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FharenHYPE 9/11


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No I didn't see this movie. Between my efforts working for my candidate, keeping up with the news, working my ass off to pay my bills - I don't have the time for political movies right now. However, I can recommend the German movie "Good-Bye, Lenin." It's a sweet movie about the lengths of which a son would go to keep his mother happy in the last days of her life while dealing with emotions from a German unification.


I know that Fahrenheit is full of misinformation, any propaganda piece is. I'm well aware of the fact that Michael Moore is out for Michael Moore. Not for John Kerry, Ralph Nader or anyone else. But I will say this about the guy, he's trying to make people politically active and take ownership of the system in which they live. Reactionary documentaries about reactionary documentaries just don't do it for me, sorry.

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No I didn't see this movie. Between my efforts working for my candidate, keeping up with the news, working my ass off to pay my bills - I don't have the time for political movies right now. However, I can recommend the German movie "Good-Bye, Lenin." It's a sweet movie about the lengths of which a son would go to keep his mother happy in the last days of her life while dealing with emotions from a German unification.


I know that Fahrenheit is full of misinformation, any propaganda piece is. I'm well aware of the fact that Michael Moore is out for Michael Moore. Not for John Kerry, Ralph Nader or anyone else. But I will say this about the guy, he's trying to make people politically active and take ownership of the system in which they live. Reactionary documentaries about reactionary documentaries just don't do it for me, sorry.

point taken about not wanting to watch it... which you should do at some point.


Good-bye lenin is on my list... I seen it all the time at Blockbuster. I'll recommend "Russian Ark" and "The Station Agent" to you.


As for Moore, I don' t think he wants people to get involved, he just wants them to vote. Otherwise "Pick nose! Pick butt! Pick Kerry." wouldn't be the slogan for his political "tour" I guess you'd call it.


to be honest, boogers, ass hairs and John Kerry seem to fit perfectly together.

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Dick Morris is a very informed and influential man. Bill Clinton did s*** for Homeland security while in office and Morris is just saying it like it is....it's not Bush's fault or doing that 9/11 happened. His and many individuals opinions support that in "Hype".


He's not the guy who makes the policy, so at the end of the day it's the Senator, Representative or President that gets the glory or the shame.

Dick Morris is the media darling of the new-conservatives. He falls out with the Dems and all of a sudden, when he has zero opportunities with the Dems, he re-invented himself as a conservative and is now making big money on that side of the isle.


Funniest damn thing I've ever seen.


If Bush saw the threat so clearly, why did he do zero in his 9 months in office to stop it? Why aren't we hearing about his efforts prior to 9/11?

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Speaking of hype, how many consider Hannity, Rush, et. al. as political hype? Add up their hours and hours of political commentary and it far out weighs Moore.

I totally agree with you, and that's why I can only handle a 20-30 minute segment at a time. My dial is turned to 1210 the big talker in Phily... with GLEN BECK...


he's awesome and just says it like it is.


Michael Savage is great too.

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What's the internet symbol for showing quiet outrage?


Oh yeah, I remember now.




hahahaha.... I love it.



I didn't say I agree with the guy, I just like hearing far superiour right wing rants than what I am comfortable with. I feel so centrist. :lol:

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My friend said Michael Moore was pretty damn funny at Michigan State. I don't know, personally don't even like the guy much. You'd think I'd have met him in Michigan - being that he's from Flint and so huge its hard not to see him from miles away.

He's not actually from Flint, I believe it is one of the better-off neighboring suburbs, Davidson. He just uses FLint because it fits the 'regular guy' image he tries to create for himself.

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He's not actually from Flint, I believe it is one of the better-off neighboring suburbs, Davidson.  He just uses FLint because it fits the 'regular guy' image he tries to create for himself.

:lol: as if the lack of grooming and immense weight problem didn't help him enough

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