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This time, it's different . . . [yawn]


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Dear Jim,


On Monday, I wrote to you about how your support is changing the dynamics of this election in a very tangible way. Your response to last week's e-mails gave us the resources to go for it in Colorado and we have already started expanding operations there.


As Bill Clinton told you yesterday, a group of Democratic Party supporters is excited about the impact you are having and has established a special $5,370,000 Countdown to Victory Matching Fund. That's $10,000 for each of the 537 votes by which we "lost" Florida in 2000.


They will match -- dollar for dollar -- every contribution made to the Democratic Party before midnight tonight.




Republicans always use their fundraising advantage to launch an overwhelming, last-minute offensive in battleground states like Florida. In 2000 we hoped that we would have half of what they had for the closing days of the campaign.


This year things are different. This year, we're not just settling for putting up a good fight. This year, we are going to do everything it takes to go toe-to-toe with the Republican smear machine.


What does that mean?


The Democratic Party is running the largest, most ambitious field program in history. We are matching the Republicans dollar for dollar and ad for ad on the airwaves. We are not letting a single Republican attack go unchallenged.


This is the most important two weeks that we will ever face in American politics. Let's pull out all the stops. Remember, every dollar you contribute today will be matched.




Thank you,


Michael Whouley

General Election Strategist


I'm beginning the think the only winners in a presidential campaign are the tv, radio, and newspaper outlets who are paid in advance for running political campaign ads.


$$ = Increased odds of winning or better yet


your $$$$ > opponents $$ = Greater Odds of Winning


Mr. Smith does not go to Washington in the 21st Century.

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I know its annoying, but I would much rather see elections decided in this manor.  Both of the political parties are responsible for what their do with their money.  The 527's have none of these responsibilities.

Amen to that. I agree with the end result of making the campaign responsible for the ads. I just have a hard time telling you, that you cannot take an ad out in the newspaper supporting your candidate. I feel like I'm restricting your speech. Yet, I really dislike these newest groups.

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Dear Jim,


Yesterday I sent you an important message about our Countdown to Victory Matching Fund. Contributions have been pouring in, and I am confident that we are going to maximize this matching gift opportunity. You still have time to double the impact of your contribution.




For a long time now, you and I have worked together to help fulfill America's promise. And I have turned to you often to ask for your help in advancing the values and vision we share.


We are in the final two weeks of this campaign and the outcome is in our hands. It's a dramatic, decisive moment that will set America's course for years, perhaps decades, to come. That's why I am urging you to do everything you can possibly do to support John Kerry, John Edwards and other Democratic candidates.




If you contribute right now, in the final hours of the Countdown to Victory Match, your gift will be worth double, helping the Democratic Party twice as much. I'm counting on you.


Thank you,


Bill Clinton

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I get these from both parties. I returmned most of the GOP letters with a newspaper clipping of the GOP restructuring of congresional districts in Texas which put my Congressman from Austin, a mere 300 miles away, Instead of the guy I liked whose office is 2 miles from my house and I see around here all the time.

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Wow Bill Clinton personally emailed you Tex?  That is the coolest thing ever!  I wish someone important would email me...

George W. Sent me a personally autographed picture of he and Laura. That gets my vote :wub:

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