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Family Returns From Trip, Finds Stranger Moved In,


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DOUGLASVILLE, Ga. -- A Georgia family is trying to figure out why a woman moved into their home while they were away on vacation.


Video: Family Finds Uninvited Guest


Beverly Mitchell, of the Atlanta suburb of Douglasville, said she returned from 2½ weeks in Greece to find that her personal belongings -- including clothes, furniture and dishes -- had been removed. She said most of the carpet had also been taken out and the house had been redecorated.


"I was ready to strangle this woman," Mitchell said. "How could you not know someone lives here?"


Sheriff's deputies found Beverly Valentine, 53, in a bathroom and charged her with burglary. Police said Valentine told them she used a shovel to break into the house.


Beverly Mitchell



Mitchell said the woman had the electricity switched over to her name and also moved in a washer and dryer. She brought in her own furniture, clothes and decorations and even repainted rooms in the house.


"Now we have portraits hanging on the wall that we didn't have before," Mitchell said. "And we've got all kinds of new appliances."


Mitchell has moved all of Valentine's belongings out but doesn't know what to do with them. She hopes the woman's relatives will reclaim the goods.


"It's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen," Mitchell said.


Investigators at the Douglas County Sheriff's Office said they are unsure why Valentine moved into the woman's home. The suspect has not yet explained her actions.


"She's never met her before so we really don't know why this lady picked this particular house," said sheriff's Lt. Bobby Holmes.

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Really.. how about this..??




Appeals Court Rules That Whales Can't Sue Navy


POSTED: 4:23 pm PDT October 20, 2004

UPDATED: 4:58 pm PDT October 20, 2004


SAN FRANCISCO -- A federal appeals court decided Wednesday that marine mammals have no standing to sue to stop the U.S. Navy from using sonar.


In upholding a lower court decision, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the world's cetaceans -- whales, porpoises and dolphins -- have no standing under the Endangered Species Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act or the National Environmental Policy Act.


If lawmakers "intended to take the extraordinary step of authorizing animals as well as people and legal entities to sue, they could, and should, have said so plainly," said Judge William A. Fletcher, writing for the panel.


The Navy uses a type of sonar that helps detect quiet submarines at long range. Low frequency transmitters emit sonar pulses or "pings" that can travel hundreds of miles through the water.


"The negative effects of underwater noise on marine life are well recognized," the court said. Even the Navy acknowledged any "human-made noise that is strong enough to be heard has the potential to reduce (mask) the ability of marine mammals to hear natural sounds," according to the court.


In arguing for the cetaceans, Hilo, Hawaii-based lawyer Lanny Sinkin asked for an injunction banning long-range sonar until President Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld consult with the National Marine Fisheries Services and prepare an environmental impact statement.


Sinkin did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment Wednesday.

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And this is hysterical!!





California town wants artist to correct spelling

Last Updated Thu, 07 Oct 2004 10:51:49 EDT

LIVERMORE, CALIF. - City councillors in Livermore, Calif., want to spend $6,000 US to correct the spelling on a large mural outside the city's new library.



A misspelled William "Shakespere" on the ceramic mural at the Livermore Library. (AP photo)

Councillors and spectators were shocked when the $40,000 US ceramic mural was unveiled outside the new library in June, revealing the misspelled names of Einstein, Shakespeare, Vincent Van Gogh, Michelangelo and seven other historical figures.


"Our library director is very frustrated that she has this lovely new library and it has all these misspellings in front," city councillor Lorraine Dietrich told the Associated Press.


Dietrich is one of three council members who voted this week to authorize paying another $6,000 US, plus expenses, to fly artist Maria Alquilar from Florida to fix the errors. Livermore city council has four councillors plus Mayor Marshall Kamena.


Alquilar told the Associated Press she is willing to fix the five-metre mural, but had no apology for misspelling 11 names, including "Eistein," "Shakespere" and "Michaelangelo." There are 175 names on the mural.


"The importance of this work is that it is supposed to unite people," Alquilar said. "They are denigrating my work and the purpose of this work."


She created the work on her own time and it sat for two years before the city installed it. She said plenty of people who could and should have noticed the spelling errors had been around during the installation.


True artists, she said, wouldn't have noticed the errors. "The people that are into humanities, and are into Blake's concept of enlightenment, they are not looking at the words," she said.


"In their mind, the words register correctly."


Livermore is a town of about 80,000 people located 65 kilometres southeast of San Francisco.

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