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Kerry's Dishonorable Discharge

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Kerry's Dishonorable Discharge

Mark Alexander


October 23, 2004



"Never suppose that in any possible situation, or under any circumstances, it is best for you to do a dishonorable thing..."

--Thomas Jefferson


"Reporting for duty"? For a guy who's hitched his entire presidential campaign to his military service record, John Kerry sure is parsimonious when it comes to releasing that record. As noted in this column on more than one occasion, Kerry has consistently refused to sign a Standard Form 180 authorizing the Department of Defense to release all of his records.


George W. Bush's military records were so spotless that Dan Rather gleefully trotted out some fabricated documents in order to kick up a little dust. Of course, if Rather were a real journalist rather than just a TV talking head, he might actually develop a source who could find out what the remaining (approximately 100) pages in Kerry's DoD service jacket reveal.


What, exactly, is Kerry hiding? It is already common knowledge that most of his celebrated heroics were spurious, and that most of his medals were without merit (see "Kerry's Quagmire" at http://FederalistPatriot.US/alexander/ ). But given that the cat's already out of the bag, why not just sign the Standard Form 180?


For his part, Kerry claims he received an "Honorable Discharge" and that all his records have been released and are posted on his website, Kerry-04.com -- uh, make that JohnKerry.com. But Kerry has refused to say when he received an Honorable Discharge. Indeed, some of his military records are posted on his site -- but not all of them. Here, an experienced eye can read enough into what has been released by Kerry to develop a good profile of what hasn't been released.


It is our considered opinion, therefore, that John Kerry was separated from the military under a less than honorable discharge.


Among Kerry's released records is a 1977 cover letter from Jimmy Carter's Navy Secretary, W. Graham Claytor. What is revealing about this document is that it notes Kerry's original discharge was subject to review by a "board of officers" -- yet no such review should be necessary for an Honorable Discharge.


The review was conducted in accordance with "Title 10, U.S. Code Section 1162 and 1163," which pertains to grounds for involuntary separation from military service.


As many Vietnam veterans who served their nation with dignity and honor will recall, Jimmy Carter's first official act as president was the signing of Executive Order 4483 --less than an hour after his inauguration on 21 January 1977. EO 4483 provided general amnesty for draft evaders, war protesters and other offenders of that era. Its corresponding, and equally dubious, DoD directive took effect in March of 1977, expanding that amnesty to include separation from military service by other than honorable discharges. The DoD specified an appeal procedure whereby discharges could be reviewed on an individual basis to determine whether the status of a particular discharge could be revised.


Having lost his first bid for Congress, Kerry no doubt decided that his political future would be brighter as a war hero rather than a war protestor. While there are several categories of discharges beneath honorable, including general, medical, bad conduct and other than honorable, it is very likely that Kerry's discharge was dishonorable.


Supporting this assertion is the fact that Kerry had all his medals mysteriously reinstated in 1985. He claims that he lost his medal certificates (perhaps these are what he famously threw over that Capitol fence in protest), but when a military officer is subject to a Dishonorable Discharge, in addition to the loss of pay benefits and allowances, all medals and honors are revoked. In any case, it would be a cinch for John Kerry to refute our claim by simply signing that Standard Form 180. But he won't. Nor will hard-hitting journalists like Katie Couric and Dr. Phil press him on this issue.


Thus, while Kerry can correctly say -- thanks to Jimmy Carter -- that he received an Honorable Discharge, he could also say with equal precision that he received "other than honorable discharge." His activities as a leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War were, indeed, forgiven by Carter's EO 4483 and the subsequent DoD directive.


However, according to legal scholars, John Kerry's meetings with enemy agents from Communist North Vietnam on multiple occasions between 1970 and 1972 are not covered under EO 4483. For that reason, we delivered to U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft on Monday of this week a "Petition for Investigation and Indictment," calling on the Department of Justice to determine conclusively whether Kerry's actions, in direct violation of UCMJ (Article 104 part 904), U.S. Code (18 USC Sec. 2381 and 18 USC Sec. 953) and other applicable laws and acts of Congress, constitute treason. (To read the text of the petitioners' request, go to http://patriotpetitions.us/kerry/letter.asp )


Why prosecute Kerry now?


In October, 2003, Mr. Kerry chose to make his disputed Vietnam War record the centerpiece of his campaign for the presidency. In response, the more than 180,000 signatories of the above-referenced petition chose to make Mr. Kerry's war record the centerpiece of their campaign to determine whether his actions are subject to the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3.


The pertinent language states: "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President ... having previously taken an oath ... to support the Constitution of the United States, [who has] engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."


While it is clear that no action will be taken on the petitioners' request prior to 2 November, we remain committed to holding Senator Kerry accountable for his actions regardless of the outcome of his presidential bid. Indeed, we are all committed to serving Kerry with an irrevocable dishonorable discharge from public office.


Quote of the week...


"They're the men who served with John Kerry in Vietnam. They're his entire chain of command, most of the officers in Kerry's unit. ... And they're the men who spent years in North Vietnamese prison camps. Tortured for refusing to confess to what John Kerry accused them of being -- war criminals. ... Why is this relevant? Because character and honesty matter. Especially in a time of war."

--Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and POWs for Truth in their most recent ad on Kerry's war record and character.


On cross-examination...


"On more than one occasion, Senator Kerry has referred to the fight at Tora Bora in Afghanistan during late 2001 as a missed opportunity for America. He claims that our forces had Osama bin Laden cornered and allowed him to escape. ... As commander of the allied forces in the Middle East, I was responsible for the operation at Tora Bora, and I can tell you that the senator's understanding of events doesn't square with reality. ... Contrary to Senator Kerry, President Bush never 'took his eye off the ball' when it came to Osama bin Laden. The war on terrorism has a global focus. It cannot be divided into separate and unrelated wars, one in Afghanistan and another in Iraq. Both are part of the same effort to capture and kill terrorists before they are able to strike America again, potentially with weapons of mass destruction. Terrorist cells are operating in some 60 countries, and the United States, in coordination with dozens of allies, is waging this war on many fronts."

--General Tommy Franks

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they frequently give out purple hears, silver stars, bronze stars to those unhonorable soldiers don't they?


The most frustrating thing about this whole election is that the Bush Administration is basing it's whole campaign on Kerry. Not once have I heard George Bush say what he's actually done over the past 4 years. Just stand up, be proud of your accomplishments, and stop taking cheap shots at your opponents military record from 25+ years ago... especially since you didn't serve! It's the same crap they pulled on McCain in the 2000 primaries and Sen Max Cleland in the 2002 race.


Give credit where credit is due though... the Bush campaign has some smart people running it and they did a good job of changing this race from a referendum on George Bush to a referendum on John Kerry.

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they frequently give out purple hears, silver stars, bronze stars to those unhonorable soldiers don't they?


The most frustrating thing about this whole election is that the Bush Administration is basing it's whole campaign on Kerry.  Not once have I heard George Bush say what he's actually done over the past 4 years. Just stand up, be proud of your accomplishments, and stop taking cheap shots at your opponents military record from 25+ years ago... especially since you didn't serve! It's the same crap they pulled on McCain in the 2000 primaries and Sen Max Cleland in the 2002 race.


Give credit where credit is due though... the Bush campaign has some smart people running it and they did a good job of changing this race from a referendum on George Bush to a referendum on John Kerry.

Yeah and Kerry isn't flying by on an anti-Bush ticket or anything. We know so much about him.

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yeah like all the DNC people in the city all summer asking if you "would like to help remove bush" instead of "would you like to Vote for kerry" If anyone is running on an "anti" ticket it's Kerry.


We can argue all day on who is on the anti ticket..yada yada yada


The undeniable fact is that Kerry will not release part of his service records. Since he made his service a big reason for his election then he should divulge everything. Why isn't he even questioned on them. I would love to hear his explanation...even if its a bulls*** explanation Id like to hear something.

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Ah, bulls*** that tries to be scary with jargon. Maybe if he said "EO 4483" one more time that would make it true. Unfortunately, Carter's first executive order was number 11967. Did his "experienced eye" miss that? Now EO11967 precludes prosecution of Military Selective Service Act violations. Funny -- by my reading of the act, it doesn't state that citizens can't protest (ie, it doesn't state, as the article implies, that protesters are "offenders").


My question is, how can anyone take such a dunce seriously?


Actually, I find it funny that this windbag doesn't even blink in asserting that it is illegal to protest, doesn't even think about the obvious free speech problems there. At least there's only one more week of morons trying to piss on democracy.

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Next week, we may actually elect as our Commander in Chief a man who possibly was dishonorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces.  God Bless America! She's gonna need it.

In all fairness to Kerry you pretty much have to commit a crime to get dishonorably discharged from the military. I really doubt thats the case.

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Maybe Kerry would be better off if he'd actually explain what he'd do better as president rather than carping on Bush's record.  Nobody ever became president by running against someone rather than running FOR something.

Until this year. Kerry is going to win this election. I hope I'm wrong, but it's starting to go that way.

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Until this year.  Kerry is going to win this election.  I hope I'm wrong, but it's starting to go that way.

How does that work? Bush is ahead by an average of 5 points in most national polls. He's up by something like 4 points in Ohio and in Florida he's up by 8 points in the latest CNN poll. I know polls dont mean a whole lot but I think he'll be fine on Tuesday.

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Nowhere has it been stated that Kerry received a "dishonorable discharge" except in this writer's mind and suggestions. This writer throws out this as a possible reason why Kerry has a few documents private, just to see if this accusation sticks or gets picked up a reputable news organization. It hasn't.


There are many reasons to not release all types of forms, that both Kerry and GW Bush, and many other politicians routinely try to keep private. People who read too much into it, Repub's or Dem's, just want to dig up dirt where there probably isn't any.


BTW, if GW can get an "honorable discharge" when he didn't fulfill his committment [by his own admission, that he completed 2/3 of his guard time], anyone can

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Nowhere has it been stated that Kerry received a "dishonorable discharge" except in this writer's mind and suggestions. This writer throws out this as a possible reason why Kerry has a few documents private, just to see if this accusation sticks or gets picked up a reputable news organization. It hasn't.


There are many reasons to not release all types of forms, that both Kerry and GW Bush, and many other politicians routinely try to keep private. People who read too much into it, Repub's or Dem's, just want to dig up dirt where there probably isn't any.


BTW, if GW can get an "honorable discharge" when he didn't fulfill his committment [by his own admission, that he completed 2/3 of his guard time], anyone can

Blah Blah Blah....





I don't necessarily believe everything the writer said. All I need to believe is that there is information out there that would squash any questions and for some reason Kerry is hiding it. If you could clear the air...why wouldn't you??


This is not a new accusation only from this writer either...People have been asking for his missing records this whole time. It's just that the "reputable" news stations haven't reported it.

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Stop f***ing whining. Chaos. Bush's military record in 1972 was not an issue for me in choosing John Kerry. Kerry's military record in 1972 is not an issue for me in choosing John Kerry. George Bush's military record in 2003 and 2004 IS an issue for me.


or maybe its this idea that helps me make my decision:

Chief Justice Antonin Scalia

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Blah Blah Blah....





I don't necessarily believe everything the writer said. All I need to believe is that there is information out there that would squash any questions and for some reason Kerry is hiding it.  If you could clear the air...why wouldn't you??


This is not a new accusation only from this writer either...People have been asking for his missing records this whole time.  It's just that the "reputable" news stations haven't reported it.

First, regarding your second FACT: I challenge you to show that Bush has signed his 180. Nowhere do I find any evidence of that. And none of this 'He has released all his records.' Show me something from a reputable source that states directly that Bush has signed his form 180.


This is a plainly idiotic article. The claim is that Kerry was dishonorably discharged, even though we have proof of an honorable discharge, and even though his separation from active service in 1970 (long before Carter's EO 11967) states very plainly that his "character of service" had been "honorable." So you claim that sometime while in the reserves, Kerry secretly did something so heinous as to merit a dishonorable discharge. Not that anyone remembers it, of course, it was all very high level hush-hush.


PLEASE. Just stop w/ all this bs. What is the best evidence that we have of each candidate's military history? Almost all of Kerry's fellow soldiers have called him a hero, while Bush's fellow soldiers...have we found them yet? If you have a relevant argument, make it, but cut out this hack noise.


File under "Stupid conspiracy theories" (along w/ the Bush-bin Ladin connection), and forget about it.

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Blah Blah Blah....





I don't necessarily believe everything the writer said. All I need to believe is that there is information out there that would squash any questions and for some reason Kerry is hiding it.  If you could clear the air...why wouldn't you??


This is not a new accusation only from this writer either...People have been asking for his missing records this whole time.  It's just that the "reputable" news stations haven't reported it.

Pols don't want to release all information, dems or Repub's. Only if they are required to. Kerry isn't required to release every single last document, whether its about his military records or his wife's tax returns. Neither is Bush.


But to say because he isn't releasing stuff because he might have had a dishonorable discharge, like your article stated, is wrong. No person should have to try and disprove a far out negative claim made about them. The only time they have to is if story won't go away, like the Swift Boat vets. But just because the story won't go away means it has to be true.


In the future please don't insult my intelligence by putting something this stupid [blah blah blah] in a post. Debate the facts but just don't stick your tongue out at me if you don't agree with what i have to say. I know I haven't posted political comments here before, so I don't know how insulting people tend to get around here. But please be somewhat of an adult.


And I can read w/o the words in BLOCK type face

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So why doesn't he let the record become public?

If I'm not mistaken, all records that Kerry needs to turn over, that have been expected of past presidential candidates, have been turned over. There may be scraps of info here and there that a candidate doesn't have to turn over that Kerry may still have. Yet it's going beyond the bounds of what is expected.


The key is, where does the request for records end? We know where it begins, and I believe both candidates have fulfilled this. This writer wouldn't have got his article put in any publication. Yet he can get away w/ making such claims on a partisan website. Yet no candidate should turn over all matters of their lives to people intent on looking in every nook and cranny, just to see what's there.

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