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CBS Plot to Help Oust Bush Fails


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News of missing explosives in Iraq -- first reported in April 2003 -- was being resurrected for a 60 MINUTES election eve broadcast designed to knock the Bush administration into a crisis mode.


Jeff f**er, executive producer of the Sunday edition of 60 MINUTES, said in a statement that "our plan was to run the story on October 31, but it became clear that it wouldn't hold..."


Elizabeth Jensen at the LOS ANGELES TIMES details on Tuesday how CBS NEWS and 60 MINUTES lost the story [which repackaged previously reported information on a large cache of explosives missing in Iraq, first published and broadcast in 2003].


The story instead debuted in the NYT. The paper slugged the story about missing explosives from April 2003 as "exclusive."


An NBCNEWS crew embedded with troops moved in to secure the Al-Qaqaa weapons facility on April 10, 2003, one day after the liberation of Iraq.


According to NBCNEWS, the explosives were already missing when the American troops arrived. [VIDEO CLIP]


It is not clear who exactly shopped an election eve repackaging of the missing explosives story.


The LA TIMES claims: The source on the story first went to 60 MINUTES but also expressed interest in working with the NY TIMES... "The tip was received last Wednesday."


CBSNEWS' plan to unleash the story just 24 hours before election day had one senior Bush official outraged.


"Darn, I wanted to see the forged documents to show how this was somehow covered up," the Bush source, who asked not to be named, mocked, recalling last months CBS airing of fraudulent Bush national guard letters.



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You got to love the republicans thinking.

We need to keep this lying war criminal in power so he can finish the job ruining Amercia and selling us all out to oil companies. So lets blame it on the liberal media instead so the gullible people allow me to keep commiting crimes and sending innocent people to their deaths.

I don't like John Kerry but I f***ing hate Bush and I will do my best to make sure that criminal is gone.

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I just have to laugh. Everyone goes nuts when Fox saids fair and balanced, but god forbid another network do the samething... we had better defend everything that they do and say, without even giving thought that they might have sinister motives... Gosh no, only those evil plotting conservatives think like that. :rolly

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in all honesty... everyone b****es that their side isn't getting a fair shake... that the other side is against them.


It all balances out.. for every Fox News there's a CBS news... for every Ann Coutler there's a Michael Moore... For every Howard Stern there's a Sinclair Broadcasting. Everything loves to play the role of a victim.

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i call BS...first off, i want to see a link...


second off, this was a big deal, so they have to go through fact checks and what not...so the estimated time of broadcast sounds about right, since they have this planned months in time most of the time...


third off, everything that shows a critique of the president is not being biased. The medias job is to discern the truth from what the government gives us. Bush has given us a rosy glow of Iraq...the reports from reporters have been that its a disaster...those reporters must be biased. BUt yet, they are the ones IN iraq. If you'd like to live in a country where you can always believe your leader, and nobody will question it, go to Russia. Putin has control of every media outlet. I'm sure you'll love the rosy glow there. Meanwhile i should probably go to canada ... criticizing the US?!?! I must be unpatriotic

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Here's the thing that gets me. If this was rehashed... Why did the government only know about the missing 380 tons of explosives last week, according to Scott McClellan, White House spokesman? Why did the Pentagon so much as admit today that they screwed up with this? Why did the Iraqi government bring this up now?

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CNN Story on Weapons 9:20 PM Tuesday


CNN) -- The Bush administration's role in the apparent disappearance of nearly 380 tons of sophisticated explosives in Iraq remains in question Tuesday, a day after the White House pointed to an NBC report to quash the story.



NBC News story on Weapons 6:55PM Tuesday


On March 15, said Melissa Fleming, a spokeswoman for the IAEA, “the seals on the doors on the bunkers were checked at many of the bunkers to see if they were still there and hadn’t been tampered with, and that was the case.”


The war in Iraq began March 20. Army officials told NBC News on condition of anonymity that troops from the Army’s 3rd Infantry did not arrive at Al-Qaqaa until April 4, finding “looters everywhere” carrying what they could out on their backs.


The troops searched bunkers and found conventional weapons but no high explosives, the officials said. Six days later, the 101st Airborne Division arrived. Neither group was specifically searching for HMX or RDX, and the complex is so large — with more than 1,000 buildings — that it is not clear that the troops even saw the bunkers that might have held the explosives.


The Iraq Survey Group discovered that the stockpiles of HMX and RDX were missing on May 27, seven weeks after the last visit by U.S. troops.


U.S. defense officials contended that the Iraqis were dispersing many of their weapons before the war, but they had no direct intelligence to prove it. These officials stressed that, in any event, there was no evidence that the missing HMX or RDX had been used against coalition forces in Iraq.

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Yep, it's a huge left wing conspiracy.  60 Minutes is waiting until SUNDAY to air a piece, of all the f***ing nerve.... Oh, wait, you mean 60 Minutes only airs on Sundays...?



Doesn't 60 minutes have a Wednesday edition? Doesn't CBS have a nightly news broadcast?

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in all honesty... everyone b****es that their side isn't getting a fair shake... that the other side is against them.


It all balances out.. for every Fox News there's a CBS news... for every Ann Coutler there's a Michael Moore... For every Howard Stern there's a Sinclair Broadcasting. Everything loves to play the role of a victim.

For every Fox news there's a CBS news, NBC news, ABC news, CNN , MSNBC ...

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Doesn't 60 minutes have a Wednesday edition?  Doesn't CBS have a nightly news broadcast?

The two 60 Minutes programs are produced and written by completely different staffs. I assume they are as highly protective of their stories as any similar group and are not in the habit of giving away material.


And this story did break on the news. My assumption is that a better-researched back story would have aired on 60 Minutes.

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This story was only made public since Oct. 10th, due to the IAEA releasing information so news organ. didn't sit on the story. The story is relevant now as Iraq is an important topic, regardless of the election. Why? Because our soldiers are most likely being blown up by this type of explosive material, and this news shows our troops are in danger.


BTW, the commander of the unit who "searched" the site [as told by the White House that nothing was there] in early April says they merely stopped by there and stayed overnight on their way to Baghdad, they didn't search the complex.

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I just have to laugh.  Everyone goes nuts when Fox saids fair and balanced, but god forbid another network do the samething... we had better defend everything that they do and say, without even giving thought that they might have sinister motives... Gosh no, only those evil plotting conservatives think like that. :rolly

:headbang :notworthy


You nailed it right on the head, Mike!!!!

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yeah when these channels have guys like Tucker Carlson, Bob Novak, Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchannan... they are definitely leaning to the left.

I'm sure if you added the amount of time those guys are on those networks versus the amount of time there's a Stefanopolus (sp), a Rather, Carville, etc, I'm sure it would be a landslide.

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I'm sure if you added the amount of time those guys are on those networks versus the amount of time there's a Stefanopolus (sp), a Rather, Carville, etc, I'm sure it would be a landslide.

And all of those people are on the air a fraction of the time that the actual reporting is going on.

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add this to the "oil for food" bribery scandal, and no friggin' crap we can't keep tabs of everything in Iraq. If the Germans and the French weren't taking fistfuls of dollars from Saddam, we'd have that Colilition we needed to make sure we had complete control over the insurgants


How is any of this Bush's fault?

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So now, this is something I love.


The same people who say we never needed those cheese eating surrender monkeys are now saying if we had their forces, we could have done the job right the first time. Nice justification.


Sox4Life: you're choking on your own spin.

no spin, its reality.


These countries opposed us because they were paid off with promises of oil contracts. If they "truly cared" about the world like everyone says GWB doesn't, they'd be in this fight and seeing democracy winning. What do you think the outcome would be if we had 20-30k more men on the ground?


I never said we never needed them, by the way. I knew they had their own reasons for not supporting our decisions. The same people that want our nation to pacify all other nations ahead of our national security are the same people who look right past this oil for food scandal and still see Bush as a bad guy.


it's truly pathetic.

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