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For you peace protesters


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i hear alot of you say give peace a chance but i have not heard one word out of you for ideas. what do you think we should do to fix this problem. from talking to most of you agree this is a problem, but say war is not the answer. I JUST WANT AN ANSWER WHAT SHOULD WE DO THEN THOSE WHO WANT TO THINK THEY KNOW ALL(apu cough cough)


every time i ask for an idea you go on about worst countrys and never say a damn thing about my question. I hate war VERY, VERY much i just dont think there is any other way around it to save the iraqi people.

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Thats what i thought you guys are just abunch of people that wanna say give peace a chance because it sounds good. you really have no idea about how you do that with an evil man but yet b**** about it when we do something to solve it because it isnt the peacefull way.







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i hear alot of you say give peace a chance but i have not heard one word out of you for ideas. what do you think we should do to fix this problem. from talking to most of you agree this is a problem, but say war is not the answer. I JUST WANT AN ANSWER WHAT SHOULD WE DO THEN THOSE WHO WANT TO THINK THEY KNOW ALL(apu cough cough)


every time i ask for an idea you go on about worst countrys and never say a damn thing about my question. I hate war VERY, VERY much i just dont think there is any other way around it to save the iraqi people.

Thanks for the insult, 420. I know I must be doing something right when all you have is insults for your arguments. ;) It seems by assuming war is the only answer, you're the one that claims to know all.


March 7: Hans Blix quoted as saying that they were finding stuff and they were fine.


But Bush wasn't content with that. He needed to bomb the s*** out stuff.


The UN inspectors should have been given more time. It's that simple. Or how about the Bush regime telling the truth and not using plagiarized info from 12 years ago?


There were various resolutions floating around the UN that were non-military and a vast majority of them called for the inspectors to be given adequate time. How's that for a reason?

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Soxfan, theres no need to pick a fight. Its their right to protest. Id just say theres no longer a point protesting since if we leave without Saddam he will kill those Iraqis who celebrated the Marines arrival. That is why we need to follow through and take out this whole regime once and for all. But those who want to protest can do so, because we live in this great and free nation...

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i hear alot of you say give peace a chance but i have not heard one word out of you for ideas. what do you think we should do to fix this problem. from talking to most of you agree this is a problem, but say war is not the answer. I JUST WANT AN ANSWER WHAT SHOULD WE DO THEN THOSE WHO WANT TO THINK THEY KNOW ALL(apu cough cough)


every time i ask for an idea you go on about worst countrys and never say a damn thing about my question. I hate war VERY, VERY much i just dont think there is any other way around it to save the iraqi people.

Thanks for the insult, 420. I know I must be doing something right when all you have is insults for your arguments. ;) It seems by assuming war is the only answer, you're the one that claims to know all.


March 7: Hans Blix quoted as saying that they were finding stuff and they were fine.


But Bush wasn't content with that. He needed to bomb the s*** out stuff.


The UN inspectors should have been given more time. It's that simple. Or how about the Bush regime telling the truth and not using plagiarized info from 12 years ago?


There were various resolutions floating around the UN that were non-military and a vast majority of them called for the inspectors to be given adequate time. How's that for a reason?

and how many do you think suddan would have agreed to.


Do you deny that suddan hasnt been playing the UN/US for years playing games of hide and seak with his weapons that he should have never had. and to say that the UN would have found all his weapons is just niave its a huge country and we found a huge building used to produce chemical weapons that the un has never seen and had been there for years. The UN was walked though Iraq by suddan himself, those inspectors didnt go anywhere he didnt want them to.


war isnt the anwer you say but you yourslef has stated he is a mad man. So why are you against use removing him????

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Soxfan, theres no need to pick a fight. Its their right to protest. Id just say theres no longer a point protesting since if we leave without Saddam he will kill those Iraqis who celebrated the Marines arrival. That is why we need to follow through and take out this whole regime once and for all. But those who want to protest can do so, because we live in this great and free nation...

i said it was there right to protest just if you protest you better have some ideas that work :) thanks though i suggest you read all the words.

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i hear alot of you say give peace a chance but i have not heard one word out of you for ideas. what do you think we should do to fix this problem. from talking to most of you agree this is a problem, but say war is not the answer. I JUST WANT AN ANSWER WHAT SHOULD WE DO THEN THOSE WHO WANT TO THINK THEY KNOW ALL(apu cough cough)


every time i ask for an idea you go on about worst countrys and never say a damn thing about my question. I hate war VERY, VERY much i just dont think there is any other way around it to save the iraqi people.

Thanks for the insult, 420. I know I must be doing something right when all you have is insults for your arguments. ;) It seems by assuming war is the only answer, you're the one that claims to know all.


March 7: Hans Blix quoted as saying that they were finding stuff and they were fine.


But Bush wasn't content with that. He needed to bomb the s*** out stuff.


The UN inspectors should have been given more time. It's that simple. Or how about the Bush regime telling the truth and not using plagiarized info from 12 years ago?


There were various resolutions floating around the UN that were non-military and a vast majority of them called for the inspectors to be given adequate time. How's that for a reason?

the insult was only made to get some ideas from you. nothing personal, im interested in your peace resoulutions but you still have not stated one way that suddan would agree with just the un has some posiblitys


to that i say there is a posiblty to the world ending tommorow, doenst mean it is goin to happen. and with suddan not willing to agree to any of them i would suggest. we offered him to leave the country with no crimes against him for what he has done with 7 billion dollars in his pocket. and he wouldnt do it, what else can we do besides give him a new country to run?

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i hear alot of you say give peace a chance but i have not heard one word out of you for ideas. what do you think we should do to fix this problem. from talking to most of you agree this is a problem, but say war is not the answer. I JUST WANT AN ANSWER WHAT SHOULD WE DO THEN THOSE WHO WANT TO THINK THEY KNOW ALL(apu cough cough)


every time i ask for an idea you go on about worst countrys and never say a damn thing about my question. I hate war VERY, VERY much i just dont think there is any other way around it to save the iraqi people.

Thanks for the insult, 420. I know I must be doing something right when all you have is insults for your arguments. ;) It seems by assuming war is the only answer, you're the one that claims to know all.


March 7: Hans Blix quoted as saying that they were finding stuff and they were fine.


But Bush wasn't content with that. He needed to bomb the s*** out stuff.


The UN inspectors should have been given more time. It's that simple. Or how about the Bush regime telling the truth and not using plagiarized info from 12 years ago?


There were various resolutions floating around the UN that were non-military and a vast majority of them called for the inspectors to be given adequate time. How's that for a reason?

hanx blix also said after his 83 page report of unfinished tasks in iraq that he doubts they would have ever finished

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i hear alot of you say give peace a chance but i have not heard one word out of you for ideas. what do you think we should do to fix this problem. from talking to most of you agree this is a problem, but say war is not the answer. I JUST WANT AN ANSWER WHAT SHOULD WE DO THEN THOSE WHO WANT TO THINK THEY KNOW ALL(apu cough cough)


every time i ask for an idea you go on about worst countrys and never say a damn thing about my question. I hate war VERY, VERY much i just dont think there is any other way around it to save the iraqi people.

Thanks for the insult, 420. I know I must be doing something right when all you have is insults for your arguments. ;) It seems by assuming war is the only answer, you're the one that claims to know all.


March 7: Hans Blix quoted as saying that they were finding stuff and they were fine.


But Bush wasn't content with that. He needed to bomb the s*** out stuff.


The UN inspectors should have been given more time. It's that simple. Or how about the Bush regime telling the truth and not using plagiarized info from 12 years ago?


There were various resolutions floating around the UN that were non-military and a vast majority of them called for the inspectors to be given adequate time. How's that for a reason?

and how many do you think suddan would have agreed to.


Do you deny that suddan hasnt been playing the UN/US for years playing games of hide and seak with his weapons that he should have never had. and to say that the UN would have found all his weapons is just niave its a huge country and we found a huge building used to produce chemical weapons that the un has never seen and had been there for years. The UN was walked though Iraq by suddan himself, those inspectors didnt go anywhere he didnt want them to.


war isnt the anwer you say but you yourslef has stated he is a mad man. So why are you against use removing him????

you go 420 :headbang

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i hear alot of you say give peace a chance but i have not heard one word out of you for ideas. what do you think we should do to fix this problem. from talking to most of you agree this is a problem, but say war is not the answer. I JUST WANT AN ANSWER WHAT SHOULD WE DO THEN THOSE WHO WANT TO THINK THEY KNOW ALL(apu cough cough)


every time i ask for an idea you go on about worst countrys and never say a damn thing about my question. I hate war VERY, VERY much i just dont think there is any other way around it to save the iraqi people.

Thanks for the insult, 420. I know I must be doing something right when all you have is insults for your arguments. ;) It seems by assuming war is the only answer, you're the one that claims to know all.


March 7: Hans Blix quoted as saying that they were finding stuff and they were fine.


But Bush wasn't content with that. He needed to bomb the s*** out stuff.


The UN inspectors should have been given more time. It's that simple. Or how about the Bush regime telling the truth and not using plagiarized info from 12 years ago?


There were various resolutions floating around the UN that were non-military and a vast majority of them called for the inspectors to be given adequate time. How's that for a reason?

and how many do you think suddan would have agreed to.


Do you deny that suddan hasnt been playing the UN/US for years playing games of hide and seak with his weapons that he should have never had. and to say that the UN would have found all his weapons is just niave its a huge country and we found a huge building used to produce chemical weapons that the un has never seen and had been there for years. The UN was walked though Iraq by suddan himself, those inspectors didnt go anywhere he didnt want them to.


war isnt the anwer you say but you yourslef has stated he is a mad man. So why are you against use removing him????

you go 420 :headbang

i have still not heard one way out of this peacefully beside broad things like diplomic reseasons, but not one specific idea that might work.



If you are gonna protest to change something you should have answers on how to do that your way and ive yet to hear what decent protester.


the only debate ive even had a legit competitor is apu and he still hasnt givin me a way out of this peacefull way to end this, just says the world is f***ed so why go to iraq and help???


Ive said the only way that both sides could possibly agree on, but suddan said no to living the rest of his life with 7 billion dollars.

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I've said it about 9 or 10 times already but I'll do it here again


Let the UN inspectors finish their work!


Give the inspections ample time. It was asinine for Bush to put "time limits on diplomacy" but then again, I'd expect that from a man who is the crown prince of the oil barons and doesn't even read his own reports.


If there is such a great case FOR WAR then why did Bush and Co. have to lie so many damn times? Why all the lies and deceit from the administration? Somebody please answer that!

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I've said it about 9 or 10 times already but I'll do it here again


Let the UN inspectors finish their work!


Give the inspections ample time.  It was asinine for Bush to put "time limits on diplomacy" but then again, I'd expect that from a man who is the crown prince of the oil barons and doesn't even read his own reports.


If there is such a great case FOR WAR then why did Bush and Co. have to lie so many damn times?  Why all the lies and deceit from the administration?  Somebody please answer that!

give me some lies that have been stated?



has for let the UN inspectors finish there work havent they been there for 12 years already???? with suddan showing them where they can search??? and how many times has he refused to let them go somewhere and kick them out only to let them back in by threats???


suddan is mad yes, but not a stupid man. he knows how to work the system and he did it for 12 years to long.

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I've said it about 9 or 10 times already but I'll do it here again


Let the UN inspectors finish their work!


Give the inspections ample time.  It was asinine for Bush to put "time limits on diplomacy" but then again, I'd expect that from a man who is the crown prince of the oil barons and doesn't even read his own reports.


If there is such a great case FOR WAR then why did Bush and Co. have to lie so many damn times?  Why all the lies and deceit from the administration?  Somebody please answer that!

give me some lies that have been stated?



has for let the UN inspectors finish there work havent they been there for 12 years already???? with suddan showing them where they can search??? and how many times has he refused to let them go somewhere and kick them out only to let them back in by threats???


suddan is mad yes, but not a stupid man. he knows how to work the system and he did it for 12 years to long.

The BBC and the Guardian have shown that Powell's UN report was plagiarized from info from 1991. (grad school work was plagiarized too)


Also, the CIA has proven wrong Bush's claims about direct ties between Al Qaeda and Iraq since they can't find concrete proof no matter how much they sift through info.

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I've said it about 9 or 10 times already but I'll do it here again


Let the UN inspectors finish their work!


Give the inspections ample time.  It was asinine for Bush to put "time limits on diplomacy" but then again, I'd expect that from a man who is the crown prince of the oil barons and doesn't even read his own reports.


If there is such a great case FOR WAR then why did Bush and Co. have to lie so many damn times?  Why all the lies and deceit from the administration?  Somebody please answer that!

give me some lies that have been stated?



has for let the UN inspectors finish there work havent they been there for 12 years already???? with suddan showing them where they can search??? and how many times has he refused to let them go somewhere and kick them out only to let them back in by threats???


suddan is mad yes, but not a stupid man. he knows how to work the system and he did it for 12 years to long.

The BBC and the Guardian have shown that Powell's UN report was plagiarized from info from 1991. (grad school work was plagiarized too)


Also, the CIA has proven wrong Bush's claims about direct ties between Al Qaeda and Iraq since they can't find concrete proof no matter how much they sift through info.

the first one ill admit no argument for plagurism like that, but if the same stuff that is goin on now that was goin on in 91. than there is no point in changing it.


the link Al Qaeda and Iraq, there is a connection there they are both anti-US, and they have been in contact but have not worked side, by side. They probally discuss our weaknesses just like we do with our allies that are not fighting side by side with us.

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there have many alternatives suggested, beginning with ending sanctions and flooding Iraq with humanitarian aid and doing all things to strengthen the voice of dissent in Iraq. Another was ongoing with the inspections. There have been many others discussed on the these baords and elsewhere. Check out, as has been suggested, Soujourners on the internet, or MoveOn, or elsewhere. I am not going to do your homework for you. Plenty of despotic regimes have fallen in the world without war - try the Shan in Iran and all of Estern Eurpoe and the Soviet Union as well as the very limited violence in South Africa. The burden is not on those opposed to war; the burden is on those who support war because we have so many examples of how change happens without war.

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there have many alternatives suggested, beginning with ending sanctions and flooding Iraq with humanitarian aid and doing all things to strengthen the voice of dissent in Iraq.  Another was ongoing with the inspections.  There have been many others discussed on the these baords and elsewhere.  Check out, as has been suggested, Soujourners on the internet, or MoveOn, or elsewhere.  I am not going to do your homework for you.    Plenty of despotic regimes have fallen in the world without war - try the Shan in Iran and all of Estern Eurpoe and the Soviet Union as well as the very limited violence in South Africa.  The burden is not on those opposed to war; the burden is on those who support war because we have so many examples of how change happens without war.

Very little violince in south africa hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha do your homework soon you know how many war lords there are in africa there is no peace there

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Very little violince in south africa hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha do your homework soon you know how many war lords there are in africa there is no peace there

He was referencing the overthrow of the apartheid regime in S. Africa. They did it without violence. What was floating it was economic bonds, the people in the rich and powerful nations got rid of their bonds and the regime went under.

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Very little violince in south africa hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha do your homework soon you know how many war lords there are in africa there is no peace there

He was referencing the overthrow of the apartheid regime in S. Africa. They did it without violence. What was floating it was economic bonds, the people in the rich and powerful nations got rid of their bonds and the regime went under.

now look where the country is in though, africia is in horoble shape.

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Very little violince in south africa hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha do your homework soon you know how many war lords there are in africa there is no peace there

The reference to South Africa was to South Africa. Apartheid fell with the most minimal violence imaginable and from DeKlerk to Nelson Mandela there was peaceful transfer of the presidency, a new constitution, the Peace and Reconciliation commission, Mandala has served and SA accomplished peaceful transition to his successor.


I guess the hahahahahahhahahahhahha is one you for not knowing the history of the specific referance made.



Put the doobies down and do a little school work and learning, my friend.

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Very little violince in south africa hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha do your homework soon you know how many war lords there are in africa there is no peace there

The reference to South Africa was to South Africa. Apartheid fell with the most minimal violence imaginable and from DeKlerk to Nelson Mandela there was peaceful transfer of the presidency, a new constitution, the Peace and Reconciliation commission, Mandala has served and SA accomplished peaceful transition to his successor.


I guess the hahahahahahhahahahhahha is one you for not knowing the history of the specific referance made.



Put the doobies down and do a little school work and learning, my friend.

im sorry africa is not really studied in high school i do plan on taking history classes though.

and who is to say this isnt the most peacefull way to get suddan out of there. He wouldnt leave with 7 billion dollars and no war crimes. couldnt get better than that for all he has done wrong.

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Very little violince in south africa hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha do your homework soon you know how many war lords there are in africa there is no peace there

The reference to South Africa was to South Africa. Apartheid fell with the most minimal violence imaginable and from DeKlerk to Nelson Mandela there was peaceful transfer of the presidency, a new constitution, the Peace and Reconciliation commission, Mandala has served and SA accomplished peaceful transition to his successor.


I guess the hahahahahahhahahahhahha is one you for not knowing the history of the specific referance made.



Put the doobies down and do a little school work and learning, my friend.

too bad that peaceful tranfer of power was the highlight of mandela's presidency...i know there will be growing pains when a group of people go from being oppresed to free like that..but it sure like that country , both economically and as fars as violence goes took a turn south


though i must admit i dont feel io have studied that enough to have an educated opinion..just a few things ive read and heard about

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im sorry africa is not really studied in high school i do plan on taking history classes though.

and who is to say this isnt the most peacefull way to get suddan out of there. He wouldnt leave with 7 billion dollars and no war crimes. couldnt get better than that for all he has done wrong.

:huh: Why do you call him suddan? I've seen it a few times now and I don't get it, am I missing the joke?

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im sorry africa is not really studied in high school i do plan on taking history classes though.

and who is to say this isnt the most peacefull way to get suddan out of there. He wouldnt leave with 7 billion dollars and no war crimes. couldnt get better than that for all he has done wrong.

:huh: Why do you call him suddan? I've seen it a few times now and I don't get it, am I missing the joke?

I was wondering the same thing? :huh:

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