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Dr. Theresa Heinz-Kerry-Love or how


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Apperantly marrying a billionaire and giving away his money to left wing special interest groups is the only "Real Job" in america.


:fyou to anyone who thinks stay at home moms aren't real heros and workers in America.


:fyou N.O.W.



A vote for Kerry is a vote for that dried out whore monger. Vote for Kerry if you really have no soul.



:cheers to Laura Bush for being herself and being a mom, school teacher, librarian, and #1 First lady!

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Apperantly marrying a billionaire and giving away his money to left wing special interest groups is the only "Real Job" in america.


:fyou  to anyone who thinks stay at home moms aren't real heros and workers in America.


:fyou  N.O.W.



A vote for Kerry is a vote for that dried out whore monger. Vote for Kerry if you really have no soul.



:cheers to Laura Bush for being herself and being a mom, school teacher, librarian, and #1 First lady!


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When I heard about what she said I was so pissed.

That is ridiculous.


She needs to keep her f***in mouth shut.

yeah, i heard the sound clip today and I just shook my head in shame. "I'm older and she's never had a real job that I know of"


how do you defend that? You can't.



People talk about "bushisms" just think about the "heinz-kerryisms"



Do people acutally think that this woman of unimaginiable wealth can actual relate to normal people like us here at soxtalk....(ok, bad example....) normal americans? She's an elitists of unheard of heights, and why would she care or even think about people who can't afford health care? or people who work in factories? or school teachers? or MOMS?



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Yeah, real First Ladies should be convicted of manslaughter for killing their boyfriend like Laura!


PA, I ask nicely -- don't be a hack. Both of these candidates are ultra elite f***s that don't give a s*** about anything except the special interests that finance their campaigns and make them rich.


George Bush (using your words PA with the gender chanced) -- Do people acutally think that this man of unimaginiable wealth can actual relate to normal people like us here at soxtalk....(ok, bad example....) normal americans? He's an elitist of unheard of heights, and why would he care or even think about people who can't afford health care? or people who work in factories? or school teachers? or MOMS?


The sword cuts both ways -- they're both softheaded tits who should not be President.

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George Bush (using your words PA with the gender chanced) -- Do people acutally think that this man of unimaginiable wealth can actual relate to normal people like us here at soxtalk....(ok, bad example....) normal americans? He's an elitist of unheard of heights, and why would he care or even think about people who can't afford health care? or people who work in factories? or school teachers? or MOMS?



um, yes... he married a teacher, librarian, and well...made her a mommy :lol:


to be honest, I really don't know how much money the Bush's have. I live in the garage apartment of a millionaire family right now and they relate with me pretty dang well. I've seen biographies on GWB and I've cringed at how goofy he was growing up. He's a regular guy who seemed to learn a lot of life lessons along the way. You're right, I don't think he's perfect, but he's a HELL of alot better than John Kerry.


Laura Bush is a great lady and Theresa Heinz-kerry showed her true colors in that interview. She thinks she deserves the world and everyone else is just SOL. It's THAT obvious.



and please, show me the info on the manslaugter charges, it's the first I've heard of it. (by the way, mistakes in the past, such as DUIs or cheating your way into 3 purple hearts, or having your daddy get you a photographers position in Vietnam are in the past....what is said in the here and now by should outweigh anything else)

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PA, I ask nicely -- don't be a hack.  Both of these candidates are ultra elite f***s that don't give a s*** about anything except the special interests that finance their campaigns and make them rich.

in all honesty, you and I don't know this answer, but I could guess. Politically it didn't make sense for GWB to go into Iraq. He could have simply focused on Afghanistan and made himself look heroic and found reelection a joke. So to me there are two options, he did it out of complete conviction and because he thought it was the right thing to do. OR, he did it for financial gain and we'll find out one day that the blood of innocent people is on his hand.


to me, I just don't buy the second one. Too many people in Republican power wouldn't go along with this...let alone the 10s of Democrats that gave their support. I just don't see how something like this would be done for financial gain. Especially in the light of the bribes going on with Saddam and the security council.


all IMHO, I guess

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I f***ed up -- she wasn't charged with vehicular manslaughter but should have been. Sorry about that (I've had no sleep the past few days for various school related reasons so I've been pretty wired haha)-- but she did kill somebody running a stop sign.

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I f***ed up -- she wasn't charged with vehicular manslaughter but should have been.  Sorry about that (I've had no sleep the past few days for various school related reasons so I've been pretty wired haha)-- but she did kill somebody running a stop sign.

crazy s*** like that happens....my accident this summer sounds just like this one.


no real response...I just think it's crazy and heartbreaking for everyone.

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Does anyone have an exact quote from Theresa?  I have no idea what you're talking about.

Well, you know, I don't know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good," Heinz Kerry said. "But I don't know that she's ever had a real job - I mean, since she's been grown up. So her experience and her validation comes from important things, but different things."


"I'm older, and my validation of what I do is a little bit bigger - because I'm older, and I've had different experiences. And it's not a criticism of her. It's just, you know, what life is about,"





There ya go...

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Well, you know, I don't know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good," Heinz Kerry said. "But I don't know that she's ever had a real job - I mean, since she's been grown up. So her experience and her validation comes from important things, but different things."


"I'm older, and my validation of what I do is a little bit bigger - because I'm older, and I've had different experiences. And it's not a criticism of her. It's just, you know, what life is about,"





There ya go...

Has Theresa ever had a real job? I don't know the answer, but I'm bringing it up because she's the heiress to the Heinz corporation. Seems like life was probably handed to her on a silver platter, right?

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Has Theresa ever had a real job?  I don't know the answer, but I'm bringing it up because she's the heiress to the Heinz corporation.  Seems like life was probably handed to her on a silver platter, right?

ah... before I comment, here's what John Kerry said today in wisconsin.


George Bush is the first president in 72 years to lose jobs on his watch.




The reason this President doesn't get it is because for his powerful and well-connected friends, it really is the best economy of their lifetime


*cough* big ketchup *cough*


First, as President, I'm going to make sure that working women get the wages they've earned -- and not a penny less. This President has done just the opposite


ah yes, George Bush has made sure women get the wages they haven't earned and not a penny more. isn't that the opposite of what he just said??


I will fight a tougher, smarter, more effective war on terror. We will hunt down, capture, and kill the terrorists wherever they are


except Iraq, because you didn't think we should go there in the first place...no wait, you did, but then you didn't think it was the right....wait...no... tougher, smarter and more effective huh? you can't make decisions on paper or plastic let alone sackin' up and sticking your neck out there for America' safety.


ok, here's something REALLY funny he said today about women, jobs, and his ability to understand them.


Everywhere I go, I meet women working two jobs, three jobs, just to get by. And that's only counting the jobs they're paid for. After they punch out at work, many punch right back in at home for their next shift as care-giver, meal-cooker, financial- planner, house-cleaner -- and all the other jobs they do to help support our families.


so here's john kerry talking about "hard-working women" and using house work as an example of those jobs....


and his wife says the EXACT OPPOSITE...


that's comedy :bang :lolhitting :fyou :puke :ph34r:

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by the way...


Name at birth: Maria Teresa Thierstein Simoes-Ferreira

Teresa Heinz Kerry is the wife of Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts and the former wife of the late Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania. Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique, the daughter of a Portuguese medical doctor. She earned a bachelor's degree from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, and later attended the University of Geneva. In 1966 she married Henry John Heinz III (known as John), a member of the Heinz ketchup and condiment family. A Republican, he was elected U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania in 1976, and remained in that post until he was killed in a plane crash in 1991. As his widow, Teresa Heinz has since overseen the Heinz family's charitable endowments, in which role she has particularly supported environmental causes in America and internationally. She first met Kerry in 1990 (at an Earth Day rally, according to her official bio) and they were reintroduced the year after John Heinz's death. The pair married in 1995. She was thrust into the spotlight in 2004, when John Kerry won the Democratic nomination for president and began his campaign against the Republican incumbent, George W. Bush.


Extra credit: According to a 2003 article in USA Today, Heinz Kerry "speaks Portuguese, English, French, Spanish and Italian"... She had three children with John Heinz: H. John Heinz IV, Andre, and Christopher... Her stepchildren with John Kerry are Vanessa and Alexandra Kerry... Though a Republican when she married John Kerry, Heinz Kerry has since registered as a Democrat...

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PA loosten up - I don't think Cheat was mocking you.  This stuff is HILARIOUS.

no, I wasn't reacting harshly, I just wanted to know if both his posts were just jokes. I'm cool :) (haha, do I really jump on the defensive that much? oh..I do...ouch :lol: )

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yeah, i heard the sound clip today and I just shook my head in shame. "I'm older and she's never had a real job that I know of"


how do you defend that?        You can't.



People talk about "bushisms" just think about the "heinz-kerryisms"



Do people acutally think that this woman of unimaginiable wealth can actual relate to normal people like us here at soxtalk....(ok, bad example....) normal americans?  She's an elitists of unheard of heights, and why would she care or even think about people who can't afford health care? or people who work in factories? or school teachers? or MOMS?



I agree Theresa Heinz-Kerry has a big fat mouth and to call somebody out like that..talk about the pot calling the kettle black...BUT she's not running for president..Kerry is

And she would have to say something short of "On the weekends I like to hit kids over the head with bowling pens" for me to jump up in arms and not vote for Kerry.


But saying "Vote for Kerry if you really have no soul." is the most asinine thing i ever heard..I can't believe alot more people on here aren't more up in arms..


I just know Bush is a dope and the choice of a dope as the first lady and a dope as the president of the USA I'm gonna choose the dopey first lady..


And speaking of Bushisms, does Theresa Kerry have a 128 page book out on what a retard she really is??? Mr. Bush does

check it out..really is funny


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