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last night at blockbuster a woman and her husband came up to me looking to buy Fahrenheit 9/11 on DVD. Fortunately, we ran out and they could only rent it. The rage inside of me, which in the real world is more like fear and cowardice because I'm a sissy, came to a point when the woman said this to her husband in response to him asking why they needed to buy it....and I quote....


"because it'll be a good reference for the election"

and I said, "why do you think that?" a

nd her response? "because the movie tells the truth about Bush"

and I asked, "ah, so you're voting for Kerry?"

and she said "yes we are"



great....... glad to know that there are "well informed" voters out there. :bang :puke :fyou

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I asked my roommate's mother (at my roommate's request) why she was voting for Bush. She said he was a flip-flopper. I asked her how he flip-flops. She couldn't give me a single answer.


Uneducated voters are everywhere. I wish everyone who votes was as educated as you and I Sox4Life, but they just aren't.

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Few people are as informed in their decision as I am:


I changed my mind about bush when I saw a picture of him dressed as a little girl.


I turned back to Bush when I saw Kerry has very little athletic ability.


However, I have moved back to Kerry because he hunts with ohio citizens.


Some assholes, just don't know what it takes to make a good decision...

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I am voting for Bush because he will help my local economy. We thrive on businesses moving to Mexico. Situated along the US-Mexico border, McAllen and Reynosa, Tamps. Mexico are nice strategic partners. The US managers and their Mexican hourly employees both spend money in McAllen, and their companies have a source of cheaper labor.


Democrates take a dim view of businesses locating off shore. Mostly because of all that Union money that they take. So Clinton was a huge pain in the ass to those companies (Maquillas). Bush, who takes his contributions from the owners and top execuitives, understand that companies cannot compete and keep manufactuing jobs in high wage states. He has been a wonderful President for helping companies reagain being competitive by moving to Mexico. So despite my objecting to some of his social policies, I'm voting for the guy that can help my economy. Say Si to Mexico, Say Si to Bush. Say Si to the Rio Grande Valley!


I know CWSox would shoot me for this, but Michigan's loss was a gain for the border economy. The jobs that are lost in the northern areas are "found" here.

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But Michigan has a border economy too.... oh wait, wrong border. Never mind.

Wrong end of the wage scale. The Dems are on the losing side of the save American jobs battle. Those manufacturing jobs are going away. I hope they come to Mexico and I think Bush has been correct in trying to get companies to consider Mexico instead of China. The Unions keep thinking they can save the jobs by donating to the Dems. Democratic supported Incentives keep the jobs up north work for a while but eventually they fail. Bush and the GOP know that and instead have worked to keep at least some on the US side. Bush has been good to Texas. Halliburton is a Texas Company.

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Few people are as informed in their decision as I am:


I changed my mind about bush when I saw a picture of him dressed as a little girl.


I turned back to Bush when I saw Kerry has very little athletic ability.


However, I have moved back to Kerry because he hunts with ohio citizens.


Some assholes, just don't know what it takes to make a good decision...

My point is that Michael moore intentionally made this movie to 1) make himself richer than George W Bush, and 2) prey on uninformed (and unintelligent) voters who'd rather sit through an hour and a half indoctrination film than spend the hours necessary to choose a candidate wisely.



not cool...and so I rant on. :headbang

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Compared to an hour and a half indoctrination film starring Ann Coulter? [Farenhype 911 has Coulter in it] I wonder if she writes her legal briefs like she does her books (full of half-truths and lame insults)


And PA, if you want to read an actual anti-Bush person that has a lot more facts/truth than Moore uses traditionally check out Joe Conason.

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Compared to an hour and a half indoctrination film starring Ann Coulter? [Farenhype 911 has Coulter in it]  I wonder if she writes her legal briefs like she does her books (full of half-truths and lame insults)


And PA, if you want to read an actual anti-Bush person that has a lot more facts/truth than Moore uses traditionally check out Joe Conason.

Ann Coulter. :puke


She's absolutely lame.

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Roger and me is a good movie....

I wonder who was president when that was made...Oh right, Bush Sr.


Sometimes I wish, we should have tests in order to vote. It would make the stupid voters go away, or they could possibly study!


Remember everyone, as what P Diddy says VOTE OR DIE!!!

Actually, wasn't the movie actually made in 1988?


That would be Reagan.

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I am voting for Bush because he will help my local economy. We thrive on businesses moving to Mexico. Situated along the US-Mexico border, McAllen and Reynosa, Tamps. Mexico are nice strategic partners. The US managers and their Mexican hourly employees both spend money in McAllen, and their companies have a source of cheaper labor.

Down here the Economy was the MAIN election issue. My parents hav been in Europe recently, and a lot of ppl they talked too over there couldn't believe terrorism wasn't as high as an issue as it is for the United States and the United Kingdom. Although down here we seem to be focusing on terrorism a lot more in South East Asia, in countries such as Indonesia rather than Iraq. We don't want to send more troops to Iraq which is both what Bush and Kerry want.

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