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Facts about the Bush record.

Rex Kickass

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100 Facts and One Opinion.




3. The Bush Administration ignored estimates from Gen. Eric Shinseki that several hundred thousand troops would be required to secure Iraq.


16. The Bush Administration has assigned five times as many agents to investigate Cuban embargo violations as it has to track Osama bin Laden's and Saddam Hussein's money.


17. According to Congressional Research Service data, the Bush Administration has underfunded security at the nation's ports by more than $1 billion for fiscal year 2005.


22. Before 9/11, John Ashcroft proposed slashing counterterrorism funding by 23 percent.


24. The Bush Administration granted the 9/11 Commission $3 million to investigate the September 11 attacks and $50 million to the commission that investigated the Columbia space shuttle crash.


29. The Bush Administration underfunded the needs of the nation's first responders by $98 billion, according to a Council on Foreign Relations study.


31. The Bush Administration told Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan about plans to go to war with Iraq before telling Secretary of State Colin Powell.


36. Top Bush Administration officials accepted $127,600 in jewelry and other presents from the Saudi royal family in 2003, including diamond-and-sapphire jewelry valued at $95,500 for First Lady Laura Bush.


44. The Bush Administration gave Accenture a multibillion-dollar border control contract even though the company moved its operations to Bermuda to avoid paying taxes.


49. In 2000, candidate George W. Bush promised to protect the Social Security surplus. As President, he spent all of it.


56. The nonpartisan GAO concluded the Bush Administration created illegal, covert propaganda--in the form of fake news reports--to promote its industry-backed Medicare bill.


60. The Bush Administration created a prescription drug card for Medicare that locks seniors into one card for up to a year but allows the corporations offering the cards to change their prices once a week.


75. Days after 9/11, the Bush Administration told people living near Ground Zero that the air was safe--even though they knew it wasn't--subjecting hundreds of people to unnecessary, debilitating ailments.


81. Since 9/11, Attorney General John Ashcroft has detained 5,000 foreign nationals in antiterrorism sweeps; none have been convicted of a terrorist crime.


86. At the direction of Bush Administration officials, the FBI went door to door questioning people planning on protesting at the 2004 political conventions.


89. President Bush said gay marriage was a state issue before he supported a constitutional amendment banning it.


91. President Bush said we had found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, before he admitted we hadn't found them.


94. In June 1990 George Bush violated federal securities law when he failed to inform the SEC that he had sold 200,000 shares of his company, Harken Energy. Two months later the company reported significant losses and by the end of that year the stock had dropped from $3 to $1.


100. The Bush Administration--reversing years of bipartisan tradition--refuses to answer requests from Democratic members of Congress about how the White House is spending taxpayer money.

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It should be inconceivable that the race should even be tight -- that the guy has to be that incompetent and negligent and abominable for enough people to even consider voting him out.


Then again, it is telling that he had the entire country and world behind him after 9-11 and yet he was able to completely piss that away in 3 year's time and leave the country in a far worse standing in the eyes of the world and any Americans paying attention.


Here's hoping the Bush knack for being four and out holds true. This time, it's not 'the economy, stupid' - it's the stupidity, stupid.

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It should be inconceivable that the race should even be tight -- that the guy has to be that incompetent and negligent and abominable for enough people to even consider voting him out.


Then again, it is telling that he had the entire country and world behind him after 9-11 and yet he was able to completely piss that away in 3 year's time and leave the country in a far worse standing in the eyes of the world and any Americans paying attention.


Here's hoping the Bush knack for being four and out holds true.  This time, it's not 'the economy, stupid' - it's the stupidity, stupid.

Wasn't Bush's approval rating very high after 9/11 occurred? Anyone have any numbers?

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The sad part is they have the gull to call John Kerry a flip flopper!

My favorite quote from Bush is when he claimed that Kerry was running a "campaign of fear" when he said that Bush wanted to privatize social security. Yet in 2000 he ran on a f***ing campaign promise of privatizing social security.

Yet John Kerry and others aren't allowed to change their mind about Iraq after the truth comes out.

What a f***ing moron!

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The sad part is they have the gull to call John Kerry a flip flopper!

My favorite quote from Bush is when he claimed that Kerry was running a "campaign of fear" when he said that Bush wanted to privatize social security. Yet in 2000 he ran on a f***ing campaign promise of privatizing social security.

Yet John Kerry and others aren't allowed to change their mind about Iraq after the truth comes out.

What a f***ing moron!

"campaign of fear" :lol:


What was Dick Cheney doing when he said terrorists would strike again if Kerry was elected?



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