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The "I Can't Fucking Wait Till Tuesday" Thread

Wise Master Buehrle

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Oh man, the closer this game gets, the more and more excited I get. Just watched the latest trailer on IGN and man does it look beautiful! It seems you can parachute, too! Amazing! Also, the radio stations have finally been released! IGN has the scoop on them! http://ps2.ign.com/articles/557/557665p1.html


Man, the radio stations are gonna rock. Only, it seems there is no Fernando. :( I'll miss Fernando.


1 Week!!!


:headbang :headbang


Begin the countdown.

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  Soxnbears01 said:
My roomate is addicted to halo...while it's fun, i'll take GTA anyday.

You should see my school, all they talk about is Halo 2. It is going to be good and all but seriously, every one makes a big deal. The first game IMO was good until you beat it. Its multiplayer is not the best ever, I'd take Goldeneye any day over that game.


GTA: San Andreas :headbang


Already got it pre ordered.

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  Mr. Zero said:


GTA > Any  Halo game. The replayability value of GTA is massive. Halo's, while good, is not.


Beatsly, it had gotten delayed about a week.

While GTA is a great game...


GTA is not better than Halo. Halo 2 will be the best game - probably ever made. It's gonna be so f***in awesome.


And - you say that Halo isn't replay-able, yet I'm still playing Halo - and it's been out for a couple years now. And Halo 2 is supposed to be ten times better...

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  CWSGuy406 said:
While GTA is a great game...


GTA is not better than Halo.  Halo 2 will be the best game - probably ever made.  It's gonna be so f***in awesome.


And - you say that Halo isn't replay-able, yet I'm still playing Halo - and it's been out for a couple years now.  And Halo 2 is supposed to be ten times better...

HALO 2 is gonna be so sick. San Andreas will too. The flaw is these two awesome games come out close to each other.


Halo2 is gonna be quite possibly the greatest multiplayer game ever. (GoldenEye and MarioKart rank up there as well).

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First off, nothing will ever, ever, beat multiplayer Goldeneye parties.


And GTA is just as fun to play with friends as it is alone. Play till you die. Turns usually last 5 to 10 minutes, and so many different funny things happen that everybody gets good laughs. I don't remember laughing at Halo.


Halo 2 will be the best game ever made??? How laughable. I have a ton of NES and SNES games I'd take any day over Halo. GTA too. The golden age of video games is past us, when there'd be 6 or 7 games per year that you had to have.


Best game ever, hah.


The new GTA will be massive. It will probably take a few months to acquaint yourself with the whole area. There's so many different things to do! I still play GTA III, but not Halo anymore. No one plays Halo 1 anymore, but everyone is still playing III/Vice City. The only people that still play Halo 1 are the nerds who are re-honing their skills so they can automatically be good at the next one.

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The only people that still play Halo 1 are the nerds who are re-honing their skills so they can automatically be good at the next one


Or those of us that didn't get XBox till like 2 months ago and picked it up for 19.99 as one of the Platinum series. Well worth it.


GTA is greater in single player imo

Halo 2 great multiplayer.


Both should be f***ing awesome though. My girl is gonna be pissed, lol.

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