Portland Press Herald (Maine) (G): 73,211

The Day (New London, Conn.) (B): 39,553

Total Pro-Kerry Daily Circ: 2,534,377



Las Vegas Review-Journal (B): 170,061

Tulsa World (OK) (B): 139,383

Mobile (Ala.) Register (B): 100,244

The Columbian (Vancouver, WA) (B): 51,498

The Pueblo (Colo.) Chieftain: 52,208

Amarillo (Texas) Globe-News (B): 51,105

The Sun (Lowell, Mass.) (B): 50,369

The Courier (Findlay, Ohio) (B): 22,319

Total Pro-Bush Daily Circ: 637,187

Edited by Texsox
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