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Web Gem of the Year


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I wasn't really watching this Best of Baseball Tonight Special, but caught the last 3 minutes when they revealed the "Web Gem of the Year" and it was Jeters catch running into the stands vs. Red Sox.


I'm sorry, but I don't think that play is as good as everyone thinks. Maybe it's just me. I'm sure it's just ESPN doing some more Jeter C-Sucking, but, It just keeps propagating the Derek Jeter mystic. I wish I could find this article that was on ESPN Page 2 about how overrated Jeter is. It had the why he's good side and the why he's overrated side. It was quite histarical.

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I wasn't really watching this Best of Baseball Tonight Special, but caught the last 3 minutes when they revealed the "Web Gem of the Year" and it was Jeters catch running into the stands vs. Red Sox.


I'm sorry, but I don't think that play is as good as everyone thinks. Maybe it's just me. I'm sure it's just ESPN doing some more Jeter C-Sucking, but, It just keeps propagating the Derek Jeter mystic. I wish I could find this article that was on ESPN Page 2 about how overrated Jeter is. It had the why he's good side and the why he's overrated side. It was quite histarical.

I agree that, that catch is very overrated, however I disagree about Jeter being overrated. I know his stats don't matchup with the elite players in the game, but what he does in the postseason is enough for me not to consider him overrated, jmo. Btw Buehrle was a nominee for the pitchers webgem but didn't win.

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I agree that, that catch is very overrated, however I disagree about Jeter being overrated.  I know his stats don't matchup with the elite players in the game, but what he does in the postseason is enough for me not to consider him overrated, jmo.  Btw Buehrle was a nominee for the pitchers webgem but didn't win.

Yep thank god that leadoff hitter batted .200 in the most important 7 games of the year...


Jetah is teh sexors

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To me, it's all about money.


Now that ARod is a 3Bman, Jeter is the highest paid SS in the game. Due to that, he should be the best SS, no?


How many of you think that Derek Jeter is the best SS in the game?


That says it all for me, and proves that he is overrated.

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I agree that, that catch is very overrated, however I disagree about Jeter being overrated.  I know his stats don't matchup with the elite players in the game, but what he does in the postseason is enough for me not to consider him overrated, jmo.  Btw Buehrle was a nominee for the pitchers webgem but didn't win.

Agreed.......... I think what made Jeter's catch so great was the circumstances around it. It was a key moment in a Yankees-Red Sox series. It was an unbelievable play in a clutch situation, but I don't agree that it was the play of the year. I'd have to see it again, but it looks as if he may have been able to make the play while sliding, which would have allowed him to avoid the stands. Either way, it was a great play, but in my mind more of a clutch play than the best play of the year, if that makes sense.


And you can quote stats all you want, Jeter is a winner. I'd take him on my team any day!

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How many baseball players do THAT for a ball? Sure you get the occasional lean over the railing or fall into the stands, but do you ever get the full out sprint into the 3rd row? I don't know if you guys saw it live but that play was sooooo impressive. He seemed to come out of nowhere and then he just turned it on to get to that ball. It was beauty.

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Edmund's catch in game 7 vs. the Astros would be a good call for play of the year.  Talk about clutch.

I thought about that when they were showing the OF highlights...... I was thinking that none of these plays are better than what Edmonds did last night. Then again, his climb-the-wall catch in CF, which I thought was the play of the year was pretty damned sweet. He could have his own highlight reel.

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How many baseball players do THAT for a ball?  Sure you get the occasional lean over the railing or fall into the stands, but do you ever get the full out sprint into the 3rd row?  I don't know if you guys saw it live but that play was sooooo impressive.  He seemed to come out of nowhere and then he just turned it on to get to that ball.  It was beauty.

If you watch a High School or college game, you will see just about everyone go for every ball almost as hard as that. The pros are so lazy and just care about money these days.

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