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The Hardest Part of a Relationship


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For me personally, the hardest part is by far being myself. For some reason I change, each time and become less me. I turn grossly nice and I lose personality. I don't know why I do, but I just do.


I have found that time and getting more comfortable with the person bring back the old Rob...but this time I am not so sure she has the patience.


Any advice on how to be one's self.


What is the hardest part of a relationship in your opinion?

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For me personally, the hardest part is by far being myself.  For some reason I change, each time and become less me. I turn grossly nice and I lose personality.  I don't know why I do, but I just do.


I have found that time and getting more comfortable with the person bring back the old Rob...but this time I am not so sure she has the patience.


Any advice on how to be one's self.


What is the hardest part of a relationship in your opinion?

That's exactly what happens to me too, and I don't know anything that cures it but time.

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That's exactly what happens to me too, and I don't know anything that cures it but time.

I thought it wouldn't happen this time, because I have been friends with the girl for a while, but no...it happened.


Word on the street is that she isn't the slightest bit happy about it either :bang


2-3 dates has cleared it up in the past

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That clearly happens to alot of guys period. I'm a nice guy at heart, but I do lack in personality cause I'm a very quiet guy to my girlfriend. I would say the hardest is just saying "No." It's like a curse. you can hardly say no to your lady/wife on certain stuff unless you are very demanding.. :lol: Also certain sacrafices are also hard to make. Giving up a certain thing, or changing your look can also have an effect on a relationship.


Just my two cents.

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It happens to just about everyone....then you realize...once you find that girl by being yourself, your going to be the happiest.

That's the hardest part to finding the right girl. I wouldn't be too worried if you haven't found her yet though, there's plenty of time for meaningful relationships in the fututre.

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That's the hardest part to finding the right girl. I wouldn't be too worried if you haven't found her yet though, there's plenty of time for meaningful relationships in the fututre.

agreed....i'm so awesomely happy in my relationship now.

If it happened to me....it can happen to anyone...don't sweat it.

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Yeah, being yourself at first is hard. Then I just got used to thinking farts were funny and things that boys like. The hardest part is being yourself.

Are you telling me to think of farts when I am around my girlfriend?


You are a crazy son of a b****, but that sounds like it could work :lol:

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Are you telling me to think of farts when I am around my girlfriend?


You are a crazy son of a b****, but that sounds like it could work :lol:

Eh, i misworded my post pretty badly.


I tried not to think those things were funny at first.. after a few months I just said "screw it, farts are funny." so I continued being me. :) ;)

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For me personally, the hardest part is by far being myself.  For some reason I change, each time and become less me. I turn grossly nice and I lose personality.  I don't know why I do, but I just do.


I have found that time and getting more comfortable with the person bring back the old Rob...but this time I am not so sure she has the patience.


Any advice on how to be one's self.


What is the hardest part of a relationship in your opinion?

For some reason, you must think that these women will not like you if you are yourself. Try being yourself from the very beginning around them, not trying to become the guy you think they'll like. Ultimately, they have to like you for you, or it's doomed.

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For some reason, you must think that these women will not like you if you are yourself. Try being yourself from the very beginning around them, not trying to become the guy you think they'll like. Ultimately, they have to like you for you, or it's doomed.

Its nothing I do intentionally...It just sort of happens, I think it is because it takes some time to get used to the new dynamics of the relationship.

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Communication is always the hardest part of a relationship. You have to stay open and honest with each other. Once the communication breaks down the end is near IMO.

I think equality is the most important. If you think of each other as equals then communication comes easily. Once one partner thinks their the "pants wearer" things break down, IMO. Honesty and respect are very a very close second and third.

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Gentleman this is not that difficult a concept to grasp. Be Yourself. Eventually the real you is gonna come out...so no sense in hiding it. Most girls like guys that are a little rough around the edges anyway and they like a guy that is CONFIDENT. If you're being phoney she'll probably know and she'll wonder why you ain't confident enough to be yourself. Conficence is Key.


I have a friend who is phoney like that. I once heard him ask this girl that he was kinda talkin to on and off if she had an "enjoyable weekend" I was like dude "enjoyable weekend"??? Why do you turn into like a hotel guest relations person everytime you talk to a chick? Just be yourself...Pretend you're talking to me only leave out the dude. If you're telling a story and the story calls for the word "f***" ...then by all means say f***. She won't be offended. He's just too nice when it comes to girls. He's totally different with the guys and thats the problem. Eventually she will see you with your friends and wonder...where is that guy when its just us??? A relationship consists of mutual respect and you just can't respect someone that kisses your ass.


Be yourself, she'll be herself...and everyone will live happily ever after.


This public announcement has been brought to you be Controlled Chaos aka The Love Doctor

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Gentleman this is not that difficult a concept to grasp.  Be Yourself.  Eventually the real you is gonna come out...so no sense in hiding it.  Most girls like guys that are a little rough around the edges anyway and they like a guy that is CONFIDENT.  If you're being phoney she'll probably know and she'll wonder why you ain't confident enough to be yourself.  Conficence is Key. 


I have a friend who is phoney like that.  I once heard him ask this girl that he was kinda talkin to on and off if she had an "enjoyable weekend"  I was like dude "enjoyable weekend"???  Why do you turn into like a hotel guest relations person everytime you talk to a chick?  Just be yourself...Pretend you're talking to me only leave out the dude.  If you're telling a story and the story calls for the word "f***" ...then by all means say f***.  She won't be offended.  He's just too nice when it comes to girls.  He's totally different with the guys and thats the problem.  Eventually she will see you with your friends and wonder...where is that guy when its just us???  A relationship consists of mutual respect and you just can't respect someone that kisses your ass. 


Be yourself, she'll be herself...and everyone will live happily ever after.


This public announcement has been brought to you be Controlled Chaos aka The Love Doctor

Chicks like a little bit of an asshole.

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For me, the hardest part has been asking her out. I don't know why. Maybe it's fear, but when I think about it, it really isn't. And I don't think it is being turned down, because I'm not sure exactly what she'll say. I think it probably has to do with me being a pretty shy person.


Not sure what I'm waiting for either. I just gotta ask it. My hands on the gun, it's cocked, and ready to go, and I just can't pull the trigger. :crying :banghead :chair

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The worst part for me has been trying to be so devoted to my girl that my friends end up getting pissed off because I never hang out with them.


If that makes any sense.

It makes plenty of sense. You are around your girlfriend so much that you're rarely with your friends.


That happens to all kinds of people.

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That is really hard. I was lucky for a while to have a girl that we would hang out on Friday, then I would go out with the boys on Saturday.

That's one to hang onto!! Space and freedom to be individuals is so important. Keeping one another "ball and chained" is sooooo 1940's.

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for me the hardest part as of late has been dealing with "ghosts of the past"... people f*** eachother up so much and put so much baggage on eachother, its really tough to sift through it and get down to the core.


once youve experienced disapointment, a break in trust, been cheated on, been broken hearted, etc. its hard to open up and its sometimes even harder to have someone open up to you.


my girl is like that, she got cheated on 5 months ago... the guy messed with her younger sister... ouch.... needless to say, there is some baggage and a wall that ive been trouble navagating.



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once youve experienced disapointment, a break in trust, been cheated on, been broken hearted, etc. its hard to open up and its sometimes even harder to have someone open up to you.


BINGO, thats the most difficult part for me, trust. My brother's ex-wife cheated on him and it just completely messed him up since then, I've always been terrified of being cheated on by my girl. I can't imagine how much it would hurt. I know deep down that she's not gonna do anything, its just always a worry. Luckily I can be myself completely around her, she see's more of myself than any of my guy friends have seen, how weird is that? She enjoys Family Guy as much as I do, we sit and watch everynight and just laugh our asses off.

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