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SSI overpaid by $1 billion


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I have this asshat 3 houses down, who hears voices. He screwed himself up on drugs when he was about 17, and he can't work or anything, so he gets money every month from social security. WHY?!? The bastard has never worked in his life, and now he sponges off America. I know it isn't like he is getting a million bucks or anything, but I am sure that he isn't the only one getting money for not working, who has never paid a lick into it. This guy is a waste of air. He is but one of many parts to that whole problem. SS2K4, you have it right, it is just like one big pyramid scheme.

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I have this asshat 3 houses down, who hears voices.  He screwed himself up on drugs when he was about 17, and he can't work or anything, so he gets money every month from social security.  WHY?!?  The bastard has never worked in his life, and now he sponges off America.  I know it isn't like he is getting a million bucks or anything, but I am sure that he isn't the only one getting money for not working, who has never paid a lick into it.  This guy is a waste of air.  He is but one of many parts to that whole problem.  SS2K4, you have it right, it is just like one big pyramid scheme.

Cut off his aid, he'll stops hearing voices, get a nice job, possibly a school teacher or airline pilot, and becomes a productive member of society. No way he starts

robbing little old ladies for their pension checks or breaking into your house. And if he does attack a little old lady, we can lock him up in a prison. Cheaper way to go.


That billion is in the economy creating jobs. If we didn't give it out in error, we would have had to find another way to spend it.

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EM: you got it exactly right. Those f***ers would be better off if we made them live on our streets. I got an idea, how about you try to convince him to return the SS checks in exchange for a cardboard box at your corner?

He already lives 3 houses down from me, you pinhead, or can't you read?


For both you, and Texsox, this is the kind of thing that the general public doesn't need to take care of. This is NOT on the same level of taking care of our elderly. Where the f*** does social security get off paying this idiot ANYTHING? He f***ed HIMSELF up, his FAMILY should step in and take care of him. WHy is that MY responsibility? I don't care if he thinks he hears the f***ing Pope, I don't want to be paying dime one to him. Winodj, since you are so f***ing compassionate, why don't you invite him to stay at your place for a week or two? You two can have luch together. His brain functions seem to be on par with yours. :fyou

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He already lives 3 houses down from me, you pinhead, or can't you read?


For both you, and Texsox, this is the kind of thing that the general public doesn't need to take care of.  This is NOT on the same level of taking care of our elderly.  Where the f*** does social security get off paying this idiot ANYTHING?  He f***ed HIMSELF up, his FAMILY should step in and take care of him.  WHy is that MY responsibility?  I don't care if he thinks he hears the f***ing Pope, I don't want to be paying dime one to him.  Winodj, since you are so f***ing compassionate, why don't you invite him to stay at your place for a week or two?  You two can have luch together.  His brain functions seem to be on par with yours.    :fyou

Yes, his family should. He should also be getting treatment for his problems. But our society has decided we would offer him a safety net and keep people from starving on the streets. We've decided that treatment is better than punishment, that keeping desperate people from knocking you over the head


I know you're a bad ass and can walk past the starving people that winodj and I can not. Bravo! You would love living in thrid world countries where they do let them starve.


Why the f*** should anyone without kids in the schools pay for your education? WHy the f*** should someone who doesn't use the fire department pay for some one else using the fire department? Why the f*** should someone who doesn't drive pay for roads?

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1) Yes, his family should. He should also be getting treatment for his problems. But our society has decided we would offer him a safety net and keep people from starving on the streets. We've decided that treatment is better than punishment, that keeping desperate people from knocking you over the head


2) I know you're a bad ass and can walk past the starving people that winodj and I can not. Bravo! You would love living in thrid world countries where they do let them starve.


3) Why the f*** should anyone without kids in the schools pay for your education? WHy the f*** should someone who doesn't use the fire department pay for some one else using the fire department? Why the f*** should someone who doesn't drive pay for roads?

1) He was in an institution for about 3 years, but they released him finally because he f***ed his brain up so bad that they have no hope of any kind of recovery, even with all the new drugs of today. A graveyard would be the best place for that waste of air. As it is, I have to have him wandering the streets, mumbling to himself, or yelling at people only he can hear and/or see. Oh, and always asking if he can 'borrow' a cigarette. I don't smoke, and wouldn't give him one if I did.


2) Don't even pretend to know me. I give very generously to charities, donate food and clothes, even do some print work (free, or at cost) for a few charity organizations. 3 months ago I donated $3,500 worth of printing to the Greater Chicagoland Area Food Bank to help the homeless and needy. I give, and I give alot. So you both can kiss my ass with your holier-than-thou attitudes.


3) Your arguement about roads and schools has nothing to do with this issue. If you want to argue societal obligations on the whole, then go for it. As far as Social Security is concerned, that fund should not be paying out money to idiots who f***ed themselves up without ever having worked or paid into the system.

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I never questioned your charity. I just proposed an alternative to his social security payments.


You called someone who's disabled, be it by his means or not, a waste of air. And you act like you should get a pat on the back. Listen dude, life's tough. If you can't take having your views being challenged, don't give them.

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I never questioned your charity. I just proposed an alternative to his social security payments.


You called someone who's disabled, be it by his means or not, a waste of air. And you act like you should get a pat on the back. Listen dude, life's tough. If you can't take having your views being challenged, don't give them.

Propose an alternative that is not dripping in sarcasm, and I will give it a civil reply. I gave one, for him to have to rely on family and friends. Maybe church. Anyone instead of the taxpayers. Your reply? "Oh, I know, let's ask him to give the money back, and live in a box! Yeah, that is a workable solution!" Get down off your high horse. I don't want a pat on the back, just expressing MY opinion.

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That's the point, right now there is no alternative short of this guy on the street. Not unless you hospitalize the guy and that would cost far more than a grand a month if he's even receiving that much.


You say put the onus on his family. What if his family won't take care of him? What then? Are you saying its preferable to let him live in the street and steal to feed himself than to spend whatever pittance the guy receives to keep him marginally alive?

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That's the point, right now there is no alternative short of this guy on the street. Not unless you hospitalize the guy and that would cost far more than a grand a month if he's even receiving that much.


You say put the onus on his family. What if his family won't take care of him? What then? Are you saying its preferable to let him live in the street and steal to feed himself than to spend whatever pittance the guy receives to keep him marginally alive?

Multiply the 'pittance' he gets by the large amount of people similar to him, getting money from SS, and you have that much more money to pay to the seniors depending on it now or in the near future. The system misspent a billion dollars. Who knows what the amount is that is paid to people who 'can't work', for whatever reason. The government can't take care of everybody. You are only guaranteed life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. Not $1100 per month in SSI payments because you turned your brains into scrambled eggs when you were 17.

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Winodj, quit trying to change the topic. Temporary help is one thing. Lifetime support is another. How many times do you give money to all the homeless people you may pass? Even if you give to them alot, I bet there are some times you don't give. Does that make you a bad person? You drew a line somewhere as to when to give and when not to give. My line is for people who screwed themselves up and want everyone else to take care of them. I don't care if he dies. That is his problem, NOT mine. As for unemployment, I have been unemployed once in my life for longer than a month. I did take unemployment, and was on it for 6 months. When it ran out, I somehow survived for the additional 3 months it took me to get another job, I didn't go crying that I needed more help. A safety net is just that, something to help you get back on your feet. A TEMPORARY thing, not a lifetime thing.

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I do not know the health history of the guy in Monkey's neighborhood. Maybe the drugs caused the mental illness, maybe he was mentaly ill and tried to self medicate. I believe it is foolish to try and diagnose someone without the skills or information necessary.


We voted in leaders who said they would expand Social Security and they did. Social Security Insurance covers a wide array of situations that take individuals out of the workforce. I do not think it was neccessary to create a new government agency when the benefits could be adminstred through an existing agency. Those that disagree with SS payments to disabled people should vote in candidates who will cut benefits.


I do not like the vision of America after we stopped payments to all the crack heads and closed the government run treatment programs. I do not see those addicts all donning suits and heading down to the office. I see a tremendous rise in crime, the building of more prisons, and individuals being housed for crimes, instead of treatment for mental illness. Either way we pay. I believe sociaties are best judged by how well the least among them live, not how well the best live. If we judge the society from the top down, Iraq looked very good. No social expenditures for the drug addicts there.


Everyman for himself didn't work for the caveman. If it did, we wouldn't have evolved into complex societies. Not everyone takes advantage of all the government programs, but we all take advantage of some. Vegetarians do not benefit from meat inspections, retirees are not sending their kids to schools. Some people only seem to be in favor of the benefits they use. Military, good roads, police and fire, etc. They cannot see the benefits of a greater society.


During the Great Depression, millions of Americans saw their net worth skyrocket. Great fortunes were made in buying assets for pennies on the dollar. Some would have proposed no government programs for the starving, let their families take care of them, this is working fine. The could say "look how well these people are doing, why can't you be more like them?"


Sadly, some people do not mind the misfortune of others and can watch that. I cannot. Call me a bleeding heart, think of me as soft, but I believe my government, the greatest country on the planet now and has ever been, can care for the less fortunate around us. That is our legacy to humankind and one I would be proud of. I would not be proud to say my country turned it's back on the citizens in need and let them live in cardboard boxes on street corners.

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But how do we pay for it without deficits? :lol:


(just kidding Tex)

By not cutting taxes ;)


We are at time quick to help those in other countries and can somehow ignore those around us. A hungary Iraqi receives aid if he stays in Iraq, nothing if he travels 7,000 miles to the aid and moves in next door.

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I think its easier to fund aid for things we don't see every day. Which is strange to me because you think its the other way around... but I've noticed a tendency among people, myself included, to see problems next to me and try to hide from them or take out their frustration on the people who represent the problem rather than the problem itself.



EM: you're missing my point. We live in a country that has created a basic safety net to protect the weakest among us. Some of these people need help for life. In my view, a responsible society would do a little to keep these people both safe for themselves and ourselves.


I don't know this dude who lives down your street. I don't know his family, I don't know thing one about him. I just know that I would rather have the government provide enough for him to stay fed and housed rather than hungry and on the street, and more likely to do something that would keep him in prison. Not just because its the right thing to do, but because it would be cheaper. It costs a lot of money to put a guy away.


For every guy on SSI that f***ed himself with drugs, there's a vet who developed a psychosis in his 30's that has made him unable to cope with life. Not harmful enough to be hospitalized, but not capable of functioning in our society normally. There's a mentally retarded adult who's parents have finally passed on and he has no other way of supporting himself. There's a woman who was brain damaged because of being in a car that was hit by a drunk driver and, through no fault of her own, is now unable to work. If taking care of the hundreds of thousands of people means the occasional excess, I'm not going to call for the destruction of the entire system.


I'm not happy with fraud, but fixing it doesn't mean throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

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