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Oh Lord.. can that be..? He was just on the Surreal Life last season and if he's not hurting for money I can't imagine why he'd do that...

It's true, he's not filthy rich, but he never needs to work again. I guess he saw the chnace to make easy money, so why not?

Wasn't Vince Neil on one of those show too and I KNOW he's not hurtin' for loot.

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It's true, he's not filthy rich, but he never needs to work again. I guess he saw the chnace to make easy money, so why not?

Wasn't Vince Neil on one of those show too and I KNOW he's not hurtin' for loot.

Vince had to file BK in 2002. I just watched his E! Hollywood Story.



I know... me--> :bang





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How about porn dude?........he's not hurtin.........this has really sidetracked.

I'll bring the discussion back on track :D


Watch the tape and you'll notice both the bassest and Ashlee look at the drummer, who's apparently playing the wrong notes. Immediately following the various expressions of confusion begins the initial verse to "Pieces of Me." There were two gaffs: the audio technician responsible for playing the song AND the drummer for beginning the incorrect beat. Conspiracy?


/Oliver Stone has warped my mind.

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I'll bring the discussion back on track  :D


Watch the tape and you'll notice both the bassest and Ashlee look at the drummer, who's apparently playing the wrong notes.  Immediately following the various expressions of confusion begins the initial verse to "Pieces of Me." There were two gaffs: the audio technician responsible for playing the song AND the drummer for beginning the incorrect beat.  Conspiracy?


/Oliver Stone has warped my mind.

YEP, either that or the party started WAY earlier in the dressing room.

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Great first hand account from a blogger who claimed to have backstage information.


``Ashlee can't sing. She tried all day Friday, but was whining to her voice coach. They decided to leave her mike (sic) on so she could sing along to the track, but after the first line or two of the first song, (they) turned her off cause she was awful,'' wrote Barbscoop.


``So, as of the first song, all the mikes were off. Now, they had the wrong song queued up for the second song, obviously. . . . They were going to turn on Ashlee's mike so she could sing the real song, but decided not to because the band was just playing the first song. The guys were smiling cause they were simply thinking ``What a (bleeping) cluster (bleep).''



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Leave her alone guys

10/25/2004 4:03:33 PM - by . Jessica Simpson


Hey you guys, quit being so mean to my sister. She is really trying hard to be an individual. She does her best you know? Some of you are just being so mean. Others have given links to some very disturbing images. I don't think Ashlee would appreciate that.


It was a simple accident. If she had known they turned the mic on after the mess up, she surely would have just sucked it up and sang live. But she didn't know, how could she have possibly realized she had a live mic in her hand. I mean really, how often does that happen?


Just stop being mean to her please. She is doing the best she can. Do it for me, the talented sister.




:lol: :lolhitting

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I still don't understand why it's such a big deal.

All she did was sing along to a pre taped recording of her own voice. Every major Pop Act does it. Hell most of the rock acts more then likely do it too. Honestly it would be different if they could prove it was someone else's voice but it's still her singing.

Don't get me wrong I'm in no way a fan of this music. I just don't get all the outrage over singing along to her own voice.

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I still don't understand why it's such a big deal.

All she did was sing along to a pre taped recording of her own voice. Every major Pop Act does it. Hell most of the rock acts more then likely do it too. Honestly it would be different if they could prove it was someone else's voice but it's still her singing.

Don't get me wrong I'm in no way a fan of this music. I just don't get all the outrage over singing along to her own voice.

For me, the funniest part was her complete inability to turn the ship around.

All she had to do, if she had any stage presence or any ability to think on her feet, was stop the band, tell them which song they were supposed to play ( assuming they were playing the wrong one as she said ) and start the correct song over.


Instead, she hopped around like a grade-school Riverdancer and walked offstage.

It was a very funny sight indeed.

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For me, the funniest part was her complete inability to turn the ship around.

All she had to do, if she had any stage presence or any ability to think on her feet, was stop the band, tell them which song they were supposed to play ( assuming they were playing the wrong one as she said ) and start the correct song over.


Instead, she hopped around like a grade-school Riverdancer and walked offstage.

It was a very funny sight indeed.

grade-school river dancer..heh :lol:


Isn't she performing on tonights Radio Music Awards? or just presenting..I can't believe she still goin through with after that debacle.

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One thing I don't get about this entire Milli Vanilli comparison is that she actually sings her songs on the album, Milli Vanilli did not.


It is common knowledge that most pop acts lip-sync, most notably Britney Spears on any live concert she has ever "performed" in.


So I remember the whole Milli Vanilli controversy and all, but besides the lip syncing, what exactly is the comparison? And has it come to the fact that all the media has to do is widely publicize a pop act lip syncing on SNL? Like I said, Spears does this on every single concert she's ever done, yet it's not widely publicized. Perhaps this is a perfect example of kick a dog when it's down because I've heard so much about this today that I'm tired of hearing about it.


And no, this is not an Ashlee Simpson love fest, yes I think she is hot. No, I don't think she's that great of a musical talent.


All I really want to know is how this is like Milli Vanilli.

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If anyone is interested, CBS has a video of Ashlees practice for the show, and Loren Michaels talking about her voice being messed up.  They also have the clip of her running off stage, and looks on everyones faces as it happened

So she was telling the truth... :huh:

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