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Sleeping Habits


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No, just cheap lol.  The only time it goes above 60 is if we have company.

I never have it above 65..so you're not alone..

and with the new house I have to pay heat..at my old apt, I didn't pay heat..

So either have my satellite and high speed Internet or heat..hmmm

no heat this winter

So anyone coming over to the crib, bring your Eskimo gear.. :lol:

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The gas bill is still ridiculous.  Sick, ain't it?  Oh, that's the other time the 'stat might go above 60 - when one of us is sick.

Yeah, when i was still livin with mommy dearest that gas/heat bill would make her scream bloody murder..that thing will suck you dry..

I think that's the biggest shock when somebody moves from a apt to a house..


and being sick..ha, I have a little heater that stands about a foot tall that comes out of the closet if I feel a 'chill'


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I agree with the noise factor when falling asleep.  Since my backyard borders on a busy street I've become accustomed to sounds of traffic. 


Traveling to my aunts cottage in Tennessee the last several years it's amazing how eerie silence of the country can get.  You jump at every crack of the branch and rustle of leaves, as if someone was outside the window.  :ph34r:

thats what its like at my grandmas house in michigan its freeky

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First off, the colder my room the better. I usually sleep amazing during the winter and have an incredibly tough time waking up for school. In the summer I'll wake up feeling all hot and sweaty and it sucks.


As far as sleep habits, I use one blanket and like to keep myself warm in it with the rest of the cold air around me. I usually (95% of the time) listen to AM radio (either sports talk or Art Bell) but also listen to Love Line.


I have to watch TV before I go to sleep. I can't fall asleep without catching at least 10-15 minutes of something. Like Heads, I need a pillow but don't sleep on it. I sleep on my stomach throughout the night, after I wake up, I'll lay down a little more on my back and typically fall asleep for another 10 minutes.


Oh ya and I drool like no other :lol:

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Some people find it strange that I need a naked woman laying next to me when I sleep... hehe Since that don't happen I guess I am sleepless.

Really, that usually gives me the opposite effect. I don't know about anyone else, but whenever I sleep with a girl (well the handful of times I or her actually would stay the night) I had a hell of a time sleeping.


Everytime its just more of the same and I don't get it. Its the most god for saken uncomfortable thing ever. Its just a given that I'm gonna get like 2 hours of sleep that night.


Maybe I'm just screwed up though. But for me its like, your kind of cuddlin and what not, but when I want to sleep I need to be cold, but if I move kind of off to the side so I can sleep ten minutes later they are right back over.


Don't they understand. Sex was good, now I need my beauty sleep :ph34r:

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I was single and lived alone up until the age of 32, so I always had the bed to myself.....for sleeping that is. ;)

Anyway, when I started sharing a bed with my wife, of course I had my own side of the bed. I have discovered that I have this horrible fear of falling off the side of the bed since I never slept that close to the edge for all those years. I would jolt and jerk out of sleep when I'd get that cold-about-to-fall-off-the-edge-of-the-bed feeling on my back. I now sleep with a pillow between me and the edge of the bed, still doesn't really work, the pillow falls off about 50% of the time. Need a fan too.


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I have to have alot of pillows. I put one under my head, one in between my legs, one in my arms, and another just in case I guess :-). Needless to say, it took some adjustment sleeping with my g/f. I also have to sleep with the tv on sleep timer, I can't fall asleep in complete silence, I try to find something boring on that lets me fall asleep.

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