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Reggie Wayne/Terrell Owens

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How about these two clowns...


Reggie Wayns physically shoves Peyton Manning on the sideline & Terrell Owens rips down a sign in Cleveland.


Damn, you just don't see hard-ass coaches policing this stuff anymore.

How do you know Manning wasnt the one who said something to Wayne to DESERVE to be pushed??? huh


Why is WAYNE the bad guy?


You never know what goes on...


And if I was in the NFL and I went to a stadium where the fans were trashin me and I lit em up for two scores Ide rip down the derrogatory sign too..


It wasnt just any sign, it was a sign bashing him.. I dont see the problem

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How do you know Manning wasnt the one who said something to Wayne to DESERVE to be pushed??? huh


Why is WAYNE the bad guy?


You never know what goes on...


And if I was in the NFL and I went to a stadium where the fans were trashin me and I lit em up for two scores Ide rip down the derrogatory sign too..


It wasnt just any sign, it was a sign bashing him.. I dont see the problem

You don't push your player on the sideline. That's juvenile.

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You don't push your player on the sideline.  That's juvenile.

No its not...


Tempers were flaring, they were losing... if Manning said something to get shoved so be it.. It happens, maybe Wayne wouldnt have had to shove him if Manning wasnt in his face b****ing about something

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haha ok.... maybe to YOU


but that happens all the time

Was it ok for Keyshawn to blow up in Gruden's face? There are some things you don't do as a professional athlete...Ripping down fans' signs, and pushing your teammate on the sideline are two of them. Call me old fashion...but you get paid millions of dollars to play a sport...score your f***ing touchdown and get back to the sideline, or better yet, congratulate your O line.

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Was it ok for Keyshawn to blow up in Gruden's face?  There are some things you don't do as a professional athlete...Ripping down fans' signs, and pushing your teammate on the sideline are two of them.  Call me old fashion...but you get paid millions of dollars to play a sport...score your f***ing touchdown and get back to the sideline, or better yet, congratulate your O line.

There is a HUGE difference with barely shoving your own teammate off of you and screaming at your head coach..


and then what do you have to say about the fans? Who made inappropriet signs about TO?


If he cant take em down, why can they put them up?


Either way, TO deserved to do that, he shut them up

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There is a HUGE difference with barely shoving your own teammate off of you and screaming at your head coach..


and then what do you have to say about the fans? Who made inappropriet signs about TO?


If he cant take em down, why can they put them up?


Either way, TO deserved to do that, he shut them up

T.O. has B.O.


Ouch. :headshake

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What's with so many people being upset about what TO did to those signs? Big f***ing deal. That is so not important. It baffles me that people are makjing a big deal about it. So he ripped down a sign directed at him. So what...?

I thought it was funny to be quite honest with you.

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If teams are upset with TO's end-zone celebrations, they should try to not let him score so much.  Otherwise, sit down, shut up, and enjoy the show.

I agree. I also think this no celebration penalty is stupid too. Let the teammates celebrate, and only call the penalty if the celebration gets out of hand(ala the cell phone :rolly )

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