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Favorite Trick Or Treat Memory...


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Mine would be having my sweet nice and warm hobo costume as a kid while everyone else were freezing their asses off in their thin plastic costumes.

My and my twin bro also used to get a ton of candy because our mom used to carry a bookbag and have us empty out buckets into it. So we'd always end up with like a 5 gallon bucket full of candy.

Ahhh... Halloween in the ghetto...

Anyone else have any Halloween/Trick Or Treat Memories?

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Oh God, how did I forget those?  :headbang

Honestly, people blame McDonalds for making you fat. But they could thank them cause for the first couple years when I used them it meant that after you filled them up, you'd have to sprint home (getting exercise) empty them out (in which my mom would end up stealing my good candy and deny it, lol) and then run back down to where you were.


About every block you were running back to your house.


God Bless McDonalds :ph34r:

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My favorite memory of Halloween doesn't involve costumes or trick-or-treating, but the utter and pointless destruction of an entire town.


1997, sixth grade, my friends and I spent Friday night TPing houses of enemies, throwing eggs at cars (I know...), and starting shaving cream wars with random people. The Warriors we were; 15 strong. :D


It was a glorious Halloween.

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My favorite memory of Halloween doesn't involve costumes or trick-or-treating, but the utter and pointless destruction of an entire town.


1997, sixth grade, my friends and I spent Friday night TPing houses of enemies, throwing eggs at cars (I know...), and starting shaving cream wars with random people.  The Warriors we were; 15 strong.


It was a glorious Halloween.

You are so immoral Flash.. :lolhitting

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For me it would have been between 8-12 when I went trick or treating w/ my brother and sister and we went to all the neighborhood businesses. They all knew us and gave us some awesome stuff. We got a bag of cookies from the bakery, a slice of pizza from Little Joe's and an angel statue from Hallmark's. Oh and the sweet sisters from across the alley always gave us a dollar and a big hersey bar. If there were other kids that showed up at the door at the same time (not with us), she'd have us wait and then go in the house to get us the treat. Another kick ass treat was from my friend's gramma - RIP - it was always a goody bag filled to the top and then some.


Those were the days...

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I used to have these big bushes by the stairs of my front door...I would wait in them untill Trick-or-Treaters would come to the door, and I would spring up and yell! Yeah, being 12 years old, I loved watching the expressions of horrified 8 year olds...god, I was a dick.


The worst was when I sprung up on a 3 year old girl thinking she was someone else...Oh man, I felt so bad. Her dad thought it was histarical, but her mom smacked me on the top of my head with one of those plastic-orange Pumpkind that carry candy. She was dressed as a little cow and I probably ruined her night...again, such a dick.

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I used to have these big bushes by the stairs of my front door...I would wait in them untill Trick-or-Treaters would come to the door, and I would spring up and yell!  Yeah, being 12 years old, I loved watching the expressions of horrified 8 year olds...god, I was a dick. 


The worst was when I sprung up on a 3 year old girl thinking she was someone else...Oh man, I felt so bad.  Her dad thought it was histarical, but her mom smacked me on the top of my head with one of those plastic-orange Pumpkind that carry candy.  She was dressed as a little cow and I probably ruined her night...again, such a dick.

:lol: My hero :wub:

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We call those people the Amish...I don't think they'll be reading this. :huh:

There were some kids in my elementary schools that weren't allowed to partake in the parties. Maybe they were Jehovah's Witness and Greek Orthodox. Trying to stretch my brain all the way back....

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One Halloween it was pouring rain, but my friends and I being the hardcore trick or treat fans we were still went out. I believe I was in second grade at the time and I was dressed up as Fidel Castro, and what I remember most is people giving us a s*** load of candy because we were the only ones out there

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I'm sure most people here have seen Billy Madison. Well, one halloween there was a big party going on with a bunch of older kids who were all drunk and messed up, so we decided to get some dog s*** light it on fire, leave it on the step of the house this party was at, ring the doorbell and run like hell to a hiding spot to watch what these guys would do. To make a long story short the kid tried putting it out with his shoe and I'm sure you can figure out the rest, it was absolutely hilarious, good times............. :D

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