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Dr. Theresa Heinz-Kerry-Love or how


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I agree Theresa Heinz-Kerry has a big fat mouth and to call somebody out like that..talk about the pot calling the kettle black...BUT she's not running for president..Kerry is

And she would have to say something short of "On the weekends I like to hit kids over the head with bowling pens"  for me to jump up in arms and not vote for Kerry.


But saying "Vote for Kerry if you really have no soul." is  the most asinine thing i ever heard..I can't believe alot more people on here aren't more up in arms..


I just know Bush is a dope and the choice of a dope as the first lady and a dope as the president of the USA I'm gonna choose the dopey first lady..


And speaking of Bushisms, does Theresa Kerry have a 128 page book out on what a retard she really is??? Mr. Bush does

check it out..really is funny


Does she have people following her around nit-picking on every little thing she says? now she does...and we're finding out what an evil slut bag she is.



But saying "Vote for Kerry if you really have no soul." is  the most asinine thing i ever heard..I can't believe alot more people on here aren't more up in arms..


I think it's indicative of her mindset, and if you don't believe that John Kerry thinks the exact same way THAT'S assinine. They're elitists beyond the Bush's comprehension.


and give me a break about Bush being a dope, no offense guy, but GWB scores better on his SATs than 9 out of 10 of us. He's just a real and average mannered guy. That's true representation to me. I know poor people and I know extremely rich people. (anyone want to go to the ski resort at Jackson Hole, WY? My mom's best friend owns the place and her husband goes fly fishing with Cheney.)


John Kerry is a second rate hack of a candidate who's changed positions so many times, a tiajuana crack whore would ask for more money....



If you hate women who stay at home to raise children, then vote for john kerry, because his wife does....


and John Kerry spouting New testament verses makes me want to friggin' puke...

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Laura Bush is useless.  THK is useless.  But Ketchup seems to be a real b****.


Personally, I hate her.  But W is either a pure liar or incompetent.  There's not reason 1 I'd vote for him again, even if he married John McCain.

"Ask not what your country can do for you...but ask, where the f*** does John Kerry think he's going to get the money to support all of his ridiculous plans?" *

















*los middle classes

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I love how Heinz Kerry whines about jobs moving overseas when 85% of her Ketchup empires production capacity is based.........in Iowa?  No.  In New Jersey?  No. 


Oh yeah......overseas.

ahhhhhhhh, I love how the only defense for her actions are... well, we elect john kerry and not Ketchup-kerry...




anyone remember hillary Rodham-Clinton??





k, just checking.

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The last time I checked, Teresa Heinz-Kerry does not run Heinz Ketchup.


Teresa says a lot of stupid s***, but she also apologized for what she said about Laura Bush. When was the last time you saw George Bush apologize for anything?


All joking aside, is this what the Republicans are reduced to? The Kerry campaign attacks the Bush record, and they fire back with what Teresa said?


I don't vote for Teresa. And I don't have to vote for her if she does run for anything. Unlike apparently some narrow minded folk who'd vote for anyone with a Republican next to their name in here, my candidates have to earn my vote.


The last time I checked, we don't vote for First Lady.

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I love how Heinz Kerry whines about jobs moving overseas when 85% of her Ketchup empires production capacity is based.........in Iowa? No. In New Jersey? No.


Oh yeah......overseas.


Her Ketchup empire? She owns 4% of the company. She has no say in management or production. Decisions to create factories overseas are not hers to make, not to mention that those factories are necessary because of the product itself, not because they're outsourcing American jobs.


So she can whine about jobs moving overseas all she wants.

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"Ask not what your country can do for you...but ask, where the f*** does John Kerry think he's going to get the money to support all of his ridiculous plans?" *

















*los middle classes

Ask why W does not address the fact that his Social Security plan will necessarily gut the whole system. Then talk to me about ridiculous plans.

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Ask why W does not address the fact that his Social Security plan will necessarily gut the whole system.  Then talk to me about ridiculous plans.

because I like the idea of paying towards my own retirement benefits...as opposed to paying someelse's arbitrarily assigned governement payout.


I hate the idea of retirees relying solely on SS. It's an atrocity. It wasn't meant to be what it is today. So yes, please gut the system.

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and John Kerry spouting New testament verses makes me want to friggin' puke...

It has been a while since you have said anything of relevance here as the kinder, gentler, but eerily less funny Poster-Formerly-Known-as-PA (I'm not entirely convinced you're not Juggernaut off his meds and back for a spell...). But you're on to something here...


Anybody spouting New testament verses makes me want to friggin' puke...

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because I like the idea of paying towards my own retirement benefits...as opposed to paying someelse's arbitrarily assigned governement payout.


I hate the idea of retirees relying solely on SS. It's an atrocity. It wasn't meant to be what it is today. So yes, please gut the system.

Then let him say so. He continues to totally avoid the issue. It's an election -- state your position, man.

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It has been a while since you have said anything of relevance here as the kinder, gentler, but eerily less funny Poster-Formerly-Known-as-PA (I'm not entirely convinced you're not Juggernaut off his meds and back for a spell...).  But you're on to something here...


Anybody spouting New testament verses makes me want to friggin' puke...

let's get passed the election, I promise to be a whole lot less funny.




edit: I guess it would be a good time to state me three favorite soxtalk posters...


in no special order: Juggernaut (espnJohn), Brandon (veeky), and Texsox.



when I have those guys to look up to, of course I'm angrier and less funny to people like you, Jim.

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Thing is, 2 out of 3 on your list top mine as well. Brando (if that's who Brandon is) and Tex - can't say enough about them. I think Brando is probably one of the most brilliant and well-read people I've ever encountered and I wish he could have tined down his volatility enough to still be here. Then again, genius and passion usually go hand in hand so it's appropriate, I guess.


Tex... well that's the glue that holds this corner of Soxtalk together right there.


Juggs on the other hand... well, he's something else entirely.

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Does she have people following her around nit-picking on every little thing she says? now she does...and we're finding out what an evil slut bag she is.





I think it's indicative of her mindset, and if you don't believe that John Kerry thinks the exact same way THAT'S asinine. They're elitists beyond the Bush's comprehension.


and give me a break about Bush being a dope, no offense guy, but GWB scores better on his SATs than 9 out of 10 of us. He's just a real and average mannered guy. That's true representation to me. I know poor people and I know extremely rich people. (anyone want to go to the ski resort at Jackson Hole, WY? My mom's best friend owns the place and her husband goes fly fishing with Cheney.)


John Kerry is a second rate hack of a candidate who's changed positions so many times, a tiajuana crack whore would ask for more money....



If you hate women who stay at home to raise children, then vote for john kerry, because his wife does....


and John Kerry spouting New testament verses makes me want to friggin' puke...

So are you sayin other past presidents weren't nit-picked to death like Mr. Bush has? Lets just sat when you got enough public examples of Bush's verbal inadequacies to fill several books, than there's a few brain cells a missin...


And applying Bush is some sorta of everyman farm boy from Texas, while Kerry grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth is asinine...Bush grew up with a diamond spoon in his mouth and to separate one as being elitist and the other as not is wrong...Both grew up privileged..Bush more so..

So enough about who is more of an elitist and who is not is...it's crap


He grew up a rich, privileged kid..more so than Kerry..so there should be no excuse on Bush not being able to speak English being raised affluential if he just didn't give a f***..Look at Bush's brother, Jed...

He speaks like a person of his stature should..with keen intellect.


Bush scores better in his SATS than 9 out of 10 of us? Sure, the guy scored a 1206 on his SATS, which is prob better than 9 out of 10 of us..but then again, we're not the leader of the most powerful country in the world..The standards are a bit higher than the guy working as manager at the Dairy Queen. And he got into Yale with that score???Please, gimme a f***in break...

Thank goodness for Bush's connections..helped with getting into Yale and avoiding the draft..nice being rich :rolly



And a real and average mannered guy??? Kerry is wealthy, but he's not Bush wealthy..Kerry net worth is only about 4 million..Bush is worth 7 times that and calling Bush an average guy is like calling Donald Trump a blue collared man of the people..

It's stupid..and just cause Kerry can put a coherent thought together doesn't make him an elitist...Bush and special interest go hand and hand




And just cause bush and his lackeys say Kerry is a flip flopper doesn't mean you have to follow like sheeple... Bush and his lackeys have flip flopped more times than you can shake a stick at...So it gets old when the Bush people(like you) keep saying he changes his mid every min..

Cause it's simply misleading


Just like the ton of ads the Bush campaign has airing that has so many misleads in it you shake your head in disgust..and the sad thing is they keep airing this crap..putting these lies into peoples brains..even though sites like


have debunked them...sure kerry has had some misleading ads, but the Bush ones are f***in so overthetop wrong it makes you cringe.


We witnessed the tone of the RNC...We witness the misleading overthetop ads against Kerry...We witness the scare tactics Bush and Cheney have spewed out on the campaign that makes you sick to your stomach..You see that they will say just about anything to get re-elected that it boggles the mind..There you truly see who they really are..likable my ass..



So again I reiterate...I rather have a dopey first lady than a dopey president...

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wow, that was a waste of time...



Look at Bush's brother, Jed...


he doesn't have a brother named Jed.



if you meant John Ellis Bush, or Jeb, as his friends call him, then I guess you're in the 9 out of 10 that George W is smarter than.



who's the sheeple, guy? I'm not the one getting a jones over a horrible candidate, I just think my guy is better than yours.... I never said he's perfect.


your "he's an idiot" reference is the same thing our "flip-flop" label... as Kapkomet aptly states.... SBC



and just for the record.... your "net worth" numbers are crap...


net worth

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and just for the record.... your "net worth" numbers are crap...


Correct. Bush has over 10x what Kerry does, not 7x.


George W. Bush has a net worth of around $9 million to $26 million


Kerry stated that assets in his own name were worth $409,000 to $1.8 million, and he had an additional $300,000 to $600,000 in assets owned jointly with his wife.


Kerry's low end: 700,000

Bush's low end: 9,000,000


Kerry's high end: 2,400,000

Bush's high end: 26,000,000

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Correct.  Bush has over 10x what Kerry does, not 7x.






Kerry's low end: 700,000

Bush's low end: 9,000,000


Kerry's high end: 2,400,000

Bush's high end: 26,000,000

because John Kerry doesn't see any of that 1 billion that the Ketchup Whore has....

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wow, that was a waste of time...





he doesn't have a brother named Jed.



if you meant John Ellis Bush, or Jeb, as his friends call him, then I guess you're in the 9 out of 10 that George W is smarter than.



who's the sheeple, guy?  I'm not the one getting a jones over a horrible candidate, I just think my guy is better than yours.... I never said he's perfect.


your "he's an idiot" reference is the same thing our "flip-flop" label... as Kapkomet aptly states.... SBC



and just for the record.... your "net worth" numbers are crap...


net worth

wow, that was a waste of time...


Passion without being pretentious...Knowledge without attitude


I disagree with you, but didn't stoop to calling your responses as a waste of time...which is basically implying "Don't bother me kid, you're stupid"...isn't it??? :rolly



he doesn't have a brother named Jed.



if you meant John Ellis Bush, or Jeb, as his friends call him, then I guess you're in the 9 out of 10 that George W is smarter than.

I'll stick with Jed..thank you very much :)



who's the sheeple, guy? I'm not the one getting a jones over a horrible candidate, I just think my guy is better than yours.... I never said he's perfect.


your "he's an idiot" reference is the same thing our "flip-flop" label... as Kapkomet aptly states.... SBC


I wasn't necessarily calling you a sheeple..I'm talking about the people who see those ads where it says Kerry raised taxes 350 times..where they take Kerry's statements and put them in their ads out of context..You got a large majority of voters who believe that..the sheeple..if Bush put in a ad that Kerry supports the institution of slavery they would believe it..the sheeple



and just for the record.... your "net worth" numbers are crap...

I was just going on what a tv show said that was comparing Kerry and Bush's wealth..that's what they said..

still, Kerry isn't worth half as much as Bush..

Kerry with his wife is another story..but talking individually here.


And who ever said that Kerry was perfect..I sure didn't ..nobody is perfect..sure Kerry has his faults..but like he old saying..pick your poison..I'm going with the rattle snake, rather than the Black Mamba



And calling Bush "dopey' is not the same thing on calling Kerry a flip-flopper..Like i mentioned before..99% of the claims the republicans call John Kerry on flip-flopping has been misleading....while again quoting myself


when you got enough public examples of Bush's verbal inadequacies to fill several books, than there's a few brain cells a missin...
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Just a little something I found pretaining to flip-flopping.



also here's some stuff to read also pertaining on the Kerry flip-flop charges








This just one example of taking kerry's words out of context.ton of those



this is an opinion piece, but pretty much my thoughts exactly


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That's real Christian of ya.

Because I think Theresa Heinz-Kerry is a heartless wench? and I called her the Ketchup Whore on some meaningless baseball sub category thread? As a woman you should be pissed at THK for insulting every person who doesn't have a billion dollars and a bad hair cut. She has no respect for anyone like myself or miss pa, and therefore I have no respect for her.






honey, don't hurt yourself with a response.

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Because I think Theresa Heinz-Kerry is a heartless wench? and I called her the Ketchup Whore on some meaningless baseball sub category thread? As a woman you should be pissed at THK for insulting every person who doesn't have a billion dollars and a bad hair cut. She has no respect for anyone like myself or miss pa, and therefore I have no respect for her.






honey, don't hurt yourself with a response.

Yeah that whole part where Jesus said if a person slaps you on one cheek to turn and offer your other is absolutely debatable.

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Yeah that whole part where Jesus said if a person slaps you on one cheek to turn and offer your other is absolutely debatable.

did you notice what Laura Bush said? "no apology needed"



it 100% represents what Matthew 5 was talking about. THK didn't say what she said to me personally, but I will hold her accountable for the things she says and the clear picture of elitism that she portrays.



study up:


Matthew 5

38"Here's another old saying that deserves a second look: "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.' 39Is that going to get us anywhere? Here's what I propose: "Don't hit back at all.' If someone strikes you, stand there and take it. 40If someone drags you into court and sues for the shirt off your back, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it.

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